XenForo Plugin: XenFans Guest Post Buttons


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
This add-on is for XenForo 1.5.13, we're using it here on omgboards.com, and I thought I'd share it when I saw someone request this feature on xenforo.com here.

What does this do?

It will automatically add post-reply or post-new-thread buttons above and below the list of threads, and a discussion to guest users.

There is an admin > options > settings page, to toggle the display of these buttons on those locations.

When a guest clicks on the buttons, it will scroll up and slide down the xenforo login/sign-up bar.

Why make this plugin?

We want to provoke user participation, this is one way of attempting to achieve that by showing guests they can participate, but that they have to login (or sign up) first.

Installation instructions:

Unzip the .zip attachment, and go to the admin > install new add-on > and import the .xml file. That's all. Optionally you can toggle some off if you desire.


Default: "you must login or sign up to reply here" gets replaced with a post reply button.
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  • addon-xenfans_guestpostbuttons.xml_v100b1.zip
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