The boring thread of: I have to really clean a few things (part 4)

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Oh boy, here we go again.. Summer 2022.

Picking up a fresh new thread with boring things of "I really have to clean / tidy this, .. " Feel free to participate.

Part 1, October 2020 (first thread)

Part 2, May 2021 (second thread)

Part 3, November 2021 (last thread)

Part 4, June 2022 (this thread)

Okay, this is more a personal entry than a 'hey look at this stuff' thread, sorry to bore you yet again. I just wanted a way to hold myself accountable and mainly to let me keep track of what I was trying to do today.

I once said: "Who knows, maybe this turns into a thing that we can keep going once or twice a year." And I cannot believe it's been yet another year. Since October 2020 we've started helping each other and doing daily tasks little and large. And I think it's clearly showing. We feel better about ourselves and our homes. It is crazy what we've achieved. Thumbs up to everybody that made any progress.

To all the lurkers, feel free to ask for an account or log in and participate. I see your DM msgs saying you've worked and read this thread, feel free to join in and say hi. Even if you do one thing a month, that's still 12 things a year. And I think twelve is a bigger number than zero. Don't feel shy to share your struggles with cleaning, ask questions. We're all here supporting each other and learning.

So, let's get started. Whattah we gonna tidy, clean, organize, prepare, think about .. what are we going to achieve today?

POST BELOW what you might do today, cleaning a kitchen? Vacuum the hallway? Tidying up the bedroom? It sounds boring, but indulge me and leave a reply, please. And if you have any questions let's discuss it.

Also, please let me know if you listen to any music, videos, podcasts, have the tv on, or whatever. What's your cleaning routine or equipment preferences, or what do you like or hate to do?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Do you even realize how much we've done? Everybody that has posted, which is basically us three, and some lurkers, have all done little things every now and then, and once in a while, we've really put an extra effort in.

All those little things add up, we're actually done a lot. I know my apartment at least has improved and I've been able to keep it current enough to no longer fall behind.

A huge difference compared to pre-2019. And even 2020.

Thank you @Nix and @Joan for enduring my ramblings, and for giving me the motivation to just keep going every day, and otherwise to pick it up again after a weekend, or a week. I honestly think without these threads that those days would have been weeks and worse. Hopefully these silly forum threads help you two as well.

Alright, back to business for me:

- Woke up at 6 am, and tidied the kitchen a bit while folding laundry.
- Folded the laundry and put it away.
- Tidied up the bathroom, replaced empty bottles and cleaned the ledges things were standing on.
- The Sun's coming up proper and clouds seem to go away, I might air out the apartment again.

The plan for the 'next room to clean after the renovation' is the kitchen. Which will be done in steps. i have some more dishes, but I also have a small ledge with coffee stuff in and on it.

I want to move those items and then clean that ledge thing they stand on. Then clean those items as I put them back. When that's done I will do the dishes for the frying pan and soup pan.

Then later today I will move the items on top of the fridge, clean the outside of the fridge, and clean the items as I put them back on top of the fridge.

By then surely I have had breakfast and maybe even lunch. So I will finalize the dishes and wipe off the surface area of the cabinets above the kitchen sink.

I will by then have more space. I can move things from what I call the kitchen island (but it's not really a kitchen island) to the available space and deep-clean those planks and that space. And clean the items as I put them back.

Realizing that I can only do so much until my back or my eyes tell me I've done enough. I don't assume that I will get to do this all in one day. But at least when I read this tomorrow I will remind myself what the plan was haha.

The kitchen with the sink, that thing, the cabinets need to get cleaned on the inside as well. Things are just kind of stacked up and out of sight. It's time to give them some sunlight haha and figure out what to keep, sell, or throw away. What I keep I will clean and then put that back in the proper space.

The gas stove has to get cleaned, it's been used for a week now, and while it doesn't look too bad, it's 1 minute to wipe it off, spray it, rinse it off and then clean the tiles around it, etc.

The kitchen floor needs some extra attention as well. Which reminds me, I still have to sort out the vacuum cleaner.

Since I've just worked on the cleaning-threads, and writing this out, I had my break. Time to hydrate and do something in the kitchen so at least one thing is done from this kitchen-cleaning-list.

Have a lovely day everybody, it's Friday! That means the weekend has started, right? :P

Friday, 8:45am, the first update of today.

- The thingy on the wall with coffee/tea stuff. I've removed it all, cleaned it all, put it all back. Threw out what I didn't want to keep (but can't sell). It looks less dusty and shinier, and more tidy and organized. I am content with it. The three clocks above it I've wiped off (yes, also on top).


- The fridge is next, after this post update, I will go remove the stuff on top, go through it and clean it. Then clean the top and sides of the fridge and then put stuff back. And then take another short break.


