• Connect today Guest, Join our never resetting Minecraft 1.21.4 survival server, where we explore, mine, build, and survive together. We are a family-friendly community, and open to all over the age of 13. Bring friends and make new ones!
    Features include: mcMMO RPG, Rewards for Achievements, a /market, Multiple worlds, sit on a chair, events, Economy, and more. We can't wait to have you join us!

Community Rules, Policies, and Guidelines

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hey everybody,

Dealing with toxicity in the Minecraft gaming community is unfortunately something that many of us have had to face at one point or another. Whether it's players cheating, griefing builds, or stealing items, it can be incredibly disheartening and can make the game less enjoyable for everyone involved.

As the administrator of a Minecraft community that focuses on survival gameplay, we strive to provide a friendly environment for all players. We believe that the game should be enjoyable for everyone, and that means creating a space where players can come together and play without having to deal with toxicity.

One of the ways we do this is by implementing strict rules and consequences for players who engage in toxic behavior. Cheating, griefing, and stealing are not tolerated in our community.

We also have a dedicated team of community helpers who are available to assist players with any issues they may encounter. Whether it's reporting a player for toxic behavior or helping to rebuild a griefed build, our team is always on hand to help.

But, we don't just want to focus on the negative. We want to foster a sense of community and camaraderie among our players. That's why we encourage players to join our discord server, forums and to invite their friends, to share tips and advice, and to make new friends.

Ultimately, dealing with toxicity in the Minecraft gaming community is something that we all have to face at some point. But by working together, we can create a space where players can come together and enjoy the game without having to deal with negativity and toxicity. We strive to create a friendly and fun environment for all players. We're excited for you to join our community and have a great time playing survival Minecraft with us.

Privacy policies, coppa, cookies, terms of services, local and national laws, community guidelines, and many rules for many services.. pff it's easy to get overwhelmed with a lot of information.

This thread is to help us point all those services to this thread. And then slowly start merging all the existing information. So for now, we're linking to existing information and over time putting them in this thread.

We run a public server, as a service. Joining it means you agree to our terms of services, and our rules, and they include but aren't limited to:

Keep it family-friendly. We allow people of all ages 13 and up to join and enjoy Minecraft. No cursing/swearing, racism, use of common sense, no bickering, or continuing a conversation when the staff asked to drop it. We perm ban, please don't break our rules.

We have no problem with certain mods, or clients. As long as they do not give you an unfair advantage over regular gameplay, to cheat, or to exploit, spam, or bot-flood, etc.
An example: Optifine: OKAY, some cheat mod: NOT OKAY

In the game you can type: /rules,
which should display something like this:
  • Thanks for joining our family-friendly community.
  • The 1MB server is a community with players of ages 13 and up from all around the world. "Hi!"
  • Please keep it clean, and be nice to each other.
  • Play fair, this includes no misbehaving or cheating.
* If you disagree to our rules, please disconnect.
  1. No Griefing or stealing of any type allowed.
  2. No Spamming/flooding with text or accounts.
  3. Listen to the Staff, their word is final.
  4. Respect all Players, including Staff.
  5. Fair-play; No game exploiting or cheating (this includes abusing bugs/glitches in the game!)
  6. 0-tick farms are not allowed.
  7. Being AFK is allowed, anti-afking is not.
  8. No Banned Blocks/Items, or duping allowed.
  9. No Advertising or other-server discussions.
  10. No begging for OP, Ranks, or Items.
  11. English only in the global chat, please.
  12. No Racism or sexist remarks and such either.
  13. No Swearing, bullying, trolling, or flaming.
  14. No Excessive shouting in caps, please.
  • Please read, understand, and agree to our rules.
  • including, the Mojang Community Standards.
But this extends to a lot of common-sense things, like command flooding, spamming commands or messages, misbehaving just because you're having a bad day. Picking a fight or jumping on someone just because you disagree with them and causing a general negative mood in the chat, obviously is also not welcome.

We run this place to escape our real life, building and exploring a virtual life. We allow people of age 13 and up to play, so being respectful and mindful of others is something you just have to do.

If things go wrong for you, and you lose a big mob-fight and keep falling - don't rage and ruin gameplay for others, talk to a staff perhaps, maybe we can help.

If you want to know if you can or cannot do something, just ask! For example:

I have to go get dinner, can I idle in the game for a few hours?
Sure! We don't mind that you idle. We don't actually kick you for being idle.

We have players from all around the world, therefore we require everybody to speak English in the global chat.

Can I use the iOS app MineChat to join the server and chat to my friends?
Yep, that particular app is allowed.

