Get Paid to Publish [Looking for writers for $28+]

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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
XenFans is going to pay you for writing articles for - so if you're interested please watch this thread as we will update it with details and restrictions as the months happen.

[edit: We now have one slot open for September, October, November and December, please check the second post :)]

The intention is that written content is on our behalf, for XenFans. Exclusive.

Articles & Interviews -OR- Moderator Guides -OR- Developer Tutorials/Lessons

And we're going to pay out to our premium members a bit more than our active members.

We will be looking for content that has either 350+ to 500+ words in them. And we would love it if it could have a few screenshots/images, or even youtube/vimeo video attached for visual guide.

Now you know what we're kinda hoping to do, and how we're going to give back to our member base, we will have exclusive slots available to content writers, and are willing to pay for your work.

XenFans content you write remains your copyright, but as it becomes our property (part of our board) we're free to make it public/private, edit or delete it - append to it, etc. however, you will be fully credited with a link to your site, your name (or alias).


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
We're looking for an article of 350+ to 500+ words where you explain to a new XenForo administrator how they can work with some of the features. And we will pay you to write it.

Some topics have to be addressed:
- Social Networks and XenForo (pros/cons of facebook/twitter/google+ integration)
- Starting a Community "The Team" (how to pick your staff, which team members/functions do you need)
- Starting a Community "Forum Structure" (introduction to nodes, and suggestion to forum structure, private + news + offtopic + archive, etc)
- Newsletters (pros/cons of them, how do you make one, using {variables} and pros/cons of using HTML vs Plaintext. And do you also publish the mailed letters in the public forum like xenfans does?)
- RSS Importer (import dynamic content remotely, introduction, example, benefits, potential legal consequences to consider)

We have one slot available for September -> December, and it is on a the-first-poster-gets-it basis. Please respond to this thread if you want to make a bit of money, knowing you can write this 350+ to 500+ words article for us.

We will pay you over PayPal:
- Registered Member: $28
- Premium Member: $34

You will be the author of the article, your name and web site can be listed for credits. Your article is made on our behalf. And exclusive to - we are free to use it, or not. To edit, move or delete it. And it's at our discretion to re-publish it on third party web sites, partially or as a whole. You are free to publish it on and your own web site, but it must link back to the original article location here on You're not free to publish it on other web sites without our written consent.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Bumping as it's a new month.

We've had some great feedback and some good content written and shared by our members, and we're upping our prices.

Please do contact us if you're interested in writing about XenForo in one way or the other, we're still looking for new writers.
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