New years resolution?

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OMG Member
Nov 20, 2009
Trying to quit smoking and I hope I can quit this new year? How about you guys?

George G Halstead

OMG Member
Oct 24, 2010
I did the "try to quit smoking" several years but always fell back. Is bad i know but i look at it this way i am helping stimulate the economy. You figure doctors visits, 2nd and 3rd hand smoke so i am doing my part Obama. LOL.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
To stay stopped with regards to smoking and to exercise more.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
"New years resolution?"

Trying to patch things up with Kier, and:

- Finish the last chapter of my book
- Drink more imported teas
- Start a new hobby
- Be mindful
- Be offline more
- Budget better
- Take a course in Typography
- Finish the second iPhone app
- Visit another country


Trusted Member
Dec 1, 2010
"New years resolution?"

Trying to patch things up with Kier, and:

- Finish the last chapter of my book
- Drink more imported teas
- Start a new hobby
- Be mindful
- Be offline more
- Budget better
- Take a course in Typography
- Finish the second iPhone app
- Visit another country

You got an iPhone app?


Trusted Member
Jul 6, 2009
"New years resolution?"

Trying to patch things up with Kier, and:

- Finish the last chapter of my book
- Drink more imported teas
- Start a new hobby
- Be mindful
- Be offline more
- Budget better
- Take a course in Typography
- Finish the second iPhone app
- Visit another country

Wwwoww! I might add a couple of those to mine. the hobby, offline, and typography for sure. :D

Mine are:
Get more done (mostly by not waiting to finish things up)
Be more social/get out more
Be more active (exercise? but so it doesn't feel like exercise. :P )


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
You got an iPhone app?

Yeah, I've spend 17 months with a friends writing a few applications and we've got our first one out and are finalizing the second one for a January/February release.

Wwwoww! I might add a couple of those to mine. the hobby, offline, and typography for sure. :D

Mine are:
Get more done (mostly by not waiting to finish things up)
Be more social/get out more
Be more active (exercise? but so it doesn't feel like exercise. :p )

Being more active and be thoughtful of recycling is what I should add to the list.
Oct 6, 2010
- reduce my stress level (ha! two jobs and college... funny one!)
- Program more in a more diverse language set. I'd like to improve my skills in JavaScript (should get a bit of that soon) as well as CSS for the web (HTML needs brushed up) and would love to get back into Objective-C.
- Release and support purely awesome stuff. Ask Floris, I have at least one purely awesome product in the works (I probably would sell it, but wouldn't support it, so Free!).


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
King, you can reduce your stress, despite having a huge list of stress. The matter is stress management that helps. As tough as it is.

When it's weekend and you can't go to the college, and have nothing to learn for it, you can focus on things for yourself or your job. Don't worry about what you can not worry about.

What I do when I have family and web sites, finances and other things to worry about. Is that I won't get my money until the 12th of the month, and my family is not where I can go to tonight since they are asleep. I ignore both, and focus on the web site. (Hence why I am here now and not in the morning).

And in the morning I forget about my site, I try to not get distracted or worry about the projects, etc. And mail the family and reply to their mails, and perhaps visit them later in the day or for lunch.

And when it's about time to pay bills and worry about money etc, I focus on that, ignoring family/websites, until I have time for it again.

It's not as much of a trouble as it sound, but it's all a +1 for stress. I rather focus on one +1 stress point, than 3+ at the same time, all the time.
Oct 6, 2010
King, you can reduce your stress, despite having a huge list of stress. The matter is stress management that helps. As tough as it is.

When it's weekend and you can't go to the college, and have nothing to learn for it, you can focus on things for yourself or your job. Don't worry about what you can not worry about.

What I do when I have family and web sites, finances and other things to worry about. Is that I won't get my money until the 12th of the month, and my family is not where I can go to tonight since they are asleep. I ignore both, and focus on the web site. (Hence why I am here now and not in the morning).

And in the morning I forget about my site, I try to not get distracted or worry about the projects, etc. And mail the family and reply to their mails, and perhaps visit them later in the day or for lunch.

And when it's about time to pay bills and worry about money etc, I focus on that, ignoring family/websites, until I have time for it again.

It's not as much of a trouble as it sound, but it's all a +1 for stress. I rather focus on one +1 stress point, than 3+ at the same time, all the time.
Yeah, I tend to manage stress by not sleeping, which just makes it a never ending cycle. The one job I leave at the job, because I can. The other two... now that's another story. But, I shall manage. I think I will enjoy my college schedule next year as its a rather nice balance of "work" and "fun" classes (which will have work, but be enjoyable). Rather than my 5 "work" classes this semester.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Another big thing I have done this year is be aware of when stress is getting to me, surprises like my dad's cancer is not helping - but, I have done a bit better. And it also means that I try to eat more regular, and sleep more regular. Which helps me feel better compared to the year before. A healthier body helps with a healthier mind.

I have also decided last year to drop 50% of the things that I can't get control over. So that helped me get more control over the 50% left, so stuff got finished, rather than all being bull.


OMG Member
Oct 6, 2010
Donate to the poor more often
Stay fit & healthy
Become more assertive
Become more cost-effective
Spend more time with family
Quit smoking (which I already did), drinking and other such habits
Reduce stress
Save money
Enjoy more and travel more
Learn something new


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I think it's fair to ask everybody to reflect on their new years resolutions before the year has even changed to 2011 :) Last change to update them! :D

Best wishes to you and your family. Have a happy and healthy 2011.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
I don't usually do resolution lists, so here's just some online stuff I'd hope would be done by the end of 2011

Register as a company, get some funding behind it, delve out percentiles of ownership, get serious.
Learn PHP OOP (made a start last night)
Learn ASP, Python and PostgreSQL
Improve my Javascript
Hopefully move forward with my contract at CrowdGather (more responsibilities, yay!)
Make more websites
Sell (I love the site, but someone else will love it more!)
Develop at least one xenforo add on
Continue carrying on :p

the offline stuff is just stuff like lose weight, get fit, go to a different country, get rich etc.


OMG Member
Oct 6, 2010
Consider listing all the things in your life of which you'd like to let go … anything you no longer want. Give thanks for what they've brought you in terms of learning and usefulness and then burn the list. It's a symbolic gesture to help you release the old and be open to the new. The next step is to list what you DO want … experiences, knowledge, material things, relationships, healings, whatever.

In doing this, you'll be using the principle of vacuum …releasing what you don't want and embracing what you do. Each New year's eve, my girlfriend and I, along with several friends and family will light a bonfire and burn our lists as well as a few other articles that represent something we no longer desire in our lives. For example, I plan to burn an old (and too big) article of clothing to symbolize a less-than impeccable wardrobe and garments that belong to a heavier person than I am and will be.

Use your year-end as a time to reflect, learn and grow. This will prepare you for a positive New Year ahead. :)


OMG Member
Oct 6, 2010
Happy New Year everyone! :)

Just the one for me – complete my divorcee and make better decisions in future.

· Translation: covert my site from vB4 to xenForo & Contentteller CMS. :D


Trusted Member
Oct 24, 2010
Happy new year everyone.

My new years resolution is to brush up on the programming and maybe learn another language, Ruby maybe. Another one of my new years resolutions is to keep my new years resolutions hehe.
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