[Article] Setting up Private Forums & Usergroups

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
XenFans.com Article:Setting up Private Forums & Usergroups
Copyright (c) 2010-2011 http://xenfans.com, author: Steven Moore @ Mythotical's Blog

This article is diving into the permissions of XenForo. Explaining where to find it, how it works. And how it's expected to operate.

With XenForo we are introduced to Usergroups or new usergroups for those who are a veteran to forum software. Usergroups are used to maintain access to specific forums, pages, etc. In this article we will cover the use of each usergroup, adding a custom usergroup, implementing that usergroup to access a private forum.


First off, enter the Admin Area of your XenForo install. From there click 'Users' from the top navigation. On the new page, which is referred to as a splash page, find and click on 'User Groups'.


On the new page that loads, there is a button in the top right corner that says 'Create New User Group', below that is the list of current usergroups which can be clicked on to edit, or clicking the red x to the far right of each usergroup will allow deletion of that usergroup. We will ignore the list for now, click the button in the top right corner.


Now on this page we have quite a few options, below is a brief explanation of each.
  • Title - enter a title for your user group
  • Display Styling Priority - if you allow users to buy multiple packages, donate, etc this will allow you to overwrite their other user group mark ups such as custom title, username css, etc.
  • User Title Override - By leaving this at default, any user title that is set by the user remains, otherwise you can specify a specific user title to be used.
  • User Name CSS - This box is to be used for mark ups such as <font color="red"></font>
  • Quick check all - Use this if you want to allow access for all, deny for all, etc. Ignore this for now.
  • General Permissions - this refers to viewing of forums, custom title usage, flood control, etc.
  • General Moderator Permissions - you can allow this user group to view users IP address, bypass user privacy, use the spam cleaner.
  • Forum Permissions - these pertain to posting, deleting, editing, moving of threads etc.
  • Forum Moderator Permissions - these pertain to allowing anyone in this user group to hard delete posts/threads, undelete threads/posts, view moderated threads/post, etc.
  • Avatar Permissions - this refers to allowing custom permissions for users to have a larger avatar, etc.
  • Personal Conversation Permissions - this allows giving permissions for starting conversations, inviting to those conversations, etc.
  • Personal Conversation Moderator Permissions - edit posts by anyone, always invite participants to conversations.
  • Profile Post Permissions - Allows the deleting, editing, of profile posts.
  • Profile Post Moderator Permissions - allow deleting, undeleting, editing, etc of profile posts on anyone profile.
Go through and edit the permissions how you see fit. Just make sure you read what each one is for so that a user in the user group can't access private data that you don't want to allow them to see. Once your done click 'Save User Group'.


The page that loads now displays the new user group within the list. Now that we have our new user group, lets get forums set to allow this user group access to the private forum of your choice.


On the left navigation menu, select 'Node Permissions' then once that page loads scroll and find the forum you want to allow this new user group access to. Once you click the forum, a new page loads with the list of user groups, find the new user group and click on it. On the new page, as explained above with permissions, go through permissions and set each one as you feel is safe for this user group to do within the private forum.

Once you have finished click 'Update Permissions' and done.

To explain a bit more, the benefit of a private forum allows you to grant access to specific users that contains data that you don't want other people to view. Such as tutorials only premium members can access, downloads, etc.

Adding an Administrator
The next part to this article is adding an administrator. This feature should not be taken lightly as this will give the user complete control over every aspect of XenForo. Only add a user as an administrator if you trust them.


Lets start, first return to the 'Users' splash page. From there, find 'Administrators' in the left navigation. On the new page you will see your own name in the list, this is normal. Find the button in the top right corner titled 'Create New Administrator'.


On the new page there will be a blank box for the typing of a username already registered on the site. As the name is typed, suggestions popup for selection. Once the username has been selected, continue down the page and check the box to add the user to additional user groups. If none then continue on to 'Permissions' where the new administrator can have specific privileges or click 'Quick check all'. Once your done, click 'Save Administrator'. That is it, you have just created a new administrator for your site.

Adding a Moderator

This process is similar to the above process for 'Adding an Administrator'. Instead of clicking 'Administrators' click 'Moderators' then click 'Create New Moderator' in the top right corner.


On the new page, there is a box to enter a username. As you type the users name, a drop down selection list will popup allowing faster selection of the username being entered. Once the selection is done, you are left with 2 choices, 'Super Moderator' and 'Moderator'. Choose one but read the following before choosing.

  • Super Moderator - Has moderator permissions for all forums, can moderate profile posts, posts, threads, etc.
  • Moderator - This has a drop down list of forums currently setup, to set a moderator a forum must be chosen from the list and that person can moderate that forum only.
Now that each one has been defined, a choice can be made. For this matter we will check Moderator and choose a forum. Once a forum has been chosen, click 'Add Moderator' and done. You have just created a new moderator for your site.

Adding a Super Moderator
This is the same procedure as the above 'Adding a Moderator' except on the page for creating a new moderator, select Super Moderator and click 'Add Moderator' then done.



OMG Member
Jul 16, 2008
Great article, and came in very handy - was just what I was looking for :) Will tweet/and share it :)


OMG Member
Jul 16, 2008
Great article! I like the pictures on the tutorial.
Don't mean to once again post but needed to reply to this incase others came looking - it is always better to attach Screenshots if you are attempting to write an article it helps people who aren't in the know easily follow it.

If we could thank more than once I would do it for Floris as he has just ticked all the boxes with this one.
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