I have a family, we are a group of five that join from the same IP, is this ok?
Yeah, I guess. As long as you own the account, and you're not cloning, you can connect a couple of times from the same IP.

Terms of Services: https://omgboards.com/help/terms
Rules: https://omgboards.com/help/terms
Cookies: https://omgboards.com/help/cookies
Privacy Policy: https://omgboards.com/help/privacy-policy
Reporting content: https://omgboards.com/help/reports/

In-game /rules, will say the above 14 points, and links to this:
Minecraft Rules (this thread) : https://omgboards.com/threads/minecraft-rules.260946/
Mojang Community Standards:

On Discord there's a #welcome channel, please read that before using our Discord server.
Additionally, the Discord terms of service apply: https://discord.com/new/terms
Discord Trust and Safety information: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/sections/115000344951-Privacy-and-Policy

Please note that our General Rules, Policies, and Guidelines apply on omgboards.com, 1moreblock.com, and our Discord server. And are always subject to change.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Please note that we may update the rules at any time due to typos, improvements, updates, and other reasons without prior notice. By connecting to the server, you automatically agree to these rules. However, if you choose not to agree, simply disconnect from the server.

We believe our rules and guidelines are easy to understand, and we encourage everyone to use common sense when playing in our community. Please refrain from purposely bending the rules or finding loopholes as this is considered abusive behavior.

We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about our rules, but please avoid provoking our team with hypothetical scenarios or asking questions just to cause trouble. Such behavior is considered trolling and not allowed in our community.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Using Game Bugs / Exploits / Mods / Fair-play / Unfair-advantages

We have noticed some confusion regarding the use of game bugs, exploits, mods, and fair play on our server. We want to clarify some of the existing rules and guidelines that have been in place for years.

Firstly, macros and combat mods are not allowed as they give an unfair advantage. Exploiting game bugs or glitches, such as jumping higher or further with imaginary blocks, or using piston-explosions to break bedrock, are also not allowed as they provide an unfair advantage. However, using intended features like /tpa and /j to teleport or jump further is permitted.

If you use ender-pearls to access impossible places or trick the system to believe that you are playing, it is not allowed. However, AFK-ing to help crops grow is permitted, while AFK-ing to grind mobs using automated scripts or combat mods is not allowed as it is unfair to other players.

Anti-afking by using mechanics to trick the system into believing you are actually playing: Is abusing the game engine's intended behavior to get an unfair advantage (or at the least, you're abusing a bug to trick the system into thinking you are not actually afk), ergo: not allowed.

We have also prohibited afk-fishing as it is considered an automated behavior. If you are unsure about whether an action is allowed or not, feel free to ask us before doing anything. We always strive to provide a response and explain the rules clearly.

From June 2019 onwards we consider afk-fishing to be an automated behavior, and auto-fishing is not allowed. Please note that we start checking for afk-fishing/aut-fishing, and will request you to stop.

We are a fair-play server that upholds the rules for the overall benefit of the community. We do not tolerate actions that cause harm to the server, such as general TPS drops, lag machines, tnt bombs, command flooding, or other obvious harmful actions. We also do not allow cheating, server-ruining actions, and toxic behavior.

We try to build and provide a great place where players can have fun and enjoy the game with their friends and family. We offer resources, help, events, op items, survival and building features, fun RPG and mini-games, and friendly smiles. However, we cannot achieve this if we have to deal with players who cannot play fairly. Sometimes, we will sanction the account with a warning, infraction, or a ban.

We ask for some basic respect towards our team, players, community, and set of rules. We welcome everyone to learn from their mistakes, but we will not tolerate disrespect towards the community or rules. If you prefer a server that supports cheating and toxic communities, please try elsewhere.

I run my own server(s) because I want to play with nice people who I could consider friends, who can bring theirs, to a comfortable place where they are free from a toxic gaming community.

In return for players behaving, we provide resources, help, friendly smiles, and extras such as events, op items, survival supporting and building supporting features, fun MMO/RPG and mini-games where possible, in one or more worlds. We cannot achieve that if we have to spend time on players who cannot play fair.

Thank you for reading these guidelines, and we hope you have fun playing on our server!
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Advertising, Server Mentions, and Streaming Guidelines

Hey everyone! We’ve noticed some questions popping up about mentioning, promoting, or linking to other servers and streams.

Our goal is to grow our own community; we prefer if you don't provoke others to leave ours, so we have some guidelines to help keep us focused.

#### What’s Allowed:
- Very incidentally and casually mentioning you play on other servers
You can say that you play on other servers without naming them.
Example: "I’ve been on a few other universes, but now I’m back to building on 1MB!"
We will still ask you to perhaps not mention other servers, but depending on how you phrase it, you shouldn't be sanctioned.

