Oceans on Moons?


OMG Member
Apr 10, 2017
I really don't know what to make of this information, but apparently some time back NSSA released a report about how they discovered oceans on some moon that could possibly support life. I didn't really get all the facts, but I was so amazed that it was even possible. What's next?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
There is enough water in the universe, maybe not exactly in the way that it comes out of your tap at home, but usable for organisms etc. There are moons in all sorts of variety, such as Europa. Many old planets show signs that there might have been water lakes or lakes of sorts. Some gasses could have been in liquid form, so unless we dip our fingers in the soil and have a lick, we can't really tell with any certainty. Especially at these distances.

It would enormously important for a few reasons to find usable water of significance on moons of a certain size (and up) and planets, this means it's more than likely there could be other life out there in whatever shape or form, but also, once we have to leave this planet due to a disaster or when we have generation star ships, or the sun is done with us and expands, .. if the human race is still here and desires to preserve itself, we kinda need settlements around the galaxy, water helps. Habitable planets help. A gas giant is not a place where we want to place a tent on I guess :D