The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 1)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, this is more a personal entry than a 'hey look at this stuff' thread, sorry to bore you. I just wanted a way to hold myself accountable and mainly to let me keep track of what I was trying to do today. Who knows, maybe this turns into a thing.

So, let's get started. It's now 9 am in the morning. Oh, daylight saving time changed, so it feels like 10am? Anyway, I want to sort a few things out, and the best way to do that is just to get started.

Right next to me is a white table with top and bottom layer and instead of it being all pretty and tidy. It is actually dirty. It's accumulating not just paperwork and things I can throw out. It's collecting dust.

I need to move everything off of it, wipe it off from top to bottom while listening to some nice music. And clean the area where this low living room square meter table is. Then decide what to keep and throw away, clean what I want to keep and put that in their place. And then I have to think what to put on the table.

The table has been used to create a bit of 'zen' in this side of the apartment. I made it my tea corner. I have a lava plant and I have a bonsai. I might put down a wooden thingy to put the tea pot on, some cups and the box with different tea stuff. And then one of the two plants, or both. And the things that I wanted to keep on this table can go below it.

Okay, enough typing, see you later today. (/me puts in airpods and starts some music)

Screenshot 2020-10-25 at 09.23.31.png

POST BELOW what you might do today, cleaning a kitchen? Vacuum the hallway? Tidying up the bedroom? I know, it sounds boring, but indulge me and leave a reply please.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
10:15 am, I am back!

Made some progress, I cleaned everything I had in my hands, and I wrote down what else I need to do tomorrow. While tidying up around me and getting it all sorted.

The table is as clean as I can get it now, though I am sure a proper scrub would still improve things, but that won't be happening today.

Most electronics are moved to a central spot, and the paperwork is thrown out of moved into a central spot.

And I've decided on the bonsai to be the plant and I had it in the past and liked it.

Some tea has been picked that I want to drink this coming week, and I have also wrote down what to do in the kitchen next for the coffee corner.

This little table with tea and stuff just gives me some relaxing moments in the late nights when my brain starts to worry about everything in life. Now that it's cleaner, that's a lot easier - and a lot more fun to use again.

After a short break I will also clean a chair and put that next to it. It's fall season now, I will very likely no longer go onto the balcony on a daily basis. Might as well put the chair back in that corner.

I can't believe this took me nearly an hour, but it feels good to have made some progress. My brain can rest now. This bothered me so much how I've neglected this area. Oh, and I am far from done. One thing at a time though.

Screenshot 2020-10-25 at 10.30.06.png

POST BELOW what you might do today, cleaning a kitchen? Vacuum the hallway? Tidying up the bedroom? I know, it sounds boring, but indulge me and leave a reply please.

And two points if you recognize who the pop is :0


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Kaylee Pop? Firefly!

I'm just about to start the kitchen as my shopping is due in the next 30minutes.... got to put on a dark wash load today to get some everyday clothes clean and smelling wonderful, haha.... oh and put said shopping away while deciding what's for dinner.

Had coffee with a friend already and called parents in Spain so accomplished not a lot so far! Adulting sucks!


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
Aww Kaylee, I have that one too.

The big kitchen clean today, well on and off throughout the day. Music playing, and doing other jobs in between the washing up.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Kaylee Pop? Firefly!

I'm just about to start the kitchen as my shopping is due in the next 30minutes.... got to put on a dark wash load today to get some everyday clothes clean and smelling wonderful, haha.... oh and put said shopping away while deciding what's for dinner.

Had coffee with a friend already and called parents in Spain so accomplished not a lot so far! Adulting sucks!

Points for you! FireFly is so cool, and she's so adorable. I am happy I got that, it adds a little something extra to the table :)

Did you make any progress in the kitchen? And thank you for the motivation. I was thinking to do the computer table or the coffee corner in the kitchen. And reading your post made me go: Kitchen area it is.

Yep, I also did some laundry yesterday, today I have to fold that and put this away, but that's for later today.

