XenFans Holiday Give-Away [Ended]

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hello everybody :)

We at XenFans are very happy with the first 300 registrations and 300 threads this year, and we're happy to give back to those who signed up, posted and contributed resources. We are also very thankful to our Premium Members who have helped us get started and keep the site online.

Obviously we're going to see you all in 2011, when we will do this all over again, just a lot more :)

On the 23rd and 24th we had a custom style running on the site where some icons were changed into gift icons. Clicking on the breadcrumbs would have popped up not the quick navigation menu but an image with a message. Following that image you would end up on this page: http://xenfans.com/pages/christmas/ (please note, now expired!)

From that page we were giving away account upgrades, discounts on premium memberships and we still have one gift left: The XenFans Christmas Give-away: Apple iPod Nano 8gb.

Between now and December 31st we are giving you the chance to win it, all you have to do is post in this thread why you either like XenFans, or how XenFans has helped you improve your web site. We're curious to hear your feedback.

On the 31st of December at Dutch Midnight, I will randomly pick from the participants and update the thread (so make sure you watch it!)

If the Apple site won't let us ship to your country, we can pay out $100 over PayPal as alternative.

Happy Holidays and a Happy & Healthy 2011

The XenFans Team

[Updated] Thread now made public and open to all members who click 'whats new'


Trusted Member
Dec 1, 2010
XenFans.com was the first XenForo Powered Community I've ever joined, well, apart from XenForo.com of course.
The first months I've been unactive, was just checking the posts here, which learned me a lot (e.g. Forcing www and eclipse)
Than I've became active, got to know the team a little bit better, found that they were fun and some of them speak my language :D
XenFans.com's awesome design also made me join John @ XenStyles.com, which I'm now Support Staff at. It also made me try to create something similiar for my own forums. That didn't work out but with the help of this community I may be able to create one next year ;) Or with Easter :D

I also recommended someone to use this site for PHPBB conversion, and I don't know if he did it or not, but I'm sure you would have done/did great :)

In the beginning I was a pro-IB guy, but after reading Floris' article it changed my view:
(This made me buy XenForo for sure :) )

In short, XenFans showed me how awesome you can make XenForo Look and how much easier you can make it by adding a few modifications :D
I will also be creating a few 'Administrator Guides' from scratch for XenFans here soon :D

It also allows me to sell my domains and offer my services, which I had 2 reactions on already :D
I also like the user bar add-on :D

I can ensure you that I won't leave this site. I'm glad that I joined xenfans from the beginning, because at wetalk I wasn't sure if I was useful there, there were so much people already.

Well, I guess that's it and I'll edit if I know something else to say :D

Thanks Floris, Nix and the rest of the Team, great job so far (y)


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Thanks Mikey and Vincent :)

Thread is now made public and give-away is open to anybody who finds this thread. :) Give-away extended until 31st December.


OMG Member
Nov 5, 2009
XenFans helped me sell two domains at a tidy profit at a time when the money was sorely needed to help pay for Christmas for my daughters...it was truly a blessing! That and all the really hip and cool people hang out here :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all!


OMG Member
Sep 5, 2007
The reason why I like xenFans is because there are some of the great minds here about building a community :) Plus, Floris runs the place :D :p
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