OMG Member
- Joined
- Sep 9, 2008
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Sphinx Search Engine v0.0.2 for XenForo v1.0.0 (gold/final/stable)
Please consider this a very first proof of concept beta release.
XenForo is new to me. So if I'm doing something terribly wrong here please let me know
The following Installation and Upgrade instructions assume that you already know how to setup Sphinx Search Engine, including how to setup cronjobs to reindex your search index and update your delta search index inbetween. See below for a more detailed howto for CentOS5 (including how to setup Sphinx itself).
I've been using the latest Sphinx 1.10-beta release. An example sphinx.conf is included.
I believe it should work with Sphinx 0.9.9 as well. I didn't have time to test this though.
Quick Installation
(off the top of my head)
Download and compile Sphinx
Please consider this a very first proof of concept beta release.
XenForo is new to me. So if I'm doing something terribly wrong here please let me know

The following Installation and Upgrade instructions assume that you already know how to setup Sphinx Search Engine, including how to setup cronjobs to reindex your search index and update your delta search index inbetween. See below for a more detailed howto for CentOS5 (including how to setup Sphinx itself).
I've been using the latest Sphinx 1.10-beta release. An example sphinx.conf is included.
I believe it should work with Sphinx 0.9.9 as well. I didn't have time to test this though.
Quick Installation
- Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your XenForo directory
- Go to your XenForo Admin Control Panel and click Install Add-on
- Select addon_xt_sphinx.xml and click Install Add-on
- add the source and index definitions from the included sphinx.conf to your sphinx.conf
- reindex your search index
- enjoy your Sphinx Search Engine
- please report any bugs and suggestions
- Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your XenForo directory
- Go to your XenForo Admin Control Panel and click List Add-ons
- Look for Sphinx Search Engine 0.0.1 and click Controls -> Upgrade
- Select addon_xt_sphinx.xml and click Upgrade Add-on
- enjoy your Sphinx Search Engine
- please note you no longer need to manually edit
- please report any bugs and suggestions
(off the top of my head)
Download and compile Sphinx
# wget # tar xzvf sphinx-1.10-beta.tar.gz # cd sphinx-1.10-beta # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/sphinxbeta # make # make install # useradd -M searchd # chown searchd.searchd /usr/local/sphinxbeta/var/data # chown searchd.searchd /usr/local/sphinxbeta/var/log
# cd /usr/local/sphinxbeta/etc # vi sphinx.conf
- press
- paste the content from examples/sphinx.conf
- press
[esc] :wq [enter]
- Upload all files from the "upload" folder to your XenForo directory
- Go to your XenForo Admin Control Panel and click Install Add-on
- Select addon_xt_sphinx.xml and click Install Add-on
# cd /etc/init.d # vi searchd
- press
- paste the content from examples/searchd_initd
- press
[esc] :wq [enter]
# chmod +x searchd # mkdir /var/run/sphinxbeta # chown searchd.searchd /var/run/sphinxbeta # /bin/su -c "/usr/local/sphinxbeta/bin/indexer --all" searchd # service searchd start
# cd /etc/cron.daily # vi sphinx_reindex
- press
- paste the content from examples/sphinx_reindex
- press
[esc] :wq [enter]
# chmod +x sphinx_reindex # ./sphinx_reindex # cd /etc # mkdir cron.1minute # vi crontab
- press
- add this
* * * * * root run-parts /etc/cron.1minute
- press
[esc] :wq [enter]
# cd cron.1minute # vi sphinx_delta
- press
- paste the content from examples/sphinx_delta
- press
[esc] :wq [enter]
# chmod +x sphinx_delta # ./sphinx_delta
# chkconfig --add searchd # chkconfig searchd on