Dinner? Do what I made maybe? I got some dough to make my own pasta and fried up some bigger chunks vegetables and added a cheese sauce. It was pretty good. Pasta! Mmmm.

Adulting sure does suck, but if we just do something, we at least do.. something. Keep up the good job, and let me know today what's the next thing you're cleaning, maybe you'll inspire me yet again.

Aww Kaylee, I have that one too.

The big kitchen clean today, well on and off throughout the day. Music playing, and doing other jobs in between the washing up.

How can I clean the computer table, when both of you point me to the kitchen. Kitchen cleaning it is! Well, I will make a start and focus on the coffee corner (there's a lot to do).

Music wise, I am listening to a podcast that takes an hour, so I have a nice distraction to make time fly, and learn something. And when the hour is up I know how far I got.

I did add it to my todo list actually, just now, while writing this ...... clean the washing machine.

Anybody have any tips on how to clean a washing machine? Inside and out? Surely there's a filter somewhere I have to empty haha.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, it's 9 am and I have been up for a while. Writing down in a journal what I wish to do in the future and .. well, let's not get into that. But it's now 9 and time to get up and do something.

Today I am going to jump into the kitchen area and think about tidying up, organizing what I have, double checking dates on food things, and hygiene. I am going to focus on my coffee corner. It's a kitchen stand? table? close.. what is this? (see picture). But I store things like pots and plates, and coffee things there. I love how it has some height to it, so I use it to prep some food once in a while (and I really shouldn't). You can see in the picture there's a lot there, including things I have to put in the dishwasher. I've been having too much coffee yesterday (I was trying out different combinations to try and find newer favourite flavours).

There's a bunch of things that I have like five of, and I need to just have one in sight and put the rest in storage nearby. And I have to clean the coffee machines, and figure out what I am short of. All sorts of stuff.

The wall has dust, the ceiling has probably some spider webs I can't see with these bad eyes, but will hunt them down anyway. And I have crap on the floor of course that I have to mop and vacuum, etc. There's some bags that need to get thrown out and yesterday's garbage.

Enough to keep me busy for an hour. So I thought I'd share it here again. I have no excuses now! I have to come back and share an after picture and hold myself accountable.

Screenshot 2020-10-26 at 08.53.29.png

Thank you for reading this! And let me know please what you're up to today, did you get your kitchen sorted? Are you finalizing cleaning it today? Or moving on to other things?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

I've made quite some progress, but kept getting phone calls and people ringing doorbell. haha. Took a coffee break, and now it's time to do the last bit.

I'll be back soon!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Okay, I've gone through the things that I had and decided what goes where, and put things in their place after properly cleaning them. And other stuff I put in other storage spots or threw it out if needed. I've got to wait for the dishwasher to be ready so I can put the tea things and bowls in and do the middle area. But I've cleaned it all at least.

The walls and ceiling are done, I've done most of the floor, but I also have to do more in the kitchen today on the other side and vacuum then anyway. I've run the cleaning program on the coffee machines and cleaned the inside of the microwave as well. Some things on the top 'shelve' have been checked. What's still good I kept, what's too much I put away, and what I use the most I've moved to the right.

It doesn't feel like anything has been done to be honest, but it's done at least. I am content with that. Just the floor left, and I will do the dishes later today after dinner.

Screenshot 2020-10-26 at 11.04.15.png

Sorry by the way about the weird angle, it's hard to get it all on the screen when my butt is up against the sink basically behind me.

Mmm, I should buy wine again. Both to drink and to cook with.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Well, I still have washing up to do as it's never ending :'( and I still have clothes washing to do. I want to be able to get things done today as I need to concentrate on my floordrobe tomorrow if possible. Dunno how much I'll get done as feel poorly today but I'll give it a go.

Well done for all the work you have done Floris, progress make you feel good.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Well, I still have washing up to do as it's never ending :'( and I still have clothes washing to do. I want to be able to get things done today as I need to concentrate on my floordrobe tomorrow if possible. Dunno how much I'll get done as feel poorly today but I'll give it a go.

