• Connect today Guest, Join our never resetting minecraft 1.20.3-1.20.6 survival server, where we explore, mine, build, and survive together. We are a family-friendly community, and open to all over the age of 13. Bring friends and make new ones!
    Features include: mcMMO RPG, Rewards for Achievements, a /market, Multiple worlds, sit on a chair, events, Economy, and more. We can't wait to have you join us!

Information: 1MoreBlock and Minecraft 1.15.x

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Dear excited players,

Despite our excitement earlier this year with Minecraft 1.14 we're still on version 1.13.2, and without going into details: It's because of the pretty serious bugs that remained in 1.14.

But we aren't giving up hope, and we've invested our time and money yet again to prepare for the next upgrade option: 1.15

Today's not that day. Sorry. What will happen today: Mojang releases Minecraft Vanilla 1.15.0 to Java players.

What we have done so far: Reviewed snapshots, pre-releases, updated and upvoted 1.14 and 1.15 bug reports on MOJIRA that are in the way of us upgrading. And we've increased the system memory to 64gb to help speed up world conversions using ramdisks and other tricks.

What we've found is that we're confident to conclude that 1.14 is not worth the upgrade, and that 1.15 is potentially worth the upgrade. A lot of our concerns have been addressed in 1.15.

And yes, early 2020 the Nether Update might be right around the corner, but we still want to upgrade to 1.15 before going to 1.16 and 1.17, etc.

<insert huge but here> BUT, we do what we can do. And we care about you as a player. We won't RESET any perm-worlds, and we are not interested in you losing your items and builds, or your inventories. And this means we are going to spend a lot of our free time trying and testing and running 1.15 upgrades, converts, patches, and all sorts of stuff to try and make that happen.

And if 1.15 has corruption issues, chunks disappearing, items disappearing from armor stands and item frames, and weird stuff like that: We will just wait for 1.15.1 or 1.15.2, .. before trying again.

So what's next?

First, we are going to play around with Spigot 1.13.2 to Vanilla 1.15.0's final version and see what our first impressions are and learn major concerns. While internally prepping our plugins and resources and figuring out what we want to convert with, and what stuff we put on hold for a later date.

Then, we wait for Spigot and Paper to upgrade to a stable enough release of 1.15.0, and do all the testing all over again. While keeping an eye on all these plugins and features, etc. that we believe we should have when we convert. Guaranteeing that your fireplace isn't suddenly taking down your build. Or that your armor stands aren't suddenly all at level 300 or nonsense like that.

When we have a stable core engine, with stable core plugins, and we have converted from 1.13.2 to 1.15.0 (or .1) and are confident after some internal beta testing we can publicly test it. Then we will run it live for about a week. This is our 'buffer' period. If nobody comes and reports issues with their build areas and stuff, then we will keep what we have and more forward. If there's a reason to rollback, we will do so as soon as possible.


I am sorry you're lazy, we're a community, I put multiple hours per day into this community to make it fun for you all. I think reading for 5 minutes in return to let you enjoy 1.15 as soon as we can is the least I can ask. Oh, and to come online to help test.


Mojang has to release Vanilla 1.15 for Java: DONE
SpigotMC has to release Spigot 1.15 for Java: Pre-X is out internally, we're waiting for a download to become available (I suspect it won't be stable, and is considered a dev build)
Spigot Plugin Authors have to upgrade their plugins to the new API so it works with Spigot 1.15 releases.
When the above conditions are done, and we're done testing: We will do a public test that you can join.

Again, if it all fails, and the CPU runs at 100% all the time, and nobody can play because the TPS is dropping to 15 or lower every hour etc .. We're canning the idea of upgrading and will stick to 1.13.2

As with every grace period between versions, as soon as ViaVersion supports 1.14.4 and 1.15.0 clients to connect to 1.13.2 servers, we will install it and help everybody play a little easier. We strongly suggestion to use 1.13.2 client to connect to 1.13.2 server.
Screenshot 2019-12-10 at 16.56.02.png


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

We're doing internal testing with the plugins that work, with 1.15.0 and reporting vanilla/spigot bugs as we find them (if any).

We're figuring out which plugins work for us in this new setup.

And we're converting over worlds.

When we're ready for some public testing etc. we will take the next step and let you all know.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

The coming days we're testing 1.15.1 and reporting back to developers in case anything that worked in 1.15.0 is now broken in 1.15.1

The coming days we're updating our 1.13.2 plugins to their 1.15.0 version (compiled against 1.15, but still supporting 1.13.2).

And the coming days we're trying to get our converted worlds to finish, and then have them all work together as we do now.

We haven't been able yet to test if existing inventories and ender chests etc are all saved and working proper between world groups. So that's a worry until I see it work.

Another worry is variety of gamemodes using specific world generators and having no confidence today if converting them from 1.13.2 to 1.15.0 will actually work without corruption.

We're a lot closer than we were a few days ago, but it doesn't feel like we're 50% there yet.

Let's end with more good news; besides progress on various sections of this upgrade, a lot of important plugins that we use and require to make a working upgrade: seem to work at least, or have been upgraded to 1.15.

Things go a lot faster going from 1.13.2 to 1.15.0 than when we tried 1.13.2 to 1.14.4.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

We're at the public beta stage. Happy Holidays!

If you're interested in helping beta test or at least take a look at your homes and chunks, inventories, and protection. Then please do come online. We're currently running on 1.15.1 and you can connect and give it a go :)

The /spawn and /general world will work for now, and in the next few days we will start opening up the new /mine, /end, and /nether worlds.

Some plugins or features are not installed, or disabled. If you run into something don't be shy to point it out. The more feedback we get, the easier it is to get an idea of what we should work on first.

Please use either this thread or preferably the #beta channel on Discord.

For a live update on what's being worked on: #live-changelog on Discord is the place to check.

Status: so far so good. No world corruption detected yet.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Today at midday we went' -live- with our server.

We are not going to roll back to 1.13.2.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

We've just updated to Minecraft 1.15.2, please use a 1.15.2 client to connect.
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