Forum Runner or Tapatalk

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OMG Member
Nov 2, 2010
Little confused here i am looking for a solution for my mobile users on my board . They have been asking for way to post reports by uploading pictures through their phones .

So help me which one is better forum runner or tapatalk ?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I prefer Forum Runner.

What I really prefer, is to not compromise to the experience and actually continue to push the data through the pipes. If it's too slow, if there are too many caps in place. Pay with your wallet; Express what you desire. The more people do this the better the experience in the long run is. I prefer the full fledged browser experience.


OMG Member
Apr 24, 2011
Just running off the back of what Floris said there, about the full fledged browser experience.
It did make me think a while back that if some community builders choose to take away some forum nodes, like page nodes for example, in favour of nice shiny dedicated buttons on their homepage which takes them directly to the page(s).
Of course when you take a forum node away, Forum Runner (FR) and Tapatalk (TT) won't see it, so you're actually removing a service/ potential revenue stream from that visitor line.

Imagine the scenario, visitor going to work, on a bus:
Jumps on FR/TT because it's quick loading, low bandwidth, easier to navigate etc.
Visitor knows there's a product "somewhere" available via your site; an upgrade or some other purchase...

a) on FR/TT, the visitor cannot get to the info "page" because the forum node with the info has been removed
b) knows it's on there, somewhere but thinks, "ah, I'll do that when I get home on the big PC/Mac"

a) is a potential revenue loss because...b) may never happen. People are busy, people get distracted, people forget.

Next step is for user to: search, they do (or maybe not, it's a short bus journey) ;)
Finds product vis keyword is buried in some page node with details, goes there and guess what? Safari opens slowly...and yes it gets worse, technically, they're logged out so, maybe, no attachment pictures either.

Covering every visitor angle isn't easy, I bet it's not foremost in people's minds either. The stripped back mobile versions are quick and fun at best but, when placing vital revenue streams into the field; I reckon, it's very worthwhile making sure each angle is covered. PC/Mac and mobile (via apps). <- a no brainer.



OMG Member
Nov 2, 2010
Default xenforo should allow members to upload pictures through phone too .
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