- Streaming Other Games or Servers
You’re free to stream whatever you like—just don’t advertise those streams here.
Example: "I’ll be streaming later today, catch you all later!"

#### What’s Not Allowed:
- Naming Other Servers
To avoid confusion and distractions, please don’t mention other servers by name.
Example (Not Allowed): "Leaving to play on Notch’s server."

This extends to constantly mentioning 'going to play elsewhere'; it's sneaky advertising to draw players away from our server who might grow an interest in where else you play.

- Advertising Streams or Videos of Other Servers
Please don’t share links to streams or videos that feature other servers.
Example (Not Allowed): "Check out my stream playing on Hypixel."

- Mentioning Specific Servers in Relation to Streaming
Keep it general if you’re talking about streaming, without naming other servers.
Example (Not Allowed): "Going to live-stream on Twitch playing on Notch’s server."

- Sharing Non-1MB Related Content
If your content isn’t related to 1MB, please don’t promote it here.
Example (Not Allowed): "Check out my new video! (but it’s not related to 1MB)"


Our goal is to keep our community strong and focused. This applies to everyone—players, regulars, and staff alike. If there’s been any confusion in the past, we’re clarifying things now. Moving forward, we’ll be stricter about these rules.

Thanks for understanding! If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Taking from Chests / Stealing / Sharing / Duping Items

Hoppers, shulker boxes, chests, furnaces, and any other similar items are considered "containers," and taking items from them without permission is not allowed.

When a player places a container, it is automatically locked to their name.

Other players cannot access the contents of these containers without permission. Taking items from other players without permission is considered stealing or griefing, which is a serious offense. We enforce this rule strictly and may issue permanent bans for such behavior.

Private chests:

Taking items from a chest that is clearly intended to be private is considered stealing, regardless of whether the container has a lock or not. We strongly encourage players who want a private and locked container to use the following commands to ensure it is locked to their name:

/cinfo (and click on the container) - this will show you who owns it, and as the owner, you can see who has access to it.
/lock (and click on the container) - this will attempt to put a lock on the chest.
/unlock (and click on the container) - this will attempt to remove any set lock (including access of others) from the chest.
/cmodify <player> (and click on the container) - this will attempt to grant access to this particular container for that specific player.

Private Chests (or Furnaces, or any other similar item) - even when sometimes unlocked:
  • A chest with a lock on it: You cannot open it. Do not attempt to exploit any game mechanics to get items out of it.
  • In the case of a storage room where most chests are locked, except for one or more, assume that the player's intention was to have a locked chest. It's located inside their building, within their storage space. Instead of assuming that they intended to leave it unlocked, report the open chest to a team member and the player.
  • If there is a public chest with a sign on it that reads "do not take!", it is still considered a personal/private chest, and taking items from an unlocked chest like this is still considered stealing. Report it to a team member if you suspect items being taken without your permission.
  • Using any mechanical method to take items from the containers of others is a bannable offense, including (but not limited to) using carts, hoppers, exploiting bugs in the game or anything like that.
More private item examples:

Paintings, armor stands, items on armor stands, item frames, items in item frames, items flowing through water in sorters, droppers and dispensers spitting something out to move it to another mechanic like a hopper.. ALL these sorts of situations where it's really hard for the server and the player to properly protect their items: It is considered private.

Do not take from armor stands, from item frames, from hoppers, break dragon eggs, take items moving through water systems, etc. It's clearly there as part of a build, sorter, decoration, etc. It's therefor not your stuff: So don't take it! Seems pretty simple to me.

Public chests examples:

- Randomly placed open chests in a server-build-area such as the global /warp shops, these are share/trash chests, they're left open on purpose for decoration reasons and with the intention that people sometimes wish to leave some items behind for others to pick up. We do not consider this stealing.

- A chest at a public grinder with a sign on it that says: "free stuff" or "public, you can take stuff", these are left there on purpose for those who use the grinders and others are free to take from it. Rule of thumb here is: If you're using it and someone teleports, empties it and leaves, then the items were basically yours and it isn't nice of them to take your work. However, it's not a bannable offense. So be mindful and avoid disputes: Take the items more frequently.

- A chest in the wild somewhere such as NPC villages or Desert Temples, Jungle Temples, etc. The obvious places.

NOTE: I say chest in the examples, but the same goes for hoppers, droppers, minecarts with chests in them, donkey with a chest.