- I need help! The top of the kitchen sink surface area, a- the hell do I call that?, b- that's AFTER cleaning. Yes, it's old, they replaced the top in 2004 and it didn't look great then. Any tips on how to get spots and rings like in the picture sorted? It won't be until next year that I can request renovation on the kitchen. But I hate how I clean it properly and it looks like some old shitty kitchen. So I can use your advice.


Right, I guess it's time to do the fridge next.

Friday, 9:20am, the second update of today.

- Took everything off of the fridge, dusted off the fridge (oh god, always the dust), and then sprayed the thing and rinsed it, wiped it dry.
- Put the stuff back on top of the fridge, but cleaned it as I was putting it back.
- Opened the door, and made sure the inside and outside of the fridge door edges were also cleaned.

- The dishwasher (due to renovations) is just standing there, but it's been used to have trash, tools, etc on top of it. So i took that off and cleaned the top. Wiped off the edges. So it doesn't look so dirty.

- Cleaned the mokka coffee pot.
- See pic; the windows. I wiped off the wood there again, and the heater/radiator.


Next is clearly that wooden thing with the bread and air fryer and other stuff on top of it. I will just do the top first, then see how far I get. And what's clearly next as well as the floor in the kitchen. Since I've wiped off the washing machine (left in pic) and dryer (below fridge in pic) earlier this week, I have no interest in doing that again today when I have dirtier areas to sort out first.

Taking a bit of a break so I don't stress my eyes and check up on when DHL will hopefully deliver my new socks today. And I have some Minecraft stuff to sort out.

- I had a cookie and orange juice for breakfast.

- Door is open to air out the apartment, but it's too cold to also open the balcony door and cause a proper draft.

- Ordered the thing for the fence on the balcony again. The storm ruined it, ordered 500 and 300 wide this time from a different company. The balcony is 795 wide. We will see how it goes this time. Another 44 bucks wasted.

Friday, 10:50am, the third update of today.

- Okay, took the stuff off of the kitchen (island?) top layer and put that aside. I've decided to put the senseo coffee machine somewhere else, and the bean grinder is broken, so not putting that back either.

- Scrubbed the top after spraying it with whatever that was. Rinsed it and wiped it quite a few times, and used an anti bacterial thingy as well. Rinsed it off and dry-wiped it.

- I've cleaned the stuff before putting it back.

- I had too many plates and stuff there due to renovation, time to move that to a different place except what I will use for lunch later.

- A quick look into the fridge, I can't even tell I had groceries delivered last night, it already feels empty. Anyway! I have meatballs to make and potatoes to boil and whatever, so I will do later perhaps.

- Alright, below the colored wood top is a layer with jams and things I stuff in there to get it out of sight. I use it less than what's on top. But it's gotten so dusty, dirty and sticky. I need to really remove it all, spray, antibacterial spray, rinse and wipe dry. at least twice. But I have been at it for a few hours now; There's no motivation left at the moment. We will see.

I am happy I've made some progress in the kitchen. And I am glad to see it's not even noon yet.



It's nice to know there's again way less dust, that things are in the spot I want them. And those old things are moved away or thrown out.

It's a start. I don't know how some people can do all this in 15 minutes or just under an hour. And that they can complete the whole thing top to bottom, and probably do a much better job than me. OH WELL.

Back to take another break, and maybe I will throw the trash out.

Friday, 2pm, the fourth update of today.

- Waiting for DHL, they have me scheduled for today. It's been a week, Amazon ticket says if they do not deliver today I get a refund. So that's at least something.

- Organized the items in my fridge, and thought about the foodprep.

- Cleaned a few foodprep boxes again, and started prepping the meatballs, potatoes and bellpeppers etc.

- 15m later, the frying pan is now simmering away with the carrots, chilli con carne, meatballs, thai hot sauce, and some water.

- Minecraft stuff, github stuff, and email/dm/pm etc all sorted.

- Trash thrown out. New bin liner put down.

- Moved all the dishes that are now left to the left side, so a- i have room for food-prepping and b- room later for the dishes.

- Amazon ordered the balcony stuff, did i mention that already? Anyway, got the tracking number now for tomorrow's delivery. It would be nice if the weather is a bit better Sunday morning or Monday, so I can sort that out once it arrives.

- Bol order should get an update later, i checked what i would always buy anyway of an item, and checked 5 websites for pack of six, and found the cheapest one with free shipping. So investing 15 bucks so I will have that for four to six weeks. Almost 50% cheaper than buying from local store. I assume that will arrive Monday. But no rush.

- I am supposed to order clothes today, but my eyes and small letters, etc. I dunno, maybe tonight or Saturday. Maybe I should just do kitchen stuff only today and call it quits.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Last update for Friday, (i've merged my above posts btw)

- Food prepping has been completed. 4 boxes are in the fridge now. Phew!

