The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 4)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
OH GOD / Panic mode engaged

Saturday the cleaning friend of my sister can come to my place to take a look and chat with me about what needs to get done. So we get to meet each other and they get an impression of how much time and for how much money. She won't come alone. I got a double date haha

Anyway, that means I better clean at least the toilet before Saturday, the last I can do.

and think about some other priorities. I am not trying to pretend the place is more admirable than it isn't. there's a lot that needs to get done. But the spontaneousness of it gives me anxiety - can't help it. Thankfully it's Tuesday and if I am intelligent and take Friday off, then I have wed/thurs to sort that out.

So, this adjusts the things on my list slightly. i am glad I got the new vacuum thing so they can use it, but that I also can use that the next few days. So they can see it's fine, but it's the ledges/corners that need attention.

And I am glad I did the window and door woods, but that I didn't scrub certain spots, and that maybe some windows need some love.

I am also glad I am up to date on my kitchen, so I can clean my stove but still point out what I have trouble with. so they can put attention into that when they come clean.

It will be nice if they can come for a few hours, together, and like a tornado go through the apartnet to help me "catch up" that I keep falling behind on. It will be a good start for 2023.


Wednesday: cleaning most important things
thursday: try to do the rest
Friday: rest day, but finalize a few little things (move some personal and/or expensive things out of the way) and prepare bedroom a bit in case they sneak in for a looksy haha

Saturday: they come after lunch, to take a looksy and then we will know when they come back to help out.

Anxiety is a strong word, it's like .. excitement meets sudden fear, but I know it's all okay. and ill get over it too.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
You're doing well Floris...

So far today I've booked the Christmas food shopping slot (6am)
Put clothes washing on
Had food and coffee
Done some more Christmas shopping/birthday stuff
Bought mine and Abbs Christmas clothes
Arranged a meeting with the school

to do;
That bloody bathroom and the kitchen


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
You're doing well Floris...

So far today I've booked the Christmas food shopping slot (6am)
Put clothes washing on
Had food and coffee
Done some more Christmas shopping/birthday stuff
Bought mine and Abbs Christmas clothes
Arranged a meeting with the school

to do;
That bloody bathroom and the kitchen
I've contacted the two shops i use, the physical one is open until 11 or 12, they don't know yet, but they guaranteed me they will be open when they can those days, rather than be closed. The online one says they might be busy, but they anticipate it and will even do evening delivery, just don't order 2 days ahead. pick the data a week ahead and it should be fine.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Annnd, since all the deliveries have arrived for today, I kept the box I need for cashback, just in case, and the rest I've thrown out downstairs.

- the humidifier has been doing it's thing on "auto" in the kitchen, tomorrow it goes to the bedroom.

- ordered a bunch of stuff - and should arrive this week.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
And it's wednesday morning..

- Cleaned the stove, a lot better than I usually do, including the surrounding area.

- had some dishes, not much, did those

- wiped off the surface area around the sink, cleaned the sink

- humidifier shows the kitchen was around 56% during the night, and 66% after dishes. shows you how quickly we get moisture in the air.

Plan for today is the toilet bowl quickly, and if there's time even do a better job. I've done the floor the other day. And the other thing I want to do at least, is get rid of more dust from the computer room, and tidy up some of the wires.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Toilet bowl deep cleaned

- Sink in bathroom cleaned, and the drain for the shower


- ordered food for lunch

- ordered groceries for Thursday evening delivery

- put the little white table back in the entrance-hallway

- put the heater back in the livingroom, put the humidifier on top of it for now

- put the chairs back in their place around the livingroom table

- moved the new regular vacuum cleaner into the little cv storage room

- put dirty laundry in the washing machine, but not enough for a run, maybe tonight after a shower

- caught up with dishes, just 3 things. and a frying pan

- aired out the apartment for 10 minutes

Feeling rather dizzy, I am calling it a day, the priority stuff is done, ill do the little things tomorrow, and then do almost nothing (cleaning wise) on Friday. I am on schedule for the meeting up on Saturday with the new cleaning lady
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Been to the vets
Had coffee
Sorted friends money out
Bought more xmas stuff

Upstairs and kitchen and clothes washing left


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- 4 amazon deliveries showed up, planks and knife rack thing, and smart stuff.

- smart stuff has all been installed and configured.

- plans made for the other stuff.

this took me a few hours total to get, unpack, review, install, plan, etc. meanwhile I've tried to clean what I was using, so I stay ahead of stuff and not accept new stuff to go on dirty stuff.

I'm not making sense, .. but it's too much to type out.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- Could not fall back asleep, got up and did the very little dishes that I had.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- found the paint for 'that' little wall.

- ordered paint stuff that I need to make that happen / same day delivery yay

- going to prep the wall - hopefully not too much dust


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- 2 deliveries showed up

- threw out the packaging / boxes from yesterday and today
* kept 1, because the installation instructions were on the box
* and the planks are not in plastic, so they scrape on moving around. keeping them as is for now.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I've been a busy bee sorting out things to do with Abbie's schooling so not much has been done and with the kitties running riot its all good fun!

I've got a wash load on today and I need to;

Do shopping amendments
Put rubbish out
Go Docs
Hang washing out
Clean loo
Reply to emails

And I'm expecting a few more deliveries


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I've been a busy bee sorting out things to do with Abbie's schooling so not much has been done and with the kitties running riot its all good fun!