More about public containers:

If you find a public container: Ask a team member for their opinion! It's that simple. You prevent yourself a ban, and you get team-permission to take. The team member is then NOT permitted to take the items, they came for a review as a team member, the items in the public chest you found are then all yours if they give you the okay.

Duping items.

I wanted to specifically point out that duping items under zero circumstances is allowed. If you accidentally run into a duped item in your inventory avoid a ban by contacting a team member. Reporting a bug in the game that you accidentally run into usually leads to a thank you and a reward, going out of your way to try them will lead to at least a hard to appeal ban.

Final note:

As always, I understand this all sounds like a lot of information and maybe "be careful or we ban!", but this thread is merely to give a couple of examples of an existing rule, with a bit of clarification. We've received some requests for information.

Anyway: If you go to someone's build, you do not break through a roof or wall to get in, if the door is locked. You don't try out all their chests or take from item frames, etc. It's clearly their build, so it's all their stuff. Taking anything from someone's build is simply stealing. If they have a chest "free stuff, go take it", then it's fine to take from that chest. To me, this is basic common sense. It's disrespectful to the server, and to the player who worked hard on their build area; You'd be ruining their fun.

You didn't make it? Don't take it.
You didn't place it? Don't break it.

Not sure? Ask a team member for clarification.

Oh, and the same could be said for animals in someone's build area. Ask for permission first before you breed, take, kill them. They might just be there for decoration. They might have a custom name or be a personal pet. As you can see, this rule of "if it is not yours, maybe don't do stuff with it" extends to quite a few different situations; apply it with some common sense to your gameplay.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

It's important to stay within the world limits when playing. Here are some rules to help you:
  • Don't go past the world border. We have a lot of land to explore within the border.
  • Don't go above or below the world limits. You can't build there and you could get hurt.
  • Don't build on top of the roof of the Nether. This is no longer allowed and we will remove any structures we see there.
  • Don't exploit glitches or bugs to get past the world limits. This is against the rules and can result in punishment.
If you somehow find yourself outside of any world border or world limit, use the /home or /spawn command to get back to safety.

We want everyone to have a fun and safe experience while playing. If you have any questions about the world limits, feel free to ask.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

From August 2019 onwards, these are the updated AFK rules, please read and respect them as we will start keeping a bit of a closer eye on it from now on.

- Being AFK is allowed.

- Being idle in the game for an extended period of time is allowed.

- Using any form of automation to prevent going AFK is not allowed (meaning; anti AFKing is not allowed)

- Using AFK to auto-grind to gain resources and/or money, etc. is not why we allow AFKing, so this is not allowed.

- Players will be able to mark themselves afk with or without a reason, using the command: /afk <reason>

- Moving in the game returns you from being AFK.

- Players can see you are AFK, by pressing TAB or typing: /list, they can also get more details by typing: /afkcheck <player>

- The system will detect idle players and automatically mark them as AFK after a certain period of time.

- We do not sanction your account (with a warning, kick, or ban) if you are AFK for a long time. Don't worry about that.

- We do potentially sanction your account if you use being AFK to automate playing or gain unfair advantage over others. (Such as rebinding keys and auto hitting mobs, etc. The obvious, and yes, this does include AFK-fishing, which is not allowed).

- Using methods to prevent going afk (anti-afking) is not allowed. Just to be clear on that.

- While you're AFK you are responsible for your account still. If you die while being away from the keyboard, you run the risk of having your dropped items despawn, and we will not return them. AFK in a safe spot at your base is recommended.

- While AFK you can receive damage. So be aware if you have PVP mode on or off, and if you're safe from mobs finding you.

- While AFK you can not pick up items. Please be aware of this because we cannot return you lost items.

- Killing a player who's AFK by digging below them or burning them in lava, etc. is obviously not allowed.

- AFK-ing to increase total playtime to grind player-rewards is not allowed, while you're AFK the playtime is paused.


We've never allowed this, but people still (ab)use this, so this rule 'update' is to clarify the part when we don't want people to automate their actions. Or when we say we want to have active players and not afk-ers that auto grind. Automation itself gives you an unfair advantage over players who are actually there playing.

Being AFK and not actively playing and gaining levels of any sorts, from mcMMO to /money etc. hasn't been allowed, and moving forward this year we will be less tolerant of this and enforce this rule a bit more. If you want to grind that's always been fine, but you'd have to be there actually doing the grinding.

AFK means you're away from the keyboard, your character stands there doing nothing. And therefore shouldn't gain an advantage.

Automatically fishing because you put a book on your mouse is automation, which isn't allowed. You can't fish, if you're not there. If you wish to fish, be behind your keyboard and actually fish.

