Spiral of global temperature change


OMG Member
May 9, 2017
Have you guys ever seen this interesting rainbow spiral which shows the rise of global temperature since centuries ago? Even though many of us are aware of the global warming, I didn't realize that we have changed so much. This acts as a good slap-in-the-face to be more environment-friendly and control our activities.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
It's crazy that the world can handle huge changes from the dominant species. Basically it was just water and a bit of sediment, and eventually grass took over and ruled the world. Then maybe bugs or some smaller animals, then organisms and eventually dinos and right now it's us silly humans with our tech and oil-burning, etc.

Earth has been around for a while, we haven't. and we've had a huge impact, but so have others, and even if global warming is going to affect us - something else will keep this ball floating around the sun until the sun eats it up or something hits it to break it apart.