What is your happiest moment of life?


OMG Member
May 27, 2021
The moment i hold my first baby in my arm was the happiest and lively moment of my life.


OMG Member
May 30, 2021
I have countless happiest moments. I cant even compare them. But i wish i get the same happy moment like you @ saad.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
2 moments so far stand out. Like you, when I had my child, that was indescribable. And when I got contact from my brother after not seeing him for 5 years due to a family argument.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I have a few, but I have felt pure love and joy a few times, from a pet or a person, a family member or a friend. And thinking about it today could make me cry out of happiness. And cry, because I know I won't have that anymore. It's just not the same anymore. Life is all different.

One moment was when someone without asking just looked at me and smiled. And they didn't even realise it that they did. They smiled because I am me. Without me trying to be something they want. "just nice". No comment about my physique or life, or the moment we were in, no judgement, no nothing but 'hey you're here, and I see you - just you and before I know it, I smiled, at you'. And I caught that moment.

Another one was when I had a new baby horse, and went to check on them when they were like 1,5 years or 2 years old and saw them lay in the fresh hay in the stable. Instead of him getting up, they continued to lay down, I got next to him and leaned against their chest and felt him breathe. What made it nice was that I basically nodded off realising how much they've started to trust me. And when I woke up he didn't get startled and suddenly stand up, but just moving a leg to indicate it. I moved, he got up, i refreshed the water, left the stable door open and got food. I came back and he was still in the stable, waiting. It made me happy that I could connect with an animal like that. And I've tried to do nothing but my best to make the most of that relationship; it broke my heart when one day around age eight he was found dead in the field. But, that time with that horse was one of the happiest I've been ~those years.And that moment sealed it for sure, that trust. Humans have never given me that trust, and when they have, they've broken it at some point.

Okay, there ya go. I opened up for once.
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