Happy Easter everybody


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I am just a bit busy, but I thought I'd come online and wish everybody a happy easter. Hopefully you have a nice time with your family, or just enjoying the day off.

Azhria Lilu

OMG Member
Nov 16, 2003
This entire Easter holiday (two weeks off for the kids) has been a nightmare for me so far!

Kids broke up for their holidays on Thursday 6th April, that evening Caity threw up everywhere. Friday Alice threw up, Saturday Caity threw up again. Sunday Erin threw up. Sunday night Cody threw up. Monday we got a day off. Tuesday Erin threw up again. Alice's turn again Thursday, then Shannon on Saturday. Cody had round two at 1am this morning.

Seeing posts all over Facebook from the locals complaining of some horrible virus going around the area. I'm supposed to be going away on Thursday with Shannon and Erin until Sunday.... I haven't been ill yet.... I think I'll go lock myself away somewhere for a few days lol

Other than that.. hope everyone had a great Easter!


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Aww nooo @Azhria Lilu I hope all is a bit better now??

I had a chilled weekend and 2 weeks actually as I can't really get out. Got a new pair of glasses though which is always nice, except i'm old and need reading glasses as well now apparently. Also it turns out my eye pressure is high to so i'll probably be referred to the eye doc next year if it continues to increase, yey me!

My kid is back at school today so it's very quiet today here!

Oh and Happy Belated Easter!!

Azhria Lilu

OMG Member
Nov 16, 2003
Aww nooo @Azhria Lilu I hope all is a bit better now??
Nope lol Caity was up at 2am this morning having round three. This virus is so weird. There's no notice, no feeling sick prior... just a sudden mad dash to the bathroom to throw up, after which they're okay again. Hearing about lots of families dealing with it. Must be an Easter bug!