

Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
So I turn 30 this year and decided to do a bit of fundraising for it. I've decided on Lumos as my charity as Harry Potter has been a big part of my life growing up. The work they are doing to help families is great as well.

However apart from setting up a Just Giving page I'm not sure what to do. I'm going to make cards and sell those as I already have loads of supplies and don't really want to pay to fundraise, kinda defeats the purpose otherwise. I physically can't do anything sportswise.

Although I don't really want to pay out money, I might try and organise an event, maybe a book reading or something, something small where people can dress up and get together to read, preferably in a free venue!


OMG Member
Jan 6, 2009
That sounds like a great idea!

There was a store today selling nuts - I would guess they had been brought in bulk and repackaged for the fundraiser (italian earthquake) seemed a good little money maker with a small bag $3 then up to $15 for larger bags of almonds - still more expensive than a shop but in prettier packaging for a cause. I thought it was neat.

Do your crochet? Crochet owls are big right now. Nappy Cakes? I know you are artistic enough for them.

Im trying to think of crafty things since you have those supplies.

Knitted beanies were around today - I saw a sock monkey SHARK!

Growing herbs or veg? Aloe vera sunburn cream for summer haha!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
More selfish. But i have started a fund raising page. Or rather a progress and information page so people and myself could keep track



Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I can't crochet!

I did think about doing nappy cakes, but it's quite a lot of money to make one and then you need the right people to buy them.

I think my main issue is actually going to be the asking people to give me money or asking if I can use venues or things for it, I'm not good at asking for things!


OMG Member
Jan 6, 2009
Last time I was on a fundraising committee we did a generic type letter/email to send out to many companies for grants and use of services. It introduced out charity, our goals and how the company could help us. If they replied we had another professional letter to send - more specific. We were quite successful but this was large scale $250,000 fundraising. This also worked for donations of goods - some people would not offer money or sponsership but would offer some goods for us to do as we please with (raffle, quiz night etc)

An event sounds like a really great idea - its a good money maker and although organisation can be a bitch - its almost always worth the effort. Could you run some raffles or door prizes also? Grab a bunch of can soft drink and sell them for double the price?

Can you knit? Im sure I've seen you knit! Although time consuming for such little reward. With you going into summer I cant see many needing beanies.

There is a SURE way to make an easy $3000 in Australia. Just do a bunnings sausage sizzle haha!