Considering buying an array of Mac Mini systems


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
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It's possible to upgrade my ISP to a business account, this comes with four or five dedicated IP addresses. This is perfect. That means I can have my own mail server at home, as well as my own domain name servers. And still have my personal network on another IP while running servers and services on another.

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This made me think. Instead of investing in some new stuff, why not buy up some old stuff.
Some second hand or older generation Mac Mini systems that I can still open and put in a bit more ram and SSD drives. (and put the HDD as USB in a raid array for them to use).

This way the load is spread, and they can do their own thing, and it will work just fine. They're small enough, easy to use and don't require a keyboard, mouse and monitor. Remote login will be just fine.

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Now, obviously Apple has announced new products to be released this and next year, including an update to the Mac Mini, but that opens it up for me. Either this configuration, cheaper, perhaps second hand. And use the extra money to get the raid ssd setup on bundled connections, etc. Or perhaps get the newer one if it has usb-c and thunderbolt 3 port. offering less drives, and no need for a raid setup and perhaps it will be possible to daisy chain them.

If the new Mac Mini actually offers enough power, especially when they get bundled, perhaps I can invest in a few cheaper mac minis, an 5k or 8k monitor, and then I don't have to buy the new iMac?