I am thinking .. what if I ask friends to buy me stuff .. wait, let me explain.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
It's been on my mind for a while: I want things.

And that idea has been growing over the last few years.

.... I should probably explain this.

I will pay or it, I would for example give a handful of trusted friends a certain amount, and let them buy things for me to ship to me. Leaving it up to them to buy things that they think I might find interesting or fun.

Downsides? Yes, they can break your trust and ghost you - and keep the money. Or, I would get things that I don't really like. Risk of having to pay customs import fees.

Upsides? Enough, I get surprises, I don't know what I am getting, and I might be pleasantly spoiled with things I wouldn't think of or wouldn't buy myself normally.

Of course, this is only fun for me, not for the person spending their time buying things. Unless they just like buying things for people without having to use their own money. But I think I should budget like an extra bit of money that they can keep. Or is there a better way to deal with this?

I am just thinking, and I am curious about how you would do this, or what you would warn for.

Oh and the why? Well, no particular reason: a- I want things, and b- I think it would be a fun thing to do.