Do You Think Writing Talent Fades As We Age?


OMG Member
Mar 24, 2017
I have been told throughout my life, "Man, you can write!" For the most part, I would reply, "Yeah, right!" I never really had any confidence in my writing abilities, don't ask me why. Now, I'm trying my hand at it, not in a big way, mind you, but little by little. So, my question is, "Do you think writing talent fades as we age?" Gee, I hope not!

Azhria Lilu

OMG Member
Nov 16, 2003
No. I know people who didn't publish their first novel until they were in their 60s. Writing talent only fades if you don't use it regularly - like any talent.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
While it is factually true that it is harder for people at a certain age to learn a new language, writing is a wine you can let age.

As a young person the writing passions are on a different level, it's maybe only about the story telling, and not so much about the depth of the word, paragraph or the mood you desire to convey

So what you write now might actually be better, but might not be as exciting to young readers as it is when you're young and put the speed and 'to the point' storytelling in.

I guess there's a reason why there's a difference between Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings, etc.