C:\xampp\php>phploc c:\xampp\htdocs\planetliebe\library\Ragtek\PLMT
phploc 1.6.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.
Directories: 3
Files: 8
Lines of Code (LOC): 189
Cyclomatic Complexity / Lines of Code: 0.05
Comment Lines of Code (CLOC): 6
Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC): 183
Namespaces: 0
Interfaces: 0
Classes: 7
Abstract: 0 (0.00%)
Concrete: 7 (100.00%)
Average Class Length (NCLOC): 24
Methods: 16
Non-Static: 7 (43.75%)
Static: 9 (56.25%)
Public: 13 (81.25%)
Non-Public: 3 (18.75%)
Average Method Length (NCLOC): 10
Cyclomatic Complexity / Number of Methods: 1.62
Anonymous Functions: 0
Functions: 0
Constants: 2
Global constants: 0
Class constants: 2
todays work:
That's my modtools add-onThat's awesome! What does all that code do? What's it for?
that's a xf bug http://xenforo.com/community/threads/moved-post-mod-log-entry.20849/<a href .. use xen:raw i think to have it parsed? so its turning into a link?
That's my modtools add-on
1. part =>
It shows the modlog direct in the thread for the mods.
And then there are some not public features![]()
I learned that a while back in programming: There is always someone who is better than you at a certain aspect. It's simply because these languages we use are so huge and multi-faceted.300 lines of Objective C today, and I hated it. I am so bad with it.
I am pretty sure once my friend reviews it he understands what I am trying to do and rewrites it to what .. 20 lines? .. hehe. At least the concept works and I can show the prototype.
That's a nice poll!
Over 300 lines since past days
XF coding? Or other projects?