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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Before you create a new thread here, we suggest you read our Documentation first. The answer to your question might be there already.
If you cannot find the answer on your question in our documentation, then feel free to create a new thread in our support forums.

Besides XenFans community help, official support is available:
  • Ticket Support. I recommend using this only if you are in need of some serious assistence that require the Official Staff Members to have access to your FTP or Database or Control Panel. If not, you can just ask support at our forums.
  • You can also post a thread at the XenForo.com Official Support Forums
If you require additional, unofficial support by people that have experience with the software you're free to start a new topic here. We'll be happy to help. Of course, if you see a question without a (complete) answer, you're free to share your knowledge.

This is the Xenforo-Support Forum, and if you have a question about an official XenFans.com product or service we invite you to contact us.
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