Forum Changelog

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
January 1st, 2021:

The board registration has now been closed, sort of.

If you know a person who needs an account, let us know.
If you need an account, you're not than welcome, know someone and through them you will get in. Let us know!
If you need to appeal a ban from Discord or Minecraft, contact mrfloris somehow.

Will registration open again in the future? Yeah, maybe, no, possibly. Who can tell!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
March 27th, 2021:

Quick little update.

- The meet and greet sub forum has been merged with The Lounge sub forum. Your threads and posts are still there, it's just in a new spot.

- The Historical Archives have been made view-only to most members and all guests.
Note: The forum is there, the threads are there. You can see the title, but most won't be able to see the content of the thread.
Note: If you require access, feel free to read out.

- The Inside Scope forum has been moved to The Lounge forum.

- There were around 3500 to 4000 accounts of banned members from many years ago with 0 posts. We've purged this data. No need to retain this.

- Yep, we're just cleaning house a little bit.

Keep posting! <3


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
May 24th, 2021:

- Internal version of the OMG boards changed from 8.x to 9.x, because..

- Upgraded from XenForo 1.x to XenForo 2.x, finally.

- Please note that it's the same data (accounts, forums, threads, etc)

- Please note that the old 'style' from XF1 doesn't work on XF2, so we will use the months ahead of us to make changes.

If you run into any problems, please feel free to contact us.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
May 27th, 2021:

- Internal version from 9.0.0 updated to 9.0.1 as we've finished the upgrade and did some serious maintenance.

- Archived the rollback backup of the 8.x forum/database dumps local and offsite.

- Run all the internal caches to make sure things are properly updated to the new XenForo engine.

- Noticed some issues with imported master phrases, I've rebuild the master stuff from /install, and things seem fine now.

- Updated the configuration files and walked through global board options real quick

- Imported the dark-theme that we will be working on

- Archived some old Minecraft-forums content from 2016-2020 to the public omg archives.

- Closed some old 2020 threads that shouldn't get any further post replies.

- Merged some specific content, posts, etc to clean stuff up.

- "suggestions & bugs" is now renamed to "Suggestions", the description has been slightly adjusted. Old content that could be archived has been moved to the OMG public archive. And the type of this sub-forum has been changed to XenForo's Suggestion-forum.

- "support tickets" is now renamed to "Support Questions", the description has been slightly adjusted. Old content has been moved to the OMG public archive. And the type of the sub-forum has been changed to XenForo's question-forum.

- The above 2 sub forums will be run for a few days to get used to it and see how it goes, before doing the same for refactoring of the features sub forum (probably changing it to an articles forum)

- Considering adding cover-feature to particular forum content for more rich and fun viewer experience.

- Rebuild threads/posts positions so newly created content doesn't show up halfway through.

- Bumped version to 9.0.1, any further tweaks this week will be part of this .1, I see no reason to bump it to .2 unless it's a huge change.

- Still to come: Collapsed sub forums in a popup should now be listing sorta-like how they used to.

- Still to come: Maybe we might re-add the forum descriptions to display, instead of hiding them in a tooltip

- Still to come: 9.0.x with dark theme and updated light theme.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
May 29th, 2021:

- More 9.0.1 updates are live now to all groups.

- The top navigation bar has a tab for Discord and Help again.

- We're taken note of things that need work after the upgrade.

- The top navigation bar now has the '1MB Minecraft' forums as a dropdown.

- We've split sticky-threads from the rest, they show in a more obvious color at the top now.

- Specific forums like Suggestions and Ban-Appeal now have a custom thread prompt, making creating content for people a little easier.

- Suggestions from you all have been noted and are being considered for the next update round.

- You might notice the frontpage now shows a grid of the sub-forums rather than a vertical list. Hopefully this makes browsing the forums a bit more fun and a bit easier.

- A start has been made on the dark-mode version of the site. Once it's 'good enough' we will make it public.

- Various small 'tweaks' have been applied to match the style a bit more of how it used to be.

- The sticky navigation bar at the top (when you scroll down) now has the sub-section again. So it's how it was before (mostly)

- Mobile users will notice an improvement in landscape navigation as well.

- Various back-end settings have been glanced over quickly and reconsidered. Hopefully this is the first of a few steps to take to properly configure the front-end to how we want it to be. We're still getting used to the new back-end.

- Database maintenance has been completed. Caches are properly rebuild, counters are revisited and table fields have been optimized/repaired where logical, CDN endpoints have been reviewed and adjusted accordingly.

- Front-end maintenance for caching, optimization is scheduled for a future 9.0.x release.

- Thread tagging is possible again. Use your common sense please. But if you make new content about phones, you can tag it for example phones, iphone, android, .. and this makes it easier in the tag cloud to find related content.

- Facebook and Twitter sharing has been re-enabled. I think it works okay now. Test it someone? :D

- A tab for Discord is re-added, enabled, and a widget is now included on the discord page, as well as the sidebar on the forum (for now, until we find a better and more logical spot for it)

- The tab for Help is re-added, enabled, and sub-menu is added as a dropdown that links to the default and custom pages. And yes, it has out of date information but we're going to fix that when we have the time.

- The Alerts tab in the top right now shows more clearly what is unread, read, and gives you access to the alerts overview page. You will also notice that certain repetitive alerts like reactions will get batch reported and summarized.

- Forum descriptions are here to stay, I think this is easier for new people to understand and find than a tool tip.

- More content from older forums have been moved to the public archive.

- A few buttons have been pressed here and there.

Okay, that's it for the OMG boards today, this is still 9.0.1, bigger changes are scheduled for 9.0.2 and the dark theme will introduce 9.1.x
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
September 13th, 2022:

- Bumped forum version number to 9.0.2

- Merged 'The Inside Scoop' with 'The Lounge'.

- Reviewed the sticky threads in 'The Lounge' and made some small changes.

- The sticky thread 'terminology' has been made unsticky, and is now locked. The content has been moved to a new Help menu location, you can find it here:

- The two sticky threads about the history of the forums have been merged into one. And renamed to 'Community History'.

- We have been working to get some more content up again to create some 2022 discussions. Food for thought! But by all means, sign up, make your own threads, and join in on existing ones. We welcome you all.

More changes are coming, I will either edit this post or share it tomorrow when we're done.
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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
September 14th, 2022:

- Merged conversations from the old '' forum that we temporarily kept private to the public 'The Lounge' forum.

- Merged the forum 'tech talk and web stuff' into the forum 'the lounge' as well.

- Locked 500+ old threads that don't need to get bumped in 2022.

- The 1MB Minecraft category got an update as well. The content was moved to player lounge or 1mb server info, and the extra linked features and other stuff block, is merged and cleaned up.

# Just to clarify, all of these changes is just relocating and merging content. No accounts or threads/posts/information has been deleted.

- sidebar: "discord" widget removed, we have a top navigation "discord" button that also has the widget

- sidebar: "share this page" block removed, it will now show below the thread (before the quick reply) where it makes more sense.

Phew, another hour of my life. But I hope everybody enjoys that we keep this place going.
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