Using the email

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
How important is sending email, I believe it is very - how frequent and how consistant are you with sending mails. Do you send a separate one to your premium members and/or staff members?


OMG Member
Apr 24, 2011
Dormant registrations that; register, don't do anything for months, and/or no activity. :s
The bane of every Admin no doubt, in days of old, I'd email the accounts with pretty much like what you guys do at XenFans. A nice little "Where have you been" and "This is what has changed or been improved upon since you last visited".

Culling dormant accounts:
Yeah, we've all been tempted in times of doubt, and despondency; I can sympathise and see both sides of the argument but however try this epiphany...
1. Why make things so much harder for them next time around? Out of sight out of mind? You got it. They may have only just made it past the post with their initial registration.
2. Research, if you have the time to find out precisely "why" they're not active. They could subliminally trying to tell you something that otherwise you may not realise with your Admin's hat on. Been there done that, been amazed. Seen results. I kid ye not.
3. If you're blessed with a niche or local club and can physically see and/or talk to members. Get inside knowledge on their interests in AND outside of your core niche. Time for some off-topics geared towards their interests? You may just pull them back into activity on that and the core subject of your forum.


OMG Member
Oct 6, 2010
I probably don't use email features nearly enough on most sites I do work on. I can see many reason's that it would be beneficial, but I tend to over look it when such times arise.


Trusted Member
Oct 24, 2010
I used to do monthly newsletters. I think sending them too often can really irritate people. I've used VB, IPB, phpbb and XF, and ever software I use, I always make sure the option for emailing on new replies is disabled, as it really gets under peoples noses. The occasional email or newsletter is ok, just to remind members. Although I hate those sites that send emails out saying 'We've noticed that you have been inactive for 30 days' lol. I think it was a mod or something but still was pretty annoying.
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