Does this exist yet?

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OMG Member
Oct 25, 2010
I am doing 14-16 hour days right now so I cannot keep up with what all is going on.

I was wondering of this capability existed in any add ons yet? If it doesn't does anyone know the most likely one coming to meet my requirements or the one best to have modified?

This is for a CMS type system or portal.


1. Uses a Xenforo Wrapper so it looks like it belongs with the forum.

2. Allows me to promote a post to an article and allows me to set it so only Admins to promote an article.

3. The article on the front page will have a matching thread. Any comments to an article appear both in the forum thread and on the front pages. Any posts in the thread appear both on the front page and in the thread.

4. The ability to index the articles. Example allowing me to assign them to catagories and such. Example. Lets say I had a group in the index titled articles about green things. When a member clicks "articles about green things the only articles that appear on the front page are those articles I have added to the green things list.

5. It would be nice to be able to change the order on the articles easily.

6. It would be nice to be able to make the articles double column.

Are we getting close to something like this existing?


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
You're speaking of a fully fledged CMS. XenForo doesn't have something like this yet, no. I would look into the "XenPorta" by Jaxel


OMG Member
Oct 25, 2010
I am looking for an addon. Jaxels will let me promote a thread to an article yet. I am looking at a couple of other possible alternatives but they don't have some of the features I am looking for. They do have tons of features but are missing what I am looking for.


OMG Member
Oct 25, 2010
Contentteller was has a ton of features, way more than I need but that was ok, it just missed a detail I wanted.

I think I will likely have to commission a ground up build.


OMG Member
Oct 6, 2010
Contentteller was has a ton of features, way more than I need but that was ok, it just missed a detail I wanted.

I think I will likely have to commission a ground up build.

Hey mate, I can't remember what the feature you were after with Contentteller (Ct) isn't there at present, but it could be worth asking for it as a feature request - Philipp has already picked-up on a couple of small things I am after and posted workarounds with the suggestion that he will look to include these in future releases.

Also Fred Sherman is looking at commissioning a Ct/xF theme/style, which he has said he'll be releasing free to the community - I am thinking of offering to chip in on that, so I can some input into it.


OMG Member
Oct 25, 2010
I will make some suggestions of there and take a look at what Fred is doing.

I am wondering if possibly custom is the way to go. Not sure.

I will list the things I am wanting again a bit later. I actually am not planning on using many features, the features I want are very specific. It seems the things everyone is doing has 10 times what I will need which is ok but shoots all around what I am looking for.

I have no idea what custom will cost but if I have to pay for custom I am willing to do it


OMG Member
Oct 6, 2010
I agree Ct has a hell of a lot of features, several I doubt I’ll be using, so I just didn’t bother to install all the modules, if I decide to use any of them later – it’s easy enough to install them at that point.
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