- Oh look, dishes .. I will do those later when I've completed my dinner (i will make grilled cheese sandwiches or eggs)

- DHL says they will be here before 7pm (you do you buddy)

- Aired out the apartment a bit during foodprep, I don't want moisture in my apartment.

- Charged all my iOS devices.

- Updated software on the iMac.

- Cleaned my glasses! haha, gosh they were dirty.

And that's all I am willing to do today.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
It's only taken all day but I've finally done some tiding up and some washing up lol.... the kitchen was a pig sty but much better now haha.... tomorrow I need to do more than today!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
It's only taken all day but I've finally done some tiding up and some washing up lol.... the kitchen was a pig sty but much better now haha.... tomorrow I need to do more than today!
Best of luck this weekend with the kitchen. I am glad to hear you've been able to do something Friday. Keep it up, you're doing awesome.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Sunday morning;

- Woke up at 6:30am all groggy, but got up and started collecting dishes and laundry stuff.

- 7am I sorta started cleaning the kitchen top and sink-top surface area thing. With the free space that's there.

- Did a few dishes.

- Boiled some eggs for breakfast and lunch.

- Aired out the apartment.

- Cleaned the bathroom sink and let some very hot water run through the sink and shower drain for a few minutes, and every 30s i poured in a tiny bit of cleaning stuff.

- Cleaned the toilet flusher button area.

- Restocked toiletries

- I don't have enough for laundry yet.

- Took a break at 9 am for breakfast and attempted to wake up.

edit 1:
Okay, it's almost 11 am. I have done some Minecraft maintenance. Time to do offline stuff again.

- Rinsing off what I was cleaning earlier and wiping it dry.

- Opening the balcony door, and closing the front door.

- The thing I call my kitchen island, I will do another thing for that. Taking the items out, checking the dates, and cleaning the items I will keep. Then scrubbing the spot, rinse/dry, and put everything back nicely.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Monday morning;

Ugh, I could not fall asleep last night, the old fashioned lying awake for 4+ hours until you finally nap a little, seems to be back. Fall asleep around 3am and woke up at 7am. Tossing and turning as well. I am uber-groggy haha.

- Ordered clothes for the wedding Sunday.

- Cleaned the kitchen sink surface area, the sink itself,

- After doing the dishes (70% of it).

- Cleaned the bathroom floor and toilet floor.

- Airing out the apartment a little. It's cold!

- Started laundry, it just finished, brb, going to put it in the dryer.

- Started the dryer.

- Gathered up all the trash.

- Ordered groceries for like 100 euro. I have the money now, not next week. So, just did it.

- Did more wedding things, but can't say here in case emily reads this.

Yesterday I was supposed to clean a bit in the kitchen island and never got around to it. Maybe today.

edit 1;

- Laundry is done, dryer is done. I guess I will go fold it.

edit 2;

- Folded, and I had breakfast.

- Did some Minecraft hobby stuff

- Updated macOS and prepared a bit to clean the computer table at some point this week to re-install the MacMini, now that most dust is gone from the livingroom.

- Charged iOS devices.

edit 3;

- threw trash out
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

My niece and sister came to visit, so I had a shower, cleaned the kitchen, tidied up the apartment a little bit, cleaned the toiletroom and bathroom, and did the dishes. Threw the trash out, and then had a mini nap until they showed up.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
My place is a mess, but the next two days ate short days due to the jubilee so going to try to catch up then.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Yesterday was a crappy night sleep, busy morning, busy afternoon, and felt weird in the evening and went to bed to try and stay in bed until 12 today. I got up and decided to just not bother with doing anything. Maybe some few dishes, instead of making more dishes. No food prep, but ill have a sandwich on the balcony. I will avoid caffeine and stuff.

It's now June, and the next few weeks are about trying to finalize apartment cleaning, relaxing for the wedding at the end of the month, and use my free time to sleep well, ride my bike daily, and finalize some of the wedding things I've been working on.

June 1st: let's relax, plan, and try to get organized, enjoy lunch and a bike ride, and go to bed early. And then tomorrow let's do all those topics, and day after tomorrow 1 topic, and repeat, with days of extra relaxing every few days or so.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Done 3 lots of shopping online deliveries for 3 different days
got to have lunch soon and make a call
then prob coffee lol
then maybe washing up and tidy kitchen


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
My todo item of doing a bit of dishes, and rest and work on a marriage thing: all done!
Now I am just watching star wars stuff to rest until tomorrow.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

Straight out of bed I got dressed and cleaned the bathroom sink, toilet sink, did the dishes and cleaned the surface areas. Aired the apartment since it's nice weather. And now taking a break after gathering up trash and laundry.

