I am still on OSX, no macOS for me just yet


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Sierra seems to be that sorta update where they simply haven't paid enough attention to the customers using it. I feel unless I have their latest system it just won't run "well". I am on OSX still, El Capitan and it's not my favourite. I enjoy the speed improvements for my old systems, but I am really feeling it when it does slow down. It's like being on a Windows box from back in the day to be honest. BLUGH. Hate it.

I can't wait to get a new system: APPLE F* RELEASE YOUR WORKSTATIONS ALREADY, omgsohsodihjf okay. i am calm, i am calm..

Anybody upgraded to macOS yet, Sierra? What's your experience with it?


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
I'm on Sierra at work, and honeslty I see no difference to Yosemite, El Capitan, etc.

except that it is just moving more and more toward iOS. Sierra got Siri but I cannot use it in an office which has 26 Sierras which have 26 Siri. Say Hey Siri in that situation, I dare ya.

I am still on El Capitan at home on the iMac and Yosemite on the MBP and I am not willing to upgrade, I see no point in upgrading to an OS which will likely slow down my computers due to their ages and the release cycles.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Going from Yosemite to El Captan has slowed it down on a few things- especially when you have chrome open and then something else. But, once it is open, it is benefitting from the improvements, and more snappy that yosemte or maverick. It's hard to explain, MEH