Well done for all the work you have done Floris, progress make you feel good.

Hey Nix,

Sorry to hear you're feeling poorly, so thumbsup for trying your best anyway. I know you can do it!

Indeed, progress feels good, I can take a break now knowing alongside all the other stuff I've done this bit of extra. We will see how tomorrow goes I guess.

Thank you for replying!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Ooooh, finally done with the Minecraft todo list. Now it's time today to do another one of these cleanup and tidying up things. Gulp, here we go.

Yesterday I mentioned the doubt between the kitchen area and the computer table. I went with the kitchen. So it's time for the computer corner / table now.

This is an ikea table pushed in a corner, stuff being put on it and accumulating on it. There's soooo much dust now, crazy how that builds up over a Summer. Embarrassing.

What needs to get done:

- Clean the iMac and monitor very very carefully.

- Move plates and cups etc to the kitchen of course.

- Throw things out like old paperwork and bits and pieces of stuff.

- Clean all the tech on the table, I have cables, keyboards, network stuff, and hard drives.

- Move old computer things that I won't be using for 6+ months away to another room.

- Making sure I am using the correct cables and tidy the left over tech. Making sure everything's in its place.

- Do a little bit of cable management. I used to be good with this but due to testing and upgrading etc, it's a mess again.

- I realised I never use these speakers, so I want to get rid of them as well.

- Clean the walls, there's dust on it, and the ceiling, I am sure there's spider webs by now haha.

- Vacuum the corners and the whole area, and especially the carpet.

- Switch from this stupid chair to the office chair.

Ok, it's 10 am now, there's enough to do, reporting back in at 11.

Screenshot 2020-10-27 at 09.44.59.png

Let me know please what you're going to do today!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Done! Well, 95% done :D

I had quite a few distractions, including having to call the ISP to sort something out, and then I got an important email. Might as well have lunch then while I am on hold.. But we're almost done.

I have been able to clean every item. I have been able to throw things out that were outdated or trash or whatever. And I have gathered up the rest that needed to get organized and tidied. But didn't fit this table. Then I have been able to figure out which hard drives I am using most frequently, and I've put the rest aside for another day.

I've also swapped the chair, cleaned the table top to bottom, and cleaned the wall the best I could. Note to self: curtains really need to get cleaned. I've vacuumed the kitchen and this area and some hallways.

Then I thought about which plants and stuff I want on the table, so this isn't final yet, I am still trying stuff out.

And I said 95% completed, because I can't find zip ties to do the cable management. It just has to wait.

The things that I couldn't get around to, or that presented themselves, I've added those to another todo list for another day.

Screenshot 2020-10-27 at 12.40.10.png Screenshot 2020-10-27 at 12.39.46.png

Please let me know what you've been doing in your garden, house, apartment, bathroom - whatever.. I like to get inspired and keep this motivation to do something 'extra' going.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Nice one!

I've done nothing today housework wise.... but lots to get done now tomorrow.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Nice one!

I've done nothing today housework wise.... but lots to get done now tomorrow.

Aw bummer! But let's make Wednesday into a progress day haha. Keep up the motivation and let's goooooo :D

Today, for me, no picture! Because it's just trash.

It's almost 9 am now and instead of jumping in an extra mini project, I am going to make space first. By throwing out the trash. I have trash from the kitchen, trash from boxes and papers, I have trash from some clothes, and trash from things like that speaker I am throwing out.

It will be multiple trips up and down to the containers. I live in a flat, so .. yay for me.

Sorry for not having any pictures today, but just imagine boxes and bin liners and old broken things, and then suddenly: more free space!

The plans for the remaining days to do something 'extra' as I've been doing this week in this thread, is the kitchen area still, and the living room table. Things are piling up, I am falling behind on dishes again and I need to scrub the kitchen proper.

