XenFans.com - Rules / Policies

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Welcome to http://xenfans.com/

Dear visitor and welcome to our community.

Browsing, signing up and participating is free of charge; Pending you behave, are respectful to other users, agree to our forum rules-, terms of services-, end-user license agreement-, and our privacy policy.

We're an open and friendly community, and we invite you in.

There's no freedom of speech. Users and their content are accepted or declined at our discretion and sometimes without a warning. The founder of the site has final say. A policy we've adopted to ensure we can remain an open and friendly community.

We want you to browse, participate and share your resources and thoughts with others in the community. In order to offer this free service we simply want good users, and unfortunately that means we have some rules that you have to agree to. These rules are all collected in this thread, visible to guest users, prior to registration. And you actively have to check the check-box during registration; Telling us you've read it prior to participation.

This first post, was the short and simple version in (hopefully) easy to read English. The rest of the posts in this thread will include our mission statement, terms of services, privacy policy, and our end user license agreement.

We thank you for visiting our site, and we invite you to register and participate.

Kind regards,

Floris Fiedeldij Dop
Founder and site owner

Optionally, do invite your friends, family and update your signature on other sites to point to ours, or perhaps add a text link in the footer of your site back to xenfans.com


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
About xenfans.com / Mission Statement

The XenFans.com web site is a one stop information and resource community made by xenforo fans and community administrators, especially for the xenforo enthusiasts.

We're here on a non commercial basis - as a hobby - for the people that are interested in the xenforo limited products and services. Working together with their customers and staff we've got an opportunity to gather and share our knowledge for the good of the XenForo universe.

Indirectly we're helping promote the product for we support great sites with great communities and we strongly believe that xenforo is on the market as a modern forum solution helping achieve that.

We're here to answer questions, provide information and help xenforo customers make it happen and also to help them customize their site to be unique. Take time to learn about XenForo. Take a bit of time to educate yourself what else is out there that might help improve your community. Or take a bit of time to contribute your resources to others, or help answer some questions.

Our goal with this site is to help each other build great on-line communities powered by XenForo. And to achieve that we're building a few resource forums where we encourage everybody to contribute to. We're trying to work together with the XenForo company and other sites in this forum / community market.

We are looking forward working together with other XenForo fan sites (commercial or not) and help everybody improve their site with a professional modern board, hopefully enhanced with the support we provide, and the products/services we offer.

Please note that Floris Fiedeldij Dop is the founder and site owner of this web site xenfans.com and has created the site for, but not limited to, the customers from XenForo Ltd. to discuss the product.

xenfans.com is not an official xenforo site and are in no way affiliated with the company or the products they offer.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Terms of Services

The providers of this service ("we") are not responsible for the content of any messages posted. Messages posted express the views of their author only.

We reserve the rights to remove, modify or use any messages posted for any reason, and at any time.

You agree to not use this service to post any material which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violates any laws.

Upon submitting your content you give xenfans.com usage rights, and understand the content becomes our (limited) property (minus your submitted resources and .zip files); Meaning we're free to move, retain, remove, or edit your content; allowing our team members to have an organized and clean community. We respect you as an author, meaning we will not sell or distribute your submitted content to third party sites, be it free or not.

As a policy we do not prune user accounts, unless they have zero posts, or their content. We believe a user has actively decided to participate in a community, and understands that submitted content such as a profile, or a post, can be retained at our discretion (usage rights). In return we can offer to change your username and email address if you desire to nullify your account.

The only times data is shared with third parties is if a) the site changes ownership - but we will notify users via email with the option to opt-out, or b) in a situation that's beyond our control, such as an account, database, or hosting (account) compromise.

Use common sense, behave, and we are logging your IP via session and/or cookies, or log files, to better service your visit to our site (sections). We do not share or sell your details with third parties, but will reply to court notices.

Please note that the articles and pages published by our team members are unique and exclusive to the xenfans.com site and we do not grant permission to duplicate our content without our written consent beyond fair-use.

Custom Products and Services are offered as is. We are not an official company or an official xenforo web site, and we do this as a hobby. Our products and services are made from experience and executed with the best intentions in mind. We are here to help, and do the best we can. At all times we strongly recommend to make a full back up of your xenforo account / file system / database, prior to using our products or services. As we are not, and can not be held responsible / liable for damages caused or resulting from using our products or and services.