Automatically gaining mcMMO levels for example while you're away from the keyboard, means you're abusing the game mechanics and levelling up while not actually playing. We consider that automation, which isn't allowed. For example, you can't grind mobs in a certain way that the game thinks you are, and levels you up for /money or mcMMO levels. If you wish to grind, be actively behind your keyboard doing the grinding.

At times we wish to double check if someone's auto grinding while being afk. If we move the character away and nothing happens, you do not become active, we assume you were afk grinding.

We love it when people hang out, we understand you sometimes get called away. Heck, we even understand it if you fall asleep fishing. You're free to be AFK and AFK for extended periods of time. We do not kick or ban for this. If you wish to play the game, don't use AFK as a method to play it; if you're not there, you don't play. If you are actively there, you can actively play.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

From today onwards we no longer allow in-game memes, or memes on the forums, or on Discord. With the following exceptions:
- Very incidentally, and in context of the on-going conversation.
- The Discord #meme channel, it's allowed to post memes here.

When you post a meme, please understand they still have to be within the rules of the server. (So family friendly, and not to harass others, bully people with them, etc).


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

We have discord rules. They apply as well.
Update: There's now a faq/rules channel on Discord, we will organically update this over the next few months.


We have forum rules. They apply as well.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

We have historically had no ban-appeal rules, because we really prefer to only ban on a permanent basis. We do not provide temporary bans usually. However, some basic guidelines have always been desired by players, because it's always possible a staff member makes a mistake. Here is part of our internal policy regarding banned players.

Ban-appeals for the 1MB game-server or Discord chat-server are to be made through our ban-appeal sub-forum exclusively.

Emails, direct messages, private messages, by-passing any set ban to attempt to communicate with us, etc. is not allowed, and any appeal will automatically be declined.

Ban-appeals are public. We're not a whitelisted server. Keep this in mind when you communicate with us.

We only accept one ban-appeal, if you received a new ban, chances are that appealing is no longer possible.

"My friend got banned, please unban them", will be considered as 'by-passing a ban, and posting an appeal in the wrong location', and will result in any appeal to be automatically declined.

If you broke our rules on purpose, or used a hack client, got caught with a cheat-mod installed, or you know you broke the rules. You don't have to appeal, it's very likely to get declined. Lying about this to sweet-talk us will backfire.

The ban-appeal option is for those situations where a staff/team member has acted too harshly, or incorrectly.

We assume you appeal because you really wish to continue playing, therefore we expect an appeal within a week (or so). Anything over 10 to 14 days will automatically get declined.

While we try to be as fair as possible, please note that access to the discord/minecraft servers is at our discretion. We are free to ban without a reason, at any time, and without a warning. As a preventive measure if we suspect someone for cheating, bullying, etc. Or just based on general attitude. We have zero tolerance towards rule-breakers, abusive players, toxic behavior, or attitude. We want to spend this time playing Minecraft instead.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

We're updating our 'all ages' Minecraft Server to `13 and up`. We will no longer allow 'kids' younger than 13 to use our server, discord or website or watch our live streams or youtube videos.

My personal opinion: We're a family friendly community, if a kid wants to play a game I personally don't care. This is due to COPPA and FTC and third party services enforcing limits anyway.

Youtube requires us to mark our live-streams and content as 'not for kids', and so does Discord, and social media platforms, etc. Our forum already has a minimum age, and despite my personal opinion regarding this topic, it's just 'easier' for us to become 13+.

We're not a registered company creating content or offering a game server where we commercially exploit players etc. So this isn't going to be a hard rule we will enforce anyway, if you're currently under the age of 13, I am sure you will get older eventually.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Starting January 1st, 2020: 1.15.1 related updated:

- Moving forward in 2020 we will be more aggressive towards 'world grief', toxic or edge behavior. Things we had as a soft rule previously we might enforce a bit more starting the new year.

- Appealing to bans will mainly be ignored. Unless a blatant mistake on behalf of the staff is made there's basically no reason to appeal the ban.

- We want players to play the game while actually 'being there', and this includes turning on auto farming and then leaving your computer to do something else. If we move you and you're afk and do not realise we're trying to get your attention while you're performing actions: this will be considered an unfair advantage. We're looking for active players that play fair.

- If the game has vanilla features you're free to use them, in doubt; it's always best to inquire about something first. If anything was or is currently allowed does not mean on a per player basis we can request you to stop, remove, or update your 'thing' that you're doing. This sounds vague, but think about a redstone clock to help you with your farm or build. Yes, while this is allowed, if this is causing chunk lag or affects other players. Then we might ask you to discontinue or redesign. Stuff like that.

