Dealing with users that not break, but bend the rules.

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Users that are cheating their account, abusing their position, or bending the rules rather than breaking them. You know who I am talking about! Because every forum has one.

There are always a few people who understand the way communities work. They post properly at most times, knowing that will have some weight towards some of the moderators. But they also know the rules, and how to bend them to get away with it. They are on the verge of ruining a good mood on a site, and the administrators might just want to ban them. The staff might think otherwise.

There are always one or two users who cause a bit of problems on sites from time to time, but you can't prove they are the same person until they give it away. Would you just take preventive action and delete those accounts (ban them actually)?

How do you deal with users who bend the rules and are sneaky in their actions, until they get mad again and ruin it for the rest?


OMG Member
Dec 11, 2010
Well it is all on the intention of the manipulation of the rule. If it is in cause of the greater good....that is just a radical approach as a means to an end and I will not hold that against anyone brave enough to stick their neck out for the greater good.
On the other hand if they do it strictly to manipulate position, get ahead, or personally benefit from is no less a crime than fraud to me and they should be shunned for being criminal in action and told in the most .wav like quality "GOODBYE" in classic aol fashion.

The longer a person has been around the block with communities the higher the standard should be that they are held to. If you have 20000 views on all of your threads, it should be blatent that you shouldn't voice your opinion on topical matters until a good amount of people have had a chance to have their own opinion. If your talking causing masses of people to turn on a person/persons because of self interest...well. Using influence like that when you know you are influential is downright dirty. The issue is...what position is the person in question in, and how much of a "real estate value" at said place does this person wield and with that how much damage are they willing to cause to support their own sick habits. This is a difficult problem to approach.


OMG Member
May 12, 2011
I have been writing my rules for a good month now and will have a clause about this, don't know how I will word it yet but basically it will say "any member who is here for the reason of solely disrupting the community will be warned and if the behaviour is kept up will be banned."


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
With recent rulings I also recommend to look into that ruling and consider adding a claus that has the customer agree against starting or joining in a class action suit against the site, company or any individual involved.


OMG Member
May 12, 2011
Ooh thank you Floris, considering the type of site im making that will be excellent :D
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