I have Dreamweaver and must say I marvelously fail at figuring out how to do anything other than write code and watch the syntax errors pop up at me :-). Then again I couldn't even get Eclipse properly installed let alone figure out how to use it. ( I must not understand the purpose of webdav though I keep reading about it anyways. I will say though for as much as it's worth if you need help with syntax get dreamweaver and the html5 update package for it. It has saved me sooo much time (not that I'm the most productive individual) in figuring out how life muses at my failings. :-)
I don't know what return policies are like where you are but if they are any good go to a retail outlet and buy it, in the worst case it doesn't work for you and you return it. I do that with pretty much everything I have a whim about from a mouse and motherboard to software as well. As long as a company is willing to give me my money back if unsatisfied I have no reason to formally complain or rant about them and they by having a fair return policy gain a prospective customer in me with minimal risk involved to them. Everyone wins.
If that's not an option well there is always like vincent said notepad++ which would more than likely be a solid choice and it's free plus has been around for quite a while now.
All in all no matter what you choose remember
http://www.w3schools.com/ is your friend, when I can't get an answer from a human that is the voice I listen for.