Edit: sorted out the clothes i need to order, i've been trying for over a week now. PFF. They really don't want my money.

I don't have enough trash to put it downstairs, but I have enough laundry to start that soon.
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
Not a lot will be done today... got girls meeting outfront for coffee and cake for a few hours for jubilee thingy at about 11 ish. My shopping is due 2-3pm ish. Thats about it.

If i can get washing up done and some clothes washed thats be great!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update for friday.

Did the dishes, prepped food ingredients, spoke with sister, hang up out on the balcony, had a bike ride, came home, tried to make food-prep dinners, meat spoiled ! .. so had to go to the store and get new meat and veggies. Anyway, it's now an all in one with potatoes, carrots, and i dunno what. Tidied up the balcony, a table, threw the trash out.

When I did laundry, all alarms went off, no water intake, AAAH, maintenance today.. had to wait until 12 ish, but laundry is done now, dryer is done. Have to fold it later, but having an ice cream to feel better about a calm day turning semi hectic haha.

Ordered clothes, which was a pain to do, but called the company and they said things are fine, so we will see.. fingers crossed it's the right size! And the blazer won't be here until 2 to 3 weeks from now! sucks, because that's when the wedding is, no time to exchange it in time :(

Maxed out my bank account, and the inheritance situation hasn't resolved yet, STILL haven't heard back from brothers' lawyer, so TEDIOUS.

So went to the bank and put 100 in from my cash reserve, and recounted the total i have, so I know what i have left.

Food is now simmering, and then i will split it in 3 boxes, tonight, and tomorrow and day after. HOPEFULLY it's nice..

Tomorrow I will make few more prep boxes, i have meat left and i have pasta and sauce, so i can make that work, only green peas, nothing else haha.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Saturday morning,

- Folded laundry,
- Went for a bike ride, bought something from a food truck for breakfast,
- Threw the trash out,
- Checked the mail,
- Put all the folded clothes away, and realised what a mess my bedroom is starting to become,
- had breakfast on the balcony while airing out the apartment,
- Made more progress with trying to realise things for the wedding-day,
- Relaxing a bit before sorting out my todo list for the weekend and next week,
- Food prep finished btw, it is nice, but not as nice as I hoped.


- Sigh, probably dishes, and maybe in between sorting out my todo list, I will
- Go through some stuff in the bedroom to see what I can do to improve the room.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Update on Saturday,

- Worked on the wedding day thing, I decided to go into town and get the last bits, so I could go home and finish this part.
- To not stress my mind, body, etc. too much, I am going to relax and feel happy and good, and maybe even go to bed early with a movie.

All in all, a busy day, but in a good way.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Sunday morning;

- Did all the dishes,

- Aired out the apartment a bit, but it was cold.

- Gathered up the laundry and trash, but nothing to do with it.

- Boiled eggs as food-prep, to make breakfast or lunch easier for a few days.

- Figured out the food situation, so i know what to do next.

- Moved things around in the apartment so it's more tidy.

- Cleaned kitchen sink,

- Refilled britta pitcher.

- And now i dont wanna do anything anymore.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Sunday night update;

- Caught up on all the dishes, trash bin is full but it started to rain, ill bring it downstairs after this tv episode finishes.

- The little kitchen thing, i finally getting around to emptying the storage space? .. below the top, and above the drawers, dusted it, wiped it, then sprayed it, and gave it 5 minutes, then wiped it clean, then rinsed it, and leaving things as is.

Tomorrow i will do that cleaning again, and clean the stuff before i put it back in. But not putting back everything, immah figure out what has to go, what i can keep, and all that.

Had food, had drinks, im tired, it's raining, and i am watching tv, it's sunday.. im perfectly fine with calling it a day for reals now. I had a nap halfway through the day, but woke up groggy.

IMG_8954.jpeg IMG_8953.jpeg

i honestly don't like it how my eyes get so sharky from things being below my waist, everything takes so much longer, and i can only do something for a certain amount of time. i wish i could do it all at once without ending up feeling dizzy from shaky eyes and having headaches. oh well, baby steps, eventually it will be properly clean again.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Well, I stayed in bed, watching ten episodes of something, until 6 am .. sooo, now half my day is gone. We will see if i get anything done.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

- Spent like 1,5 hours prepping ingredients and making a tomato sauce for my pasta.

- Next for today: Maka da pastaaaaa
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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
About to go shopping... thats when Sal notices the messages saying I'm ready to go, lol...


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Food prep is done, few days of pasta sauce and shell pasta.

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Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I'm so tired from body hates me and I feel my age today and another 10 on top lol... had a temperature when I got home too so hoping I'm not getting ill.... just exhausted at mo so gunna be another early one for me lol.

Tomorrow I have 2 doc appts, one physical one mental health. Lots of housework to do in between.
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