Syncing contacts is such a pain!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I have terrible memory, i really want to figure out who's who and remember who they are.
So having their full details, some notes about how we met and why i care or dont care for someone etc. It's important for me. You might remember it all, I have a problem with remembering names.

But things just don't work, they just DO NOT WORK (slams keyboard on the table). And it bugs the freaking hell out of me, for years! And once I wrote an app called contactR which run in the toolbar on my mac, it auto gathered up date from, and, and did all sorts of good and naughty things to auto detect people and their pictures, meta data gathering.. you know, the stuff snowden sorta warned everybody about (nsa, you should hire me). But the OS keeps changing, apple has the store restrictions, and facebook buys up all the services that i was using and locks down their profile permissions, etc. We're on swift now, etc. It's just not working anymore. I stopped using it or working on it for the last couple of years.

And I had faithh that with ios 8 and up that contacts over icloud would finally work well. But every system uses a different picture, different notes, different and duplicate un-mergable contacts for people. And it's driving me nuts.

I really want to just throw everything out, go in each mail program and delete all the contacts I have and start fresh with 1. But I know I will forget about 50% if not more, and I will auto block people with valid questions, because they have gmail filters or labels now.

A solution is needed, clearly.