- If the game has vanille features that you could 'use' to achieve things otherwise not possible in the game, such as 0tick farms, then we consider this abusing a bug in the game. If it's not something that Mojang intended the use for and it grossly benefits you we consider it abuse of a bug and at least an unfair advantage. Please do not make 0tick farms.

- A small reminder that if players are aware of a bug in Minecraft that just because we have not yet (or cannot) patch it, that it is not allowed to use a bug in the game to your advantage.

- As we move slowly from 1.13.2 to 1.15.1 in the new year and slowly get used to the new version, we will adjust our rules. We might upgrade some plugins and features, nerf mob spawning or how we deal with certain player behaviors. We cannot do this without your feedback. Please be civil in discussing how we run the server. This way we can better understand you and adjust our settings, features, options, permissions and our set of rules. Rules will always be changing, some for the better, some for the worse, in an attempt to balance it out against a survival gameplay setup.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

From July 1st, 2020 we are on Minecraft 1.16.1, I want to use this opportunity to point out that we do not allow world grief.

You're free to mine in your base in the new /souls world, but it's a survival/build world. It's not a resource-gathering world.

Ruining the world for resources will be considered world-grief, and we will (since 1.15.2) act upon this.

Please use the /nether to get resources or at least make your mining part of your build area so it's also nice to explore by others.

The same goes for /wild, please keep the world nice, and gather resources in the /mine world.


Rules will get slowly adjusted throughout July 2020 since we've moved to a new version and might have to slightly adjust due to changes in the game(play).


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
The legacy 1MB Menu Nether Star rules.

We've been rather aggressive with the unique 1MB /menu item in our hotbar in the past, restoring it on every join and teleport. But we've tested various alternatives and eased up a bit during 1.15.2. Now with 1.16.1 we've decided to remove it.

If you have 1 or more 1MB Menu nether stars in your inventory, hotbar, or chests. We kindly ask you to throw them in lava.

Are you allowed to use them to craft beacons now? Yes, this is allowed. We prefer you trash them though, because they were not intended to be an in-game item. But we won't make a fuss over it.

Note please that the /menu command still works.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

As mentioned in the first post and on Discord, general rules apply, this includes our Discord rules, which is all of the above, plus the following: They were mentioned on Discord before, now from July 2020 onwards they're mentioned here and referenced on Discord.

*** Discord Service ***

Be advised that according to Discord's ToS, members must be at least 13 years of age in order to validly hold an account.

Your activity on Discord is expected to be within the Discord's Terms of Service, this includes no self-botting, no advertising, and being respectful towards others.

*** Discord Server ***

You've connected to the OMG / 1MB Discord Server. It's owned by Floris, operated by the OMG / 1MB staff/team members. Help can be provided to anybody with a question by anybody else on the server.
** OMG ** Stands for omgboards.com, Floris' online community.
** 1MB ** Stands for 1moreblock.com, Floris' online Minecraft Survival Server.

Discord Rules:
Treat everybody with respect and consideration. Toxic behavior isn't welcome.

Converse in English in the public-, and voice channels.

Inappropriate accounts and avatars aren't welcome, what is appropriate is at our discretion.

Impersonating others is not allowed.

Avoid spammy messages, images, and mentions.

Unlike other servers, our staff doesn't mind if you @mention them for a question.

No self-promotion or advertisements of any kind. This discord is meant for the OMG / 1MB community, not for your own discord, your own servers, etc. This includes unsolicited references and links to other social media, servers, communities, and services in chat or direct messages.

Recording for Twitch/Youtube && Streaming rules

Youtube videos about 1MB are welcomed in the #minecraft channel, feel free to post them.

Youtube videos about other servers, when it's about gameplay, and not to entice others to join, when no server host/ip is mentioned, are incidentally welcome in the off topic channel.

Live-streaming our server on Twitch / Youtube / etc. is welcomed, feel free to post your live-stream link about 1MB in the #minecraft channel.

Live-streaming other servers is not allowed. Please refrain from doing so.

Avoid sharing personal information. Protect your privacy and the privacy of others.

Toxic behavior such as bullying, harassing others, etc. is not welcome, feel free to contact an admin (nixxy73 or mrfloris for example) for a discussion. We have no tolerance for making others feel unwanted or uncomfortable.

Offensive content such as piracy, nsfw, sexism, racism, etc. is not welcome.

Due to the sensitive nature, religious and political discussions are to be avoided.

