A couple of Movie questions


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
We all love looking forward to meeting up with some friends and getting some snacks and spending time together, and watching a new movie together. We enjoy the comedy, the drama, and getting lost in imagination and adventure.

A couple of questions for you, if you don't mind letting me know.

Do you prefer a full or empty theatre?
There are times when it's just so awesome to join a group of friends and have a blast together, a full cinema theatre is perfectly fine. But there are movies sometimes that I really enjoy and do not mind watching completely on my own on a quiet Tuesday morning in an empty room. What about you?

And that leads me into the question: Do you prefer the weekdays or the weekends? And mornings or evenings?
I myself prefer late at night, like.. late late night movies. They're also kinda quiet and more adult audience (nobody throwing stuff around, or being loud). And it *feels* that Friday night is movie night, but I don't mind a Tuesday evening at all.

When you go to the movies, what do you blemish on? Drinks, candy, snacks?
I *have* to drink and eat something, the biggest no-ice (but a cold) drink, and something crunchy. The downfall of crunchy is that others are possibly quite annoyed by it. My compromise is a sweet popcorn.

Okay, that's it for now. I could ask you a handful of more questions, but let's start with the simple ones right :)


OMG Member
Aug 1, 2017
Do you prefer a full or empty theatre? Empty. Preferrably alone even.
Do you prefer the weekdays or the weekends? Weekends! But tickets are more expensive so I mostly end up going weekdays.
And mornings or evenings? Evenings of course!
When you go to the movies, what do you blemish on? Popcorn, chips and coke.
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