xShop & xCredit

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Steven Moore

OMG Member
Oct 22, 2010
Currently I have started working on a shop and credit mod. xShop will have a built in currency along with various options for getting currency built up to purchases items to be used within posts. A future option may be to use real items where a user buys credits using paypal and then spend those credits on real world items. xCredit will be an additional addon for xShop that will allow users to purchases credits or currency via Paypal. I have no decided whether to include it in xShop yet or not but I plan to put up a preview in this thread in the next day or two. This will be a premium addon from xenDirectory for $49, 1 year license, renewal is only $10 a year after that.

If this fits into another thread then I ask for it to be moved there.

Thanks, comments, questions, or suggestions are welcome as I'm looking for 2.0 feature requests once previews begin.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
If you want to discuss an add-on, you can do so in the general xf forum, if you want to add the .zip here as a free download, you can publish it in the add-on releases forum for free. And as per the sticky thread at the top of the release forum, if you have a premium account (which you have as a staff member) you can publish post in the premium marketplace something you're selling on your own web site.

You can move this thread to the appropriate forum, currently it has no .zip and it seems to be a discussion thread, so I would say the general xf discussion forum where you can discuss product development with others.

Steven Moore

OMG Member
Oct 22, 2010
Thanks Floris, did this on a whim so didn't see the sticky. I'll read the sticky's to get updated.
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