

OMG Member
Mar 26, 2017
Have you gone for a facial before? Was it a one time thing or do you go regularly? The salon I go to is more like a day spa and they offer a variety of facials that look like they might be helpful. I need to schedule a consultation to find out which treatments they recommend, but once I start going, how often should I schedule an appointment? Would once a month be frequent enough? I don't want to ask them about it because if it was up to them, I'd come in once a week. ;)


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
When I was younger I had a few issues obviously with acne, I was too "im a guy" attitude to try it. Later when I was living together with a girlfriend and I treated her to a spa we went to get facials too. It was such a weird experience for me, but it did such good things for my skin. I walked around with a all white face for a while, but a week later it felt like I was super greasy and I broke out again.