Golden Rule

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OMG Member
Oct 8, 2010
I've been a part of the forum scene for about 6 years now. Running 200k member forums built from the ground up, thousands active at a time. My original site was built with the sole intention of providing a fun and friendly atmosphere. The members all acted and worked together like family. There was elitism involved of course, there always is but the best thing was that they all loved the site. They loved how the skin was a part of the site, we had the same one for years. They loved the logo and the name, and called themselves cubers (site being named EverCube).

There was never any ads on the site for the first 2 years and we never made a request for money. When an ad was put up, it was a small footer ad.

I strongly believe the success of the site was from our true concern and care for the members and not because we had the intent to go out and try to get what ever money we could from people. The community was open to share their thoughts and work without being fined like many of the sites you see today.

If you are looking to start a new site, and you are looking to start it with a couple friends or even by yourself. Start by picking a topic you love to talk about and you will want to talk about far down the road. Know you will be spending your own time and money on this site and don't think what is in it for you. If this is something you are doing, you may be surprised when it doesn't pay off the way you hoped.

Members can detect quite quickly if you are just in it for the money or if the site is a well growing community that they would like to be a part of.

Anyways, hope this was enlightening. Goodluck ;)


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
Why did you close the site in the end? Not to take away from what you posted, I agree with it, I was just wondering what caused you to close a site which you speak fondly of.


OMG Member
Oct 27, 2009
Yea I would love to know about your growth strategies. I too believe that a forum will only succeed if it is a topic that you love to talk about. If your in it for the money, forums don't usually make that much to begin with.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Great suggestions and opinion. I think it's something site owners can take to heart, or revisit/rethink when building their site. January is a great moment to rethink what you want out of your site and out of your users; AND how you can be there for your users.


OMG Member
Dec 11, 2010
I think it's something site owners can take to heart, or revisit/rethink when building their site.
You hit in on the head in my opinion right there...take to heart....and that should apply to the subject you are building a forum based community on.
Awesome thread guys.
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