Healthy lifestyle, vegan


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Before we start, I think it's fair to say I am not vegan, or a vegetarian. But I think it's still smart to consider a lifestyle change, or for health reasons. Even if the steps you take to a better eating habit is in small steps. Okay, let's get started.

Lately, in the media, veganism has become the hot new lifestyle choice of many people. Everywhere around the world people are becoming vegan, but how did they do it? Getting into veganism seems tricky sometimes, but it is actually quite easy. With this guide, it'll become even easier to get on track with the lifestyle choice that has been changing lives not only for people but for animals as well.

Tip Number 1: Try eliminating one thing from your normal diet at a time.
Do not try and go cold turkey on everything that your body is used to! That'll shock your body into craving mode and make you want to eat the things you're trying to cut out even more. Instead, try only taking out one kind of meat at first and see how you feel after a week. Then you should proceed in cutting the rest of it out of your diet.

Tip Number 2: Load up on protein.
The big question vegans always get is "Where do you get your protein?" Well, it is a valid question but quite easy to answer. Just because you're not eating meat anymore doesn't mean you have to be protein deficient. Try eating vegetables high in protein such as broccoli, beans, and kale. You don't have to eat them raw either! Mix them in with some rice or make a meatless stew to make an absolutely delicious, protein rich dish. If you're not fond of these vegetables, there's always meat alternatives like veggie burgers and tofu.

Tip Number 3: Collect recipes.
A huge problem that a lot of new vegans seem to have is trying to make meals out of vegetables. It is a lot easier than most people think, though! There are many YouTube channels dedicated to vegan food recipes. There are also loads of books on the market, such as Thug Kitchen, But I Could Never Go Vegan!, and The Oh She Glows Cookbook. Recipes are truly key in figuring out what to make as well as getting ideas for original food dishes.

Tip number 4: Dairy substitutes.
Dairy isn't quite as healthy for you as many people think. Cow's milk is full of stuff that simply isn't good for people. A lot of cow's milk contains antibiotics to make their milk healthier for humans to drink, but that causes an inability of an antibiotic to work for humans when they are sick. So skip it; there are loads of healthier alternatives. Almond milk, soy milk, and coconut milk are the three big dairy replacers and can be used in virtually any dish or beverage of your choice! Even coffee chains such as Starbucks and Dunkin Donuts are now carrying almond milk as a dairy substitute. So you won't be missing much at all!

Tip Number 5: Education
Educating yourself on veganism is really important. Mistakes always happen, of course, but it is good to already know certain things before jumping into the lifestyle. However what is really important is knowing why people go vegan in the first place and why is beneficial to not only you but also the environment. By not eating meat or dairy, 198 animals are saved per vegan person a year. Not only that but by not taking part in the consumption of meat and dairy, you're doing yourself a huge favor. Meat and dairy aren't all that good for the body in general. Meat, particularly red meat, is a major cause of cardiac issues in life. Even milk isn't meant for humans at all and is a major cause of weight gain in children who drink it daily.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
So how have you done with changing your lifestyle?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Poorly, I still have too much processed food, but I lowered dairy a lot. I used to be a cheese a day guy, but that's weekly now. I have enough other food that's unhealthy, but it's slowly being replaced on good days with good foods.
Drinking is less coffee, more black coffee. And more water and coconut water. I am trying less soda, but it's hard, especially in the summer when an ice cold coca cola vanilla hits the spot.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
You getting any better? I do find drinks hard, especially when out when the options are water and fizzy usually. I try to have fruit juice diluted with water now.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I need to cut my coffee intake big time. Been veggie for nearly 2 weeks now. But still need to lower the lactose and up the veg/salad/fruit factor lol.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
You know the easiest way to cut your coffee intake would be to use a smaller mug :p
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update on myself: I've been trying to shake things up with what I eat, how often, and how much. I have been trying to get used to eating less in a day, less snacks throughout the week, and less of certain drinks. I have good and bad weeks if you'd like to call it that. And sometimes it's nice to just go for a walk and drink water and realizing that instead of sitting down and having a soda I had a fun walk listening to a podcast and had water instead.. and a few hours have passed.

Not eating on purpose, vasting? how do you spell that? Anyway.. I've tried to skip a breakfast, or a lunch. Once in a while. And I have tried to almost not eat for a day. And then just have a tiny potion at the end of the day instead. When I am hungry I go for a nap because you wake up and the hungry feelings are gone. I am doing this as an extra step to try and convince my body that it doesn't need too much. Making it easier to eat less things and be satisfied with that. And giving my body more time to rest and take more time to have walks.