I've got a wash load on today and I need to;

Do shopping amendments
Put rubbish out
Go Docs
Hang washing out
Clean loo
Reply to emails

And I'm expecting a few more deliveries
Good job :)

I've managed to buy things online and then make a mess offline by tipping stuff over in the small confined space. so I will be cleaning that up today.

This morning I've painted the little wall where the knives and stuff are going to go. This is the first layer. probably will have to go do it again


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- last update for today

- my eyes shake too much, I cause more trouble than tidying it up, so not doing the unlit room for now, another moment..

- tidied up the kitchen slightly.

- threw out the trash

- threw out delivery boxes

- grocieres ordered (figured out what I was missing, and got some for 'stock' and a Christmas present

- painted the wall again, and out of paint, so this is what it will be haha, it will just need to dry now, this will turn out to be darker

anyway, ill include pictures of the wood I bought ; lighter is bamboo, with strong magnets, for the knives, and the darker is a one to put plants and stuff on, like knife sharpening stone, etc.

The goal here is to move items out of the kitchen drawers, and into plain sight, to do something with that wall - since I wasn't using the black chal board. And to make the apartment look more lived in, more organic. i am tired of stuff being in boxes and whatever.

This wont be finished tomorrow, when I have time and mental space to go drill I will, but now thanks to black Friday pre-sales I have the drills, the wood, the paint, the stuff, and I can start putting puzzle pieces together another moment. at least painting is done now.

tonight and tomorrow morning I will tidy up the apartment so the cleaning lady that comes check what needs to get done, will get a better idea.

- robot vacuum cleaner ordered, this should help with mopping the floor and hovering on daily / weekly basis, giving me more time to individually clean corners, ledges, and closets, etc. i can quickly hover the place, and schedule the little robot for a once a month highest settings cleaning, and a daily 30 minute program on lowest. And the cleaning lady will come once before 2023, with a friend, they will tornado through the place to help me 'catch up' on what I am behind on. Then 2023 is a different story again.

life progress for project :cheaper than moving: .. made.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Here we go.


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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- dry paint looks fine, glad that worked

- tidied up the kitchen for 25% need to do more, but don't feel so great.

- moved 2 coffee devices that I no longer use currently, downstairs to storage, so I have more space upstairs

- moved storage boxes from the plus store into the storage room, to tidy up the livingroom

- tried my best again to removed sticker residu from a door, I made progress, but it's not gone. will have to come back to this.

- organized things to buy and got a couple on big discounts, they arrive spread over the week.

- did the dishes
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- cleaned toilet room a bit more
- cleaned the bath room a bit more
- wiped off the kitchen surface areas
- cleaned the sink
- swiffered the floor real quick
- aired the apartment out for 20 minutes
- taking it easy now, so I can relax for a few hours before visitors show up


- figured out Christmas cards
- store stamps put on flyers, next opportunity I have to cash these in I will, and together with the cash piggy bank.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- first delivery showed up
- apartment is pretty nice today
- the cleaning ladies came to take a look and schedule a date with me, they will be here monday
- now I'm just waiting for more deliveries to show up, I'm done for today.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Got some Amazon deliveries
Got food shopping delivery
In process of arranging girls Xmas meal
So tired today.... and dinners next


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
back again

- threw boxes out
- threw trash out
- gathered laundry
- worked on the sinterklaas surprise

- grocery flyers cashed in
- piggy bank sorted
- xmas cards are on the mail (including yours nix)


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- surface area in kitchen cleaned
- dishes done
- laundry gathered up again, might do a run later
- humidifier has run this morning for 10 minutes, and then I set it to auto. with -2 outside humidity inside dropped below 40, it should be between 40 and 60.
- fumbled around with the heaters, it's not ideal the situation but they work, .. once the apartment is sorted this week, I can focus on the bedroom, and then it's easier to review it all and reach out to renting.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- moved the little vault to a better spot for now, so cleaners tomorrow can't accidentally get to it.

- leaving the heater on now that it's -2 outside, so I can test which heaters/radiators are potentially failing or leaking.

- dusted off a few more things in the living room

- vacuum cleaned the carpet

- vacuum cleaned the floor where I walk and I tried to get more corners

- airing out the apartment for just ten minutes, so the first blah from the heaters can escape and I get some fresh air with hopefully making it less dusty here, I dunno what I'm doing

- today's task is to unplugin as much as possible on the computer table, clean what I hold in my hands, and clean the table. then closely put it all back, maybe taking cable management into account a bit.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
- sits down.. PHEW, i am done! lol

- Computer table .. I've removed everything that I could without losing connection and all that.

- cleaned the things I got my hands on, the best I could. before putting them back

- cleaned the monitors,

- cleaned the table the best I could for now

- did a poor job on cable management.

- and we're done, computer table done as well. at least it's better than this morning!
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
The robot vacuum thing has arrived, before the cleaning ladies did. So I was able to install it and let it scan the place. And then tell it to use the highest setting to vacuum the whole place. Then I use regular setting and added the mops, which I told it to do a deep clean. it did it all twice, basically three times, until the battery was down to 15" Kinda nice to get it at least a little nicer before they showed up, and now they can take it to the next level. and then I can just run the robot after waiting up each day for 10 minutes and in the weekend once with highest settings for the whole place.

The cleaning ladies are doing a million things, I cant even write it down. haha. they're awesome,
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