I still hate cooking - it is very physically painful at times, I am now aware when I need to rest and it is MUCH easier to cope with. Also cleaning is heaps easier too with a dishwasher. Cooking for two is easier than one, but very expensive. I spent a lot of money on food over the last year. I have been growing what I can but its not sustainable. I look forward to making a more productive garden in the next place.
I keep being told that I am quite a good cook. I cooked up all the food for my last birthday party (30 ish people) and got heaps of compliments. Unfortunately I spent most of that night vomiting from the effort the cooking took, and didnt get to eat much of it myself. I had done it in advance too! But hadnt rested enough.
Its going to be tricky to balance my diet for one again, especially as my next home is over 100km away from the main shops! I really enjoy a simple potato with greek yogurt, spinach and pink salt. Sometimes I will add some cheese or an egg. Its my "go-to" safe and easy meal, knowing I wont react to it.
Oven baked chips are also an essential part of my diet