Well, I'd imagine that if I had plans for a new forum I'd be not telling it
Fine! Whatever! Be stingy with your secrets.
Hi Beverly,
My current website is dead, so I'm conspiring starting up a new site, which will be a general talk community

it'll be on XenForo or course

a general talk community would be something new for me as my current site is a development site, so it will be a change
Oh right! OK!
Yup! Me and you will be in the same boat for forums then, considering mine is general chat.
I was talking with another forum owner the other day and he was saying how hard a general chat board is to manage.
And, i don't find that to be true.
It's just that NO ONE wants to join.
More than anything, i think the reason is that the person joining needs some over riding reason to join and post on some regular basis.
For me, the experience of being a general chat forum owner is fun but exhausting as i have to be there on the board for anyone to come by and post.
It's like they're all waiting to talk to me and that's not a real surprise cause i really do try to make a connection with each person that joins my forum.
So after awhile, it's more like a bunch of friends hanging out rather than a forum where everyone is talking at each other.
Anyway, best of luck with your venture.
Just a heads up. When i first got back into forums about five months ago, i joined two other Xenforo software based General Chat forums, both are now defunct. Both forums died for lack of real members. They had been solely relying on Postloop to get posts and that doesn't work long term. Just saying, work hard on getting real members, whatever you have to do.
For me, the forum is a full time job and that's in addition to anything else i have to do to earn money. Not easy work, but very rewarding and fun.
I've made more close personal friends than you can imagine and wouldn't trade the experience for anything in the world.