[Fix] [Beta 1] Ability to Search through Banned Users

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Please note that these instructions required debug mode to be turned on; learn about debug mode and the risks that come with it here: http://xenfans.com/threads/how-to-turning-on-debug-mode.7/

Step 1: Turn on debug mode.

Step 2: Go to admin.php and click on the tab Development.

Step 3: Click on Admin Templates and find the template: ban_user_list

Step 4: Find the following code:
<h2 class="subHeading">{xen:phrase banned_users}</h2>

and replace it with this code:
<h2 class="subHeading">
{xen:phrase banned_users}
<xen:include template="filter_list_controls" />

Step 5: Save the template and turn off debug mode.

You should now be able again to use the filter option in the banned-users section under Users tab. I don't think beta2 or higher users should need this, but since some people run b1 on their live site they might run into this (already had a few people ask, and needed it myself).

Side note: XenForo doesn't need a banned usergroup, and it doesn't display if a user is banned, but coders and stylers could consider using {$user.is_banned} to customize their templates/code and have banned users display in posts in a certain style or manner.

Thanks Kier for the tip on how to fix this :)
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