Then all these little changes make room for bigger changes that I have in my mind for Christmas and 2021. Now, if the universe could give me a break already and not mentally ruin me. That would be fantastic. I will get things done.

I know I am probably being silly with this particular thread - and I wish it was a private one. But, this is how I can keep up accountability. And besides regular tidying up and quick dusting off and cleaning the bathroom etc. This is extra and on top of it, pushing my limits a little bit. I have no excuses and I keep track of what I am doing. So: Thank you for joining me in this little silly adventure haha.

Back soon with an update, after my heart rate is twice as bad for walking back and forth a million times with heavy things.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update! I am done, and so done too. haha. But I got most of it all sorted out. My back hurts, and I am taking a short break. Hopefully in a little bit I will do one more run and pick up the mail, and after dropping off a bag, I will go for a bike ride.

This was still an hour, geesh. Shows you how much is involved with what seems like the littlest tasks. Scrubbed the floor real quick where the bags were all idling for a few days now, and cleaned door handles while I was at it. And collected stuff for the washing machine.

The sun outside is breaking through and giving me a nice headache, so I am resting my eyes now, catching my breath so to say. And then I will finalize things for today and do my regular tasks.

I am hoping tomorrow that I get to the living room table. But I am not sure yet how my agenda is going to look like. It's very possible I have to sort out accounts and tech stuff at my moms place. They're switching to ISP and that means tech stuff, so I bet I get the call. haha.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Good luck with your day today and well done for getting lots more done. I haven't started my day properly yet but I am hoping to accomplish something haha! Friday will be a write-off as back to hospital again so I've got today and tomorrow to do stuff.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Good luck with your day today and well done for getting lots more done. I haven't started my day properly yet but I am hoping to accomplish something haha! Friday will be a write-off as back to hospital again so I've got today and tomorrow to do stuff.

I will check up on you in 2 hours, you better have done something! No slacking off. :P :P :P


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Good morning!

Well, not for me, I have quite the headache, but I will try to stay positive.

Bending over and scrubbing the table in the living room isn't going to happen right now. Maybe later today. But instead, my extra bit of work will be to keep laundry and dishes up to date. I can take my time for this.

My time is going to be to empty the dishwasher after starting laundry, and then putting new dishes in and calling that a task. And then let my head rest. Then come back ten minutes later to wipe off the kitchen sink area and see how far I can get with that.

The other day I cleaned the tea and coffee corner. Today is also the task to go back to those two spot and make sure things are still tidy and clean. I've used them both of course already. I like my tea and coffee.

Then take another break until my back and eyes are okay and headache isn't too bad. By now laundry and dishwasher are probably done. I will hang things up and empty it out and put in a second run if there is any. And wipe off the stove area.

I am going to skip the little cupboards and I am probably not going to wipe off the walls and ceiling. And with this headache I am certainly not going to vacuum the floor. If things change later today I can always decide to do it anyway.

One thing that has helped writing this stuff down in this thread is that a- I hold myself accountable, I can't come back here not having done something, and b- that I expand on my todo list with other bigger tasks. It helps me to slowly get a bit more organized. I know, I know, this is probably normal for others to do, it isn't for me. My life is a mess. Deal with it :P I am trying okay hehe.

For example, I write down that I have to buy the drawer plastic thing to keep cutlery in its place. And that I have to figure out which plate and cups I want to use and just put the rest in storage. And a reminder to do groceries, or at least prepare food for a few days like fried rice. And add fresh veggies to the grocery list.

Okay, please tell me if you got something done this week you're kinda proud of making progress in, or what is on your agenda for today.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

I've got laundry hanging to dry, I got some stuff sorted out in the kitchen. And I have put away dishes and filled the machine back up again.

I've did some other todo task and prepared something for later. Time for a break. But this will be today's update. I have to live stream a Halloween thing now. It's already past 1.

