I walk too little


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
But I am making progress.

I use my bicycle a lot, and otherwise the bus. No car for me. But I don't walk enough.

During daytime I am usually asleep, and if I go somewhere I take the bike. At night, a walk in the park, raises questions. hehe. I try to avoid it.

But when the weather is great, and I don't have too many headaches like I usually do, I don't mind going to places by just walking.

Anyway, I used to not even hit 1000 steps a day, or at least, register a 1000 a day. And over time this has improved. Until last winter where it just died down. And in 2016's second half things weren't going too great so I had no motivation to walk.

Since then, my 1000 has doubled to 2000. And I aim to get at least a basic 2500 steps in a day. And for me, that's a bit of an improvement. I don't go to work, I don't go to school.. I don't walk around that much, and have no friends really to go places. Nobody to go on hikes with or just take a stroll and chat about stuff. I know, sad life.. whatever.

But with the spring weather improving and days being a bit longer it's nice to pick it up again and keep an eye on it. Building it up to 3000 and aiming for 5000, by just walking an extra 15 or 30 to 45 minutes each day (or at least if the weather allows it).

Looking forward to having 5000 as a minimum and aiming for 7500 and building it up to 10k/day.

now to find a bit of a goal while walking. Say, go into town, get a coffee or orange juice. Walk back home again. I already am getting a bit bored just walking and doing nothing. I try to listen to music and podcasts, but it becomes repetitive. haha, Maybe I should pick up pokemon hunting again or something along those lines.

And no, I don't want a dog. Sorry,


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
How about geocaching? walking around and if there's none in your area you can find little hiding places to put things


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Interesting, i will read up on this.


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
My friend does geocaching and loves it. It takes him all over the place as everywhere he goes there is something to do.


Professional Dragon Egg Hunter
Dec 9, 2016
Since I have the busy Teenager life right now. That is one thing that worries me about getting older. Not being as activate and thus the resolute of that. But for now it's okay. I go to school everyday, then work, maybe shopping. I'm always somewhere and sometimes it sucks cause I want to be home sleeping.

I walk about an average of 4K a day, but if I'm doing an extra thing that day it goes up to 6 to 8k a day depending on what I'm doing.

If the Nethlands had awesome parks like we did in the US. I would say go hiking. I love hiking! So cool to walk through parks and see waterfalls, the landscape change as you walk, and all the little anaimals around !


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Our country is so small, if I hike for 2 hours I end up in the ocean or in Germany.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Had an extra walk today - just to walk more. The weather is great, I had a break halfway through. Was all good.
I am glad I got new shoes, and that the weather is improving. It is a motivator.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
my fitbit helps me keep track of my steps. Yetserday I did 19,000 steps. Today I did 900. It's varied >_>


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I would walk but I can't for the next 6 - 8 weeks!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I was lying in bed feeling depressed, but decided to just go out and have a walk with a friend, go for dinner, and get a few extra miles in. I made the best of today. I hope it was worth something.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
I was lying in bed feeling depressed, but decided to just go out and have a walk with a friend, go for dinner, and get a few extra miles in. I made the best of today. I hope it was worth something.
I find that when I am getting very depressed that a walk can help.

It's just getting that motivation to get up and get out. Good job on making the most of the day and I hope it makes your tmoorrow better


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I find that when I am getting very depressed that a walk can help.

It's just getting that motivation to get up and get out. Good job on making the most of the day and I hope it makes your tmoorrow better
The weather is important, I am almost considering to just move to LA for the sake of almost never having days of rain. I think the NL has like 140 days per year of rain or whatever.


OMG Member
Jan 6, 2009
I just moved to get away from the sun! Although its not exactly lacking here either. Its cooler where I am now which agrees with me well. I really dont know why I lived in a place that was so hot it burnt me if I stayed out side from mere minutes, for so long.

Good luck on your goal, seems achievable. I also found when I lived in the city that I needed a reason to walk out of the house - a $1 slushie from 7/11 did it for me. I did pokemon too but it drained the batteries quickly. I have heard good things about geocatching.

I used to walk a lot - just the nature of my job. But for the last year, its been less walking and more pacing. I dont sit very often, I think I used up my life sitting quota when I lived in a tiny tin shed and was awake at all hours of the night. But when I lived in the city, I fell a lot with medication changes and started to get scared of walking on bitumen or pavement. I drove out of the city a few times to do some long bush walks, but not as many as I needed.

I am trying very hard to slow down the pace of my walk. As walk incorrectly, too fast and twist to walk back the other way. But it is improving - now I have a garden to walk forward in, I can do circles though the whole garden rather than pacing up and down a lane way. Its very difficult for me to slow it down, but the flowers do help!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
It has been too depressing and cloudy here. Too many days of silly drizzle and stormy weather. I am ready for some sunlight. My albinism disagrees, but I need the smile on my face.

Last night though, in the dark, I went for a 10 minute walk, and my ankle - for some reason - was hurting, so I went back and got my bicycle. Went for a thirty minute ride through town. It was a bit cool, but not too bad. And at least I made an extra effort to get in some extra activity.

Slowly I am getting more motivated to get a fitbit or an Apple Watch (series 3, later this year?) and use it as motivation to sit down less, do more things, more often. And a little longer.


Professional Dragon Egg Hunter
Dec 9, 2016
I want an Apple Watch so bad. But should I wait for series 3 or just get series 2?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I want an Apple Watch so bad. But should I wait for series 3 or just get series 2?
Wait for series 2, they updated series 1 with newer hardware last time, maybe this time they do the same, or drop the price of series 2. Who knows.


OMG Member
Jan 6, 2009
Gosh I cannot fathom why anyone would spend that much money to count steps. I can see the appeal if it has a camera function?

I went on a walk this morning through a wild flower area. It was a nice easy walk trail, no one else around. I took a few photos and sat long enough for the birds to come back. It was very enjoyable. About 4 km all up so a nice easy walk.

I walked past the post office early this morning and found fresh roo poo in the street. :D


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Gosh I cannot fathom why anyone would spend that much money to count steps. I can see the appeal if it has a camera function?

I went on a walk this morning through a wild flower area. It was a nice easy walk trail, no one else around. I took a few photos and sat long enough for the birds to come back. It was very enjoyable. About 4 km all up so a nice easy walk.

I walked past the post office early this morning and found fresh roo poo in the street. :D
I would not buy it just for the steps though :)


OMG Member
Jan 6, 2009
Good! Cos I would get your brain checked if you did hahah!

I am more of a distance person - I think it sounds cooler that way - for example when I did rowing - 60km was easy as - but it sounds bloody impressive when you put it that way :p


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
The only time I achieved something when 60km were involved was sitting in a cat, bus or train.


Don't Blink
Mar 5, 2017
I should start walking a longer route to work now it's better weather, but I find myself automatically walking the same route everyday.

I have a free step counter on my phone, but it's not that good, for one I've been know to pick my phone up in the night from bed and it'll count those as steps, I think the highest I got from the comfort of my bed was 60 steps! Also I don't always have my phone on me, or if I do sometimes the battery dies and it doesn't count


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I had the opportunity to walk and extra 2500 steps to push it to 5000. Went well. Doing it again today. On top of everything else that is