One way trip? Would you?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've always had a simple answer: yeah sure, why not..

My argument for a one way trip out of this world just to see another planet or get beyond this galaxy would be: Because it would feel like I have purpose. That I am the one (of some) that can look out of a window and see our galaxy from afar, to see another planet but our own and hopefully land safely and stand on it going 'well, this is new ..'

Our little blue globe is unique and pretty and all that. But I've been on it, and it's moon is part of it.

But going somewhere so far away that there's no reasonable way to return, it's a guarantee I die off-planet. I am ok with that. Just the experience is worth it in my opinion. With all its discomforts and complexities.

The answer is a bit tougher, I don't think it's not up to me, I am not the right person. And I would miss family, and I haven't even explored this world yet. What am I thinking I should be privileged to leave it?

But, if we would be alive in the age where we'd get asked if we want to sacrifice our live to take that opportunity to find out if we could colonise another planet, or be part of a generation ship to keep us as humans alive etc. My urge to come back here wouldn't hold me back, i would sign up.

What's your opinion?


OMG Member
Apr 8, 2017
Did you see the movie "Passengers"? It addresses your question. A fleet of colonizers went on a ninety, or so, year mission to colonize another planet, being put into suspended animation, so to speak, until they had arrived, I won't reveal the rest, in case you haven't seen the movie. I don't know about going on such an adventure with no hope of returning to earth. Even if our planet were in the death throes of extinction, I don't know if I would care to leave or have the courage to attempt the endeavor. I guess that I'm among those who would have stayed in Europe rather than explore the world in times past.


OMG Member
Mar 26, 2017
It's an interesting question and if I didn't have a family, I would be more inclined to say yes to the adventure. I really love this amazing planet we live on and I am very happy to be here, but I don't see anything wrong with exploring all the things space has to offer.

Challenged, thanks for the movie suggestion. I'm going to check that out!


OMG Member
Apr 11, 2017
That sounds like a really interesting movie. I can't believe I still haven't seen it seeing as I can't resist anything science fiction. In answer to the question, I would love to take such a trip. I think it would be super exciting.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Did you see the movie "Passengers"? It addresses your question. A fleet of colonizers went on a ninety, or so, year mission to colonize another planet, being put into suspended animation, so to speak, until they had arrived, I won't reveal the rest, in case you haven't seen the movie. I don't know about going on such an adventure with no hope of returning to earth. Even if our planet were in the death throes of extinction, I don't know if I would care to leave or have the courage to attempt the endeavor. I guess that I'm among those who would have stayed in Europe rather than explore the world in times past.
Yeah, I did! I really liked the movie. I think it could have been cut/edited a bit differently. But I enjoyed it. I am certainly going to leave that movie alone a few years, and then watch Passengers and the Martian again :)

They pointed out some very interesting thoughts that we should have about generation ships and how we start something that could lead to bigger things for mankind. Very important thoughts, if you ask me.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
It's an interesting question and if I didn't have a family, I would be more inclined to say yes to the adventure. I really love this amazing planet we live on and I am very happy to be here, but I don't see anything wrong with exploring all the things space has to offer.

Challenged, thanks for the movie suggestion. I'm going to check that out!

I think when it actually comes down to it, I will have a much much harder time walking away from family. But, i think the mere opportunity of leaving this planet and traveling to another one .. even if it is a one way ticket, is such a unique and life changing experience, that it's something I will consider. From the history of our earth, as humans, going beyond the moon with a handful of people, traveling to something much further away .. seeing it up close and experiencing it all. So unique, so different than being home sitting behind a computer. I assume my family would be proud of me, rather than be upset (as in angry upset) that i left.