Please note that Discord requires people to be of a minimum age, we apply 13+
More information here: https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/360040724612

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Heads-up: Upcoming changes to our grief-reporting and grief-rollback policies.
- Starting Spring 2021

We've always gone out of our way to load old archives, backups of databases, etc and nitpicked the blocks, chunks, and region files for areas that got griefed and got reported to us 12+ months later.

Last few years we've slightly adjusted this to a- be to main-worlds only, and b- up to a year.

Moving forward this Spring Update we will tighten the belt and put more responsibility in the hands of the player.

** This is a heads-up **
• We will require a certain amount of playtime before we region protect an area.
• We will update our rules or rather our grief/rollback policies to the following:
• Reports are to be made within a few weeks to a few months after the grief, it will be the responsibility of the player to keep an eye on their build. You know your builds the best!
• We will store data with a guarantee of up to six months to roll back. Meaning if you report many months later and we have purged the data, we will no longer go the extra mile and dive into our archives for you.
• We will purge data every month with a cut-off data of 30-ish weeks. (Sometimes we skip a month, or a few weeks)
• We will purged archived databases from 'way back' a lot more often. For example, in 2022 we will purge all rollback data backups from 2019 and older.

Thank you for understanding, and I hope this heads-up means that you have enough time to get online this Winter season and check your builds. If there's an issue or you need to double check something feel free to reach out to any team member. We still have enough backup and backed up data to help restore at this point. And yes, we can properly region protect your awesome hard work.

The more active and the more players build, be it 1 or 50 bases, the easier it is to region protect, roll back, etc.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Heads-up: Upcoming changes to our whitelist/blacklist of clients, loaders, mods, etc.
- Starting Spring 2021

To be uber clear: Nothing really changes, we will perm ban on any type of abuse that is even common sense. We run the server for you to play on as a player. We do not run it for people to abuse the system by using bugs, unintended gameplay mechanics, etc. Any unfair advantage is against the rules. Unfortunately, this seems a very difficult concept for some people who share a different opinion. You're free to have a different opinion; there are enough other servers out there with equal-minded players. This is our server, our rules. Play within those rules or get banned; it's that black/white and we're strict about it.

In the past however we might have been giving leeway and trying to educate players as to why we like or do not like something. Moving forward and since the game and our community is now a decade old it's fair to assume the common sense rule should be the only rule technically. You should know by now that you're purposely trying to gain a benefit you would otherwise not have. So the answer is likely: no, you can't use that. We will explain less, refer to our rules, and upon breaking of our rules we will sanction your account.

Moving forward however we will also request from our team members, epic players, donators, and regular active players what they consider to be whitelisted and blacklisted things. We will review them and adjust this list accordingly. We're open to discussing items already on the list.

Things that are not allowed and result into a perm ban without option to appeal:

- Any customization to the vanilla game that gives you any unfair advantage.
- Abuse of the game mechanics to create unintended mechanics that give you a clear advantage or lets you bypass a rule.
- Unofficial clients are assumed to be used for cheating, if we suspect you from cheating and we see you use an unofficial client we can consider that 'evidence'.
- Unofficial launchers are assumed to be used for cheating, if we suspect you from cheating and we see you use an unofficial launcher can consider that 'evidence'.
- Modifications (plugins, mods, injections, scripts, macros, etc) that extend the game to achieve impossible things, item duping, etc that give you any unfair advantage is obviously not allowed.
- Modifications as listed above that aren't on the below list and purposely try to avoid identification are considered to be used for cheating, upon detection we can consider that 'evidence'
- Lag machines, auto farming that gives you money, items, levels, etc. that goes beyond a semi automated farm for auto sorting, farming/harvesting, or piston doors, etc with the intention to not actually play and automate gameplay to get ahead of others is considered an unfair advantage and we will ask you to stop, with the exception of lag machines, see below.
- Lag machines, or any other mechanism to try and exploit the plugins on the server or the server itself to try and crash it, lag it, escalate privileges or otherwise abuse it is considered malicious. Sometimes we will seek financial damages and/or seek legal action. You will at least be perm banned, if you have friends in your group they will follow you out with a ban as well.
- Downloading our world through replay mod to gain an advantage is not allowed. If you are a content creator get whitelisted first and have an agreement with the server owner.
- World downloaders, auto builders, scripts, automated accounts, bots, or even schematic visualizers are not allowed.
- Litematics or schematica is not allowed, visualizing your build ingame is not a default mechanic and gives you an unfair advantage over others - sorry. People that have abused this in the past have ruined it for you. Complain to them. But respect our decisions please on this.
- Mini maps that show caves, tunnels, dungeons, POI, mobs, players, are not allowed. If you use one, see the below mention of it on the whitelist to make sure you dont risk getting sanctioned. Play it safe: assume that mini maps are at least frowned upon, will get you suspected of cheating, and will probably be fully disallowed in the (near) future.
- Mouse or keyboard customizations that give you an advantage in pvp, grinding, etc, including macro-ing/scripting etc, not allowed (we know who you are, this is your final warning to stop)

Things that we have officially whitelisted, and give more leeway on; but we do refer you to the common sense rule.

