Premium Account Upgrades

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Please note (as per previously mentioned) that June is the month we will discontinue the option for registered users to donate to the site to upgrade their account. And that Premium Account holders subscriptions of 6 months, are extended until 31st of December, 2011.

If you're interested in an account you will be able to upgrade within the coming two weeks, after that the option to get upgraded is at the courtesy and discretion of the team members.

Future contributions released by xenfans are shared to our premium account holders at no cost. This could however include xenfans public releases for 1.0 upgraded to 1.1.

The Marketplace / Jobboard section will be moved to the private area. Users with an active listing will automatically be upgraded at no cost to a Premium Account.

This is a friendly but final reminder so you can consider your options.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.
If you have, or at any time had, a premium membership, you will be extended. If you do not have one but want to donate to our site or become a premium member, you can do so here.

[edit: July 10th, 2011]

Users that have contributed to the site, had expired Premium accounts, or purchased a mug, or otherwise significantly contributed to the community have been upgraded to Premium, and all Premium accounts are now set to Primary usergroup, and expiration date set to at least 31st December 2011.

All Premium account holders have been emailed.

The Exclusive Club forum is now a bit re-organized to match the new situation. Including: Premium Discussions, Premium Releases, Premium Marketplace, and Premium Directory.
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