How do you display your "Documentation page" without showing the entire tree structure?

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OMG Member
Nov 8, 2011
I have been looking at your xenfans site and have a question about how you display your "Documentation" page. It is in the "Everything xenForo" category - but when I click on Documentation - it does not show the tree structure - it just shows Xenfans>Forums and does not show any of the tree structure in the box on the left side.
When I try this - I get the entire forum structure displayed and I wonder if you can tell me how you did this?
I see that your Documentation in the 'Everthing xenForo' category is a link page - but so far I have not been able to get that to work as I keep getting the linked-to URL incorrect.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Step 1.

Create a new node that is your parent Documentation node. (set slug to documentation)
Then create a new node that is a node: Link, pointing to the pages/documenation

Step 2.

Create child nodes to the parent node, with the actual content. And check the checkbox to show child nodes.

Step 3.

Compare your setup to how w have it at xenfans.

Our global node/forum list settings.

Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.08.13 PM.png

And our documentation node, that's visible in the node list, but is a link to our pages/documentation.
Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.08.27 PM.png

Here's the settings for that (what I consider a pages category) link node:
Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.08.32 PM.png

And here's the page node for documentation (not the forum link):
Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.08.46 PM.png

and its settings: (2 images) Notice how it's set to NOT show in the node list .. that way the link in the forum list is listed, but not his page node .. So I don't get the tree structure.
Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.08.52 PM.png
Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.09.06 PM.png

Then, as a child, I add say the topic "user guides" :
Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.09.29 PM.png

And the user guide settings (even if it is visible in node tree, doesn't matter, its a child for the documentation node (parent) which is set to not show)
Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.09.32 PM.png
Screen shot 2011-11-08 at 11.09.35 PM.png


OMG Member
Nov 8, 2011
Got it thanks - now I understand this. The trick was to put the Documentation Page under 'root' and not make it visible. :)
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