- Optifine (https://optifine.net/) is allowed, despite it supporting the light emitting sources such as a torch, lantern, etc. We are now officially changing our rules regarding this 'light hack', see below. Anyway, optifine is whitelisted.
- Fabric loader/API is allowed, but only for plugins on our whitelist, and plugins that do not give you an unfair advantage.
- Vanilla Tweaks (https://vanillatweaks.net/) are allowed, again, for whitelisted items, and tweaks/datapacks/resourcepacks that do not give an unfair advantage.
- FaithFul 32 (https://faithful.team/), resource pack is allowed, just like any other resource pack, but we are adding faithful and sphax bdcraft to our whitelist as officially allowed. Any resource pack that gives you an unfair advantage, such as xray, etc. is obviously not allowed. If we see you run 'cheat packs' we will suspect you from cheating and look into this.
- A simple mini map is allowed. We will suspect you from cheating, sorry. This is because we know it has additional features that we do not allow. You run the risk that if we suspect you from unfair pvp-ing, unfair POI finding, etc, and we see you run a mini map, we will use it as 'evidence' for gaining an unfair advantage. So turn it off or switch to another mini map without those features. You purposely run it: you purposely take the risk. Play fair, you should be fine. We do not promise to perm block mini maps in the future.
- Sodium (https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/sodium) (and Phosphor) is allowed as alternative to optifine.
- Shader packs are allowed (same argument as resource packs)
- Macros are not allowed. If you have a disability and require an exception, talk to the owner.
- Mini Hud is unfortunately allowed. I voted no, others voted yes.
- Abusing the light bug is allowed. We have to many people with a visual disability that benefit from this. Some bugs in the game cause this. Profile hack leaking break the ability to turn this off, optifine kind of ruined light cheat already. We are giving in and against our will allowing this. Note: if you use this in an event where light plays a part and this customization helped you win: We will ban you for cheating during an event. Daily survival play is now officially allowed. Even if we dont want it to. It is officially frowned upon, not a bannable offense unless it's during an event.

Quite an update. And a messy list. It will change over the future. But now you have a headsup. Technically all these rules are already in effect, we're just in the period of discussing the specifics and will start enforcing it by spring time.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001

The Summer Update 2021 is here with updates to the OMG boards, Discord Chat, and 1MB minecraft server. This means it's time to review what we have ~ tighten the belt around certain rules, and loosen up on some of the existing rules. Keep a close eye on new players, but improve the way we teach them things with a smile, and we should stop staring at existing players that have been with us for a while.

And yes, as you can see, the above posts are all a huge mess, we have to start cleaning that up. And make sure it is easier to find what you are looking for.

Are you familiar with our community, can you write English quite well, and understand communities? We're looking for someone to help manage and write this content with us, because we can use the help. Feel free to reach out.

Got banned in the last ten years and really wish you could come back? Open a ban-appeal and let's turn that perm-ban into a 2nd-chance-unban. <3


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
It's time, Mojang has now released Minecraft 1.19.1, so from today on the rules on the forum, discord and especially in Minecraft includes the community guidelines and community standards from Mojang, and we will try to stay within them and enforce them. So please respect them as we will be MORE actively referring to them. Note please that while we have unsigned chat at the moment, there are various options in our server.properties file that let us control the ingame chat features a bit, for signed chat, required secure profile, and offering chat preview. When we do have full signed chat in the (near) future, it's possible that those who break the Mojang community guidelines not only get caught by our system, or get manually sanctioned by our team members, but that online players who feel it should be reported will be able to report that content to Mojang for review.

We're a family friend server, and we always want people to respect that, Mojang has offered improved player safety features, and so we will gradually move to support these. We gave a heads-up, and now our rules have officially changed. For questions, please use our discord with a private ticket


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Mojang has released 1.19.2, and we've enabled in server.properties the value for enforce-secure-profile. (If set to true, players without a Mojang-signed public key will not be able to connect to the server.) If your client causes issues, stop using hack or custom clients, and use the vanilla launcher and vanilla client, it is guaranteed to work.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Updated today with a bit of a friendly but easy-to-read and understand introduction text about how we're trying to make a friendly community and toxicity has no room in it.
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