Progress! Even if it was less than planned. Hopefully tomorrow I won't wake up with a headache and I don't have to go to my mother to sort out her new iPad and Internet. So I can work on the living room table.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I've done a wash load, got another to do. Off to hospital for a bit this afternoon. Back to washing up and dinners! My life is so exciting lol.... still, might cheer myself up with some Christmas shopping!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've done a wash load, got another to do. Off to hospital for a bit this afternoon. Back to washing up and dinners! My life is so exciting lol.... still, might cheer myself up with some Christmas shopping!

Going to the hospital is quite an adventure. I'd say that's exciting, even if they are bad feelings haha. Best of luck!

Today has been like yesterday, just managing to make it through the morning, and I've done a few extra things, but they were all over the place. No living room table done yet. oops.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Okay, the Halloween weekend is behind me, all the mc servers have been reset to regular mayam. It's time for me to pick up things since it is also November now. I have another reason. There's already 3 appointments of people coming over that need access to various parts of the apartment, this means I have to clean those areas haha. Good thing I started doing extra stuff last week :)

The first one is going to need access to the living room, especially the corner over here with the tech stuff. I guess it is smart to scrub that clean, tidy up the best I can. And vacuum and mop the floors.

I woke up pretty groggy, I can't promise I get around to doing the whole living room and open kitchen area. But if I do not start, I will defn. not get anything done.

The plan for the living room area this week at least is:

- This tech corner,
- The couch,
- Mop the floors,
- Vacuum the floors,
- Move things out of here that can be moved to another room,
- Throw away any trash or boxes, etc.
- Dishes, clean kitchen sink, etc.
- Move any clothes I have piling up on chairs to the bedroom,
- Living room table needs at least a little tidying up,
- Entry hallway is always nice to keep clean,
- Water plants on the 4th nov,
- Clean toilet area,

Eh, I am probably forgetting something, but this is already a few days for me. I know others can do this probably in 3 minutes, but with my bad back, and my albinism eyes that start shaking even minutes into scrubbing and moving things around .. this is going to be an easy hour, then a terrible hour and then a day of headaches as a consequence. And maybe then in the evening I can follow up. I need extra time, and I need to take things slower to avoid crazy shaky eyes. (This is also one of the reasons I write this down, so I keep pushing myself to do things instead of being so unmotivated so quickly and just giving up)

This is also on top of the regular stuff I do, emptying out dishwasher and dealing with laundry, putting new laundry in, and trying to sort out the other rooms and go through things to put a bag of stuff in their place etc. It never ends.

So, let's get started, it's now almost 10 am. I can get probably quite a few things done before midday.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Aaah, these corners are a killer. lol. My poor back.

I've been able to clean the corner at least the best I can. And I've wiped off the walls, radiator heater thing below it, vacuumed the corner area again and nearby rug. I've wiped off the windows and panels around it. Gave them a good scrub as well. I can't even see dirt, but that's probably because of my bad eyesight and now shaky eyes.

Below the corner plank the spider webs and dust are gone the best I could do it, but I know I did a poor job. But hey, better than nothing. When I go mop, I can use water a bit more generously with some soup and give it a second scrub and then mop the floor, wipe it all off and I guess that will have to do.

Gee, this was only 25 minutes, but it felt like an hour of pain haha.

Time to do something a bit slower, make coffee while I empty dishwasher and load up up the laundry machine. Have my coffee while I move things around in the apartment. Then I will have a look at my list again.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Ouch, my back.. time to take it easier. I have done some stuff to the curtains, I've done the floor, and most of the living room is now vacuumed. I have scrubbed some stuff, and moved things out of the way. Dishwasher is done, and laundry is still going.

Time to have something to eat, and a drink. Not gonna lie, I took some pills for my back and got my vitamin pill with B12 haha. We will see if it does any good.

Time to take a break and sort out some stuff in the Minecraft server, go through my mom's iPad to configure it (and fix a bunch of stuff), and sort out my emails.

What's your extra bit of work looking like today?
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