converting from SMF over Xenfans to XF

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OMG Member
Mar 23, 2011
This is a post I have published some minutes ago on

Hello Community - Its done.

Ater some month of testing and styling with my XF Forum (Im still the one and only user for that time ;)) I want to convert from my Wordpress+SMF Website to XF.
My goal was to have one software wich contains all: Article, Forum, Videos, Calendar and XF seems to do it well (accept the Articles :D)
There is an option to integrate the articles into the forum node, but I decide to wait some time until ragtek is coming out with his Article Add-on (I tested a beta and it seems to meet my demands)

Ok, converting with no converter isnt a good idea. The testconverting over VB has worked - after some trouble - but thats not what I want, because there are some things wich cannot convert and these are missing.
Waiting for an official converter? Not for me, Im old and have no time :p

So I contact Floris from Xenfans and he offers me a converting for a low budget.
And yesterday was the great day and - it worked.
Great servivce from Xenfans. This was a good deal for me, because my nerves are not so good in my age of 50. :whistle:

After the Converting I have to do some work with styling, copying and so on and 2 hours ago I go online.
Yippi. Seems that my users are busy at the moment. First comments are very positiv.

I want to say thanks to the stuffmember, special Brogan for his neverending moderation, tips and tricks.
Also a very big thank to Xenfans, they allow me to start with XF today.

If you are interested: (German website)

And sorry for my english


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hey :)

I am glad xenfans has been able to help the best we could with the convert away from your board to a xenforo powered board. It's not a perfect method, but it does help you get started, and your data is all there. Passwords might need to be reset, but users can do that quite easily - it's a breeze in xenforo. And the little twists and turns and nuts and bolts of the software is something that will be optimized in the coming days as you run your site live. Good luck with the xenforo board, I am glad you like the software and that Mikey was able to help.

Thank you for the kind feedback.
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