mercGallery Lite Beta 1

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OMG Member
Oct 27, 2010
This is the first proper release of mercGallery Lite. It is fully functional with a few bugs here and there. I will list known bugs below and get them fixed asap. There are also a couple features missing that are listed below. I hope you can find use for this mod. There will be another lite mod coming soon.

You can view the gallery in action here.

Installation / getting started
  1. like any other mod upload the contents of the upload directory into your forums root. Then run the addon XML file.
  2. next thing you need to do is create categories. Do this in the admin control panel -> mercApps. Note: you won't see a category in public until it has an image in it as the latest image is used as the thumbnail for the category
  3. give yourself permission to manage images in users -> permissions
  4. go to the gallery view the main navigation link and you will notice in the top right a button... press it!
  5. done.
Known bugs
  • minor bug with dropdown when adding an image from a category (doesn't select the category you are in by default)
What is left to do
  • use the xenforo data folder for images and access via a user friendly url
  • use xenforo's lightbox implementation
  • option to change the name of the link in the navigation menu
  • add link to the quick navigation menu
  • add permission for viewing the gallery (this is the only permissions you will get, see it or not see it. Paid version will have a node tree with permissions much like the main forum)
  • pagination
  • upload using the flash stuff xenforo uses so you see a progress bar (might not make it into 1.0)
  • clean up the HTML and CSS properly


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I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Thank you Robbo for using XenFans :) For releasing your mod. Excellent work.


OMG Member
Oct 27, 2010
Beta 1.1 just a small bug release
  • fixed calling an old template
  • fixed any problems with spaces in the images filename meaning the thumbnails were blank
New package attached to first post. Simply upload like normal and upgrade the mod through the acp, I'm sure you know how.


OMG Member
Oct 27, 2010
Beta 1.2 another small bug release
  • fixed gallery tab not being selected
  • fixed nav tree not showing the gallery in some cases
  • fixed popular and recent actions to properly show coming soon
  • fixed a bug with thumbnails, all thumbnail problems should now be solved
New package attached to first post. Simply upload like normal and upgrade the mod through the acp, I'm sure you know how. This is the last release for a while. I need to get the downloads mod done first, it now has priority until it is at least into beta.


OMG Member
Oct 27, 2010
Beta 1.3 another small bug release
  • Added ML Support (Front- and backend)
  • Added a main header (merc_gallerylite_header)
  • Fixed a navigation issue that showed "Gallery" Twice
  • Header now shows name of the category instead of "Gallery"
  • Added a new description layout
  • Fixed Admin CP Navigation Issue
  • Added User Group Permissions link in mercApps
New package attached to first post. Simply upload like normal and upgrade the mod through the acp, I'm sure you know how.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
This plugin will be mentioned in the upcoming newsletter :D
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