Please note that we have certain rules in regards to submitting and downloading resources on/from our site: http://xenfans.com/threads/sticky-information-rules-about-downloading-or-sharing-resources.183/

Important warning: The unofficial products, services, jobs, domains, licenses, etc offered by third party sites, companies or individuals all come with a risk. They are unofficial and not endorsed by xenfans.com; nor can we be held liable or responsible in case of abuse / damage. We are against spam and scams, and act upon post-reports. Abuse of our system will result in a site wide ban.

To the extent permitted by law, you agree that you will not bring, join or participate in any class action lawsuit as to any claim, dispute or controversy that you may have against XenFans.com, its team members, members, or representatives and assigns.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Privacy Policy

XenFans.com recognizes that you care about the personal information that is held about you and how that is used.

This privacy policy applies to all personal data, submitted by you, to the XenFans.com web site.

By registering to XenFans.com you need to submit a chosen name and contact information, more specifically an e-mail address. No extremely personal information, such as Social Security or Credit Card numbers are requested or stored by us, at any time. Never will we ask you for your forum account password.

XenFans.com also stores and reads cookies to and from your computer Coming from *.xenfans.com.

Cookies are alphanumeric identifiers that we transfer to your computer's hard drive through your Web browser to enable our forums and general website features to recognize your browser for when you return to this web site. By using this website, you agree that both the webserver, and any trusted 3rd party we chose, such as advertising networks, may place a tracking cookie on your machine and access it at any time during your session. In general, cookies are safe and are not a security issue when being used from 'trusted' internet sites, such as XenFans.com. For information on how to manage cookies in your browser, please visit AboutCookies.org - as a personal policy I only accept cookies from the site's domain that I visit.

XenFans.com will not sell, transmit or distribute any data held without your permission or consent, unless the web site and its properties change ownership - we will inform our memberbase prior to ownership change with option to opt-out via a public announcement and an email.

All other information provided by you goes into a "public profile" and is entirely optional, all information held in that profile is held there at your own risk. This info is edited via your Control Panel in the forums.

You have a legal right for the personal information held at XenFans.com to be updated if it is incorrect or deleted if you choose. Most of this can be done through your Control Panel in the forums. If you are having issues with this, please contact us if you need help. Please note again that we do not prune usernames or content. Upon request if you decide to opt-out from xenfans.com we can nullify your account by changing the username and email address.

XenFans.com will take all reasonable effort to ensure that all personal information about you submitted is maintained secure on the web server. However, we make no warranty to this due to lack of financial resources - we're not security professionals. Passwords are stored with a hash, and a unique salt.

This site is intended for individuals over the age of 13. Any information collected is intended to be of individuals over the age of 13. According to COPPA, our site does NOT cater to children. "Operators of commercial websites or online services directed to children under 13 that collect personal information from children" require a COPPA agreement and privacy policy. Since we do not cater to this age group, no COPPA exists on XenFans.com, actually, the more mature you are and the more common sense you can apply to your submitted content, the better. We strongly believe that online browsing of people that are not yet legally adults, is the full responsibility of the parents.

As long as you can respect our terms of services, privacy policies and our team members, we can respect your privacy. Users that are abusive, infringe on copyrighted material, or otherwise disrespect us or the sites and products we support, are people we consider disrespectful.

Personal (Group) Conversations are stored in plain-text in version 1.x of XenForo, meaning upon an abuse-report the super-administrator with MySQL database access could confirm the abuse by reviewing the reported content, before taking appropriate actions. None of the team members have MySQL database access, nor are they permitted to read conversations unless explicitly invited. The super-administrator doesn't read your conversations, so don't give him a reason by avoiding getting reported.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Forum Rules

We thank you all for being a part of our growing community.

Posting Rules

We highly motivate you to assist those who can use help. If you have a quick tip, a guide, or a full article - please feel free to publish it.

We are not an official xenforo limited business site. We're a xenforo enthousiast community. xenforo.com is the only official site.

Can I swear? Basically; no .. but self-censor, or keep it very, very incidental. Please don't be abusive towards others, don't bully or troll them.