The latter also helps with clearing the mind and feeling more positive. Which fights depression and drama and stuff that bothers you. So I ended up feeling less like I need comfort food.

Another thing I've started doing is deliberately holding something I would perhaps normally buy and see how much it is, couple bucks? Ok.. I get 2, 4 or 5 euro if I have it on me, and put that in my jacket pocket. And I put the item back. Simply not having it.

This way I have less and less interest in buying it over time, and I actually put the money in a piggy bank when I get home.

As Spring time starts I also want to leave my bike at home and walk to the store more. This also means I have to go more times a week because I can't carry the heavy bags back home. I don't mind the extra walking, and I will be less on my bike. It will be a lot nicer when the weather doesn't ruin the walk. I hopefully also buy less things this way.

At the end I hope all of these extra layers of approaching changing the way I save money, eat less meat, change my diet, drink differently, do more walking, etc. add up to a % of improvements on all factors.


OMG Member
Feb 6, 2018
Gee, loads to read.

I couldn't stop eating meat but I really like the idea of being more mindful of what we're eating and eating less of it.


OMG Member
Feb 6, 2018
I've heard and read lots of great things about the benefits of adopting the vegan lifestyle, but to be honest, I can't see myself giving up meat. Anything else, no problem, but meat? I just can't. Isn't there another way of living a healthier lifestyle without having to stop eating the one thing that makes (my) world make sense?


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
How you doing now? I've mostly given up dairy, meat and fish have lowered too, probably only eating them around once a week. However I'm not checking foods for meat traces or animal products.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
It's near the end of the year, and I've cut down quite a few things, but I have cheat weeks for sure. Yes, weeks. Sometimes the mental stress of real life is too much to then also care about that bit of meat, dairy or something else that's bad. It's about getting through the day to tomorrow.

Eating less, and smaller portions had a side effect as well. I feel strange at times and I realise I woke up and became productive. Only to find out I've been up for 10+ hours and haven't eaten or drinken anything yet. I get lost in the work, as they say. Less appetite during those days.

Other days, I just buy a bag of chips, sit down with a Netflix series and cry on the boost of crap that I put in my body while I watch my favourite tv characters not make it to the second season.

Hopefully I can apply in the new year what I've discussed here with you guys in a really unprofessional manner this year. But I will take the good and try to balance things out.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I'm going to cut back on meat and dairy again, meat I think is going to be easier as ice cream is so tempting.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I'm going to cut back on meat and dairy again, meat I think is going to be easier as ice cream is so tempting.

Dairy would be a killer for me at the moment.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I've bought a dairy free ice cream, haven't tried it yet but it's coconut based


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Yer but the chocolate one is so much better!
And I dont have to worry about dairy now.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Aldi do some great veggie foods now, and dairy free ice cream, I love the almond Magnum style ones. Thanks to Aldi I've cut out almost all dairy now.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Aldi do some great veggie foods now, and dairy free ice cream, I love the almond Magnum style ones. Thanks to Aldi I've cut out almost all dairy now.

Wow that's impressive... have you noticed any health benefits?


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Wow that's impressive... have you noticed any health benefits?
My skin seems clearer without dairy, I've umm been eating chocolate mini muffins this week at work and my skin is already worse for it.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
So vegan, but not healthy! I bought this today!


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I definitely need to get back into healthy eating, I'm struggling with breakfast and lunches and dinners mainly! I have however cut down on snacking and bread, I don't buy a loaf of bread anymore, just bread rolls, so that does help. However not having toast every morning is more difficult. Lunches actually aren't too bad, it's just I tend to bake on a Sunday or the week, and well it's not that healthy, even if there is technically veg in the baking. This week I have beetroot brownies, but the sugar and chocolate really doesn't make them healthy! Dinner isn't terrible it just needs more veg, it's still very carb heavy, usually potatoes or rice, but I am at least trying to have sweet potatoes more.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I'm trying to cut down on things but it's hard work! :facepalm:
Mainly I need to cook and not order in haha! o_o
I've found out over lockdown I'm intolerant to soya products and can't have much milk anymore so no tubs of ice-cream :'(


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
If it helps the Ben and Jerry's one is almond milk!