Psychics - Real OR Fake?


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
So do you believe that some of us humans have psychic abilities?
Can we predict the future?
Can we talk to the dead?
Can we see the dead?
Are we the only ones here?
If not then why not?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I think our senses allow us to be more aware of our surroundings, some are capable of tweaking and training this, others have no clue what happens beyond their iPhone screen.

I think with just micro expressions on a face, body language, and eye movements, we can already tell if someone is making things up, remembering something, or is trying to purposely lie. Some people with autism have neurons firing in the wrong way and see things differently, or are capable of imagining complexities beyond what you and I can do. There are people that appear super smart ,but are simply extremely good at figuring something out by the power of deduction, statistical probabilities, etc.

Everything is evolving. Including us. We are tinkering with genetically modifying our rDNA/DNA to remove illness, improve sight, etc. It isn't beyond me that we might sense something someone wants to say because they, unlike you and me, have a better range of light they can 'see', like leaning towards UV light. There are enough animals that can do amazing things because of their tweaked sense of something. If only we humans could do a few of those things?

But add that to sensing what another person might be about to do. We would all be ninjas like we see in the movies.
If we could response four times faster with our reflexes, we'd already look super human.

We can already finish eachother's ... yep, you knew what I was going to say. It has nothing to do with telekinesis, obviously.

But I have a personal opinion about talking to dead people, if there are aliens we might be able to communicate with stuff that's faster than the speed of light. Or wake up in a sweat knowing someone is in trouble in another side of the country. I think it's smart if I don't go into it, because the opinions might surprise you.

We humans can be so much more, and who knows. Maybe we can evolve into something that is less lazy and depend less on tech for augmented reality to assist us etc, and gain those features so we can do stuff we can't think of right now. But, .. I dunno.