Can I go off-topic in a discussion? Basically; no .. but think-twice before posting, sometimes simply making a new discussion avoids confusion and problems.

Posting just to increase your postcount will result in your total postcount being reset to 0, depending on your "spam", we might even kick you out. Good content is more valuable than anything.

Advertising, spamming and trolling is not allowed. Please don't bother our members in this matter.

Posting about illegal software / activities or alike is not permitted. We don't support infringing intellecual property.

We accept posts in the English language only.

We can't cover all the rules, so .. we reserve the right at any time to take any actions we believe is required to ensure the community remains friendly.

Please don't post referral or affiliate links, we consider this spam.

Offering (commercial) services is allowed as a Premium member only, in the Premium Marketplace only.

Username (change) Rules

We allow people to select their own username, and support unicode/utf8 for international names, and spaces. However, we prefer a-z,A-Z,0-9. We do not allow usernames to be numeric for 75% or more. We prefer if usernames do not reflect a team/staff status, this to avoid confusion with community members who think the user is from our team.

We accept/decline usernames per our discretion. Facebook registered fullnames can easily be changed. We go on a first come first go basis. Name squatting is not permitted, pretending to be someone (individual or company) you're not is not allowed. Making duplicate accounts is not permitted, with the exception of a custom account for the frontpage "promoted" block.

We allow name changes up to a couple of times per year. Please click in the footer on "Contact-Us" and set the title to: '[Request] Name change', please do include a reason. One of our team members will review the request and per our discretion accept or decline it.

Signature Rules

Linking to a commercial product/service is fine, as long as it doesn't offer discount codes, offers, affiliate links, referral links, or otherwise "spammy" things.

Dupe links to the same url in a signature are not allowed and is considered spam. Our system automatically bans new users with dupe links.

A signature must be in the English language

You can't have text AND an image in your signature - we want clean posts, not a messy forum. So be subtle!

Avatars Rules

You can't use an avatar to pretend you're an official team member or to impersonate others.

We also have some rules that apply for certain forums


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Translation of Exclusive XenFans.com Content by Third Party Sites Policy

Please note, and this is important, that the content submitted by our members are theirs to be decided to be translated. You'd have to ask them. However, we do consider it spam if a third party site comes to our site and contacts everybody with translation requests. Upon report by a user, we consider banning. Keep that in mind. The rest of this policy is about content written on behalf of xenfans.com, or exclusive to xenfans.com, or made by the team members of xenfans.com (past or current).

XenFans.com writes unique and exclusive to xenfans.com content, which is done in English, a language understood well internationally. This gives us no reason to offer translations, besides that it is convenient to others. We by default do not grant permission to third party sites to copy our content, our .zip files, our source code, and translate it. Be it an add-on, articles, guide, template modification, or otherwise created content by xenfans.com - but we can make exceptions:

If you are the ADMIN of a third party site, so NOT your team members, moderators, or members, you personally can contact us via the footer "contact-us" link, and request for permission to translate content for the convenience of the members on xenfans.com and your own web site. An exclusive granted permission will be considered after a quick review of your web site. If we suspect your site to disrespect copyright and infringe on trademarks or copyright, we by default decline the request.

An exclusive right to translate the requested work can be granted if the remote site is non-commercial, a xenforo fan site or support site, and NO code is distributed. Written word can be translated, pending it is ALSO released on xenfans.com in the discussion thread in question. And if the thread on your own site has the full credit, at least mentioning: This is translated by us, copyright http://xenfans.com. Original source: full_clickable_link_here. At the top or footer of your same post.

Again, ask first before you translate/publish anything. It's at our discretion to accept/decline. Copyright and source notice is required. No source code can be distributed, and the translation must be shared on the original source discussion as well here at xenfans.com.

We really like working together with good sites, fan sites, and third party sites. But due to disputes in the past and experience with certain international sites disrespecting our terms of services and copyright, this is currently the most freedom we can provide.

Again: This is on a PER resource basis. An exclusive granted right is per content item, and doesn't grant rights to every bit of content on the xenfans.com site. It's at our discretion to revoke or extend this exclusive granted right, at any time.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
This thread, and our rules, terms of services, and any of our policies are subject to change without prior notice, latest update: July 10th, 2011. [Added Translation Policy]
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