Open or concealed carry


OMG Member
Sep 2, 2007
Open or concealed carry

Anyone carry a gun? Be it pistol or heh, shotgun / rifle :)


OMG Member
May 6, 2007
I've carried a weapon for most of my life. I have a carry permit that is good in 14 states, soon to be 16 states when the governor signs the reciprocity agreements.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
Nope. I doubt we're allowed to in this country.


OMG Member
May 6, 2007
Unfortunately, we live in a world where disputes are ultimately settled by men with guns; as well as how property and person are secured. It is best if there are men of honor who are well trained professionals with guns rather than having armed hoodlums running amok.

I have a license because I'm qualified.

I have many firearms but, I am not a member of any firearm organization; ie, the NRA. Personally, I think the NRA and their ilk are full of shit and sell scary stories for profit. I don't believe that you should be able to go buy any high power weapon without being qualified. A little required training is not too much to ask. To get a drivers license in the US at an earlier age, you must have Driver's Education, otherwise, in most states, you must wait until you are 18 to take the driver's license test.

As it is now, on a US citizen's 18th birthday, they can purchase any rifle or shotgun. On their 21st birthday, they can purchase any handgun.

The anti-gun people hate me because I'm heavily armed. The pro-gun people hate me because I believe in some more regulation. I just don't fit in with crowds of any kind.

It's not me. It's them.:D


OMG Member
Dec 24, 2008
No guns allowed round here. So instead I play airsoft.

However my family of old were builders and smiths, so naturally I have a knife. On the other hand so do most men round here.

We have a saying which translates very nicely into English "A knifeless man, is a lifeless man" :P


OMG Member
Oct 16, 2006
Unless you're involved in a largely random shooting, in this country you have to be really pushing it to have someone shoot you. Stab you or smack your head in? Not so much. Friend of mine almost got himself killed for sleeping with another friend's ex-girlfriend. Fella who owned the girl tried bludgeoning him to death. Shootings however are rare and carrying a gun on a regular basis, unless you get yourselves involved with drugs and the like, generally isn't worth the bother.

Were I to carry a gun it would be concealed, even assuming it was legal to do otherwise in this country. Fights tend to be built around a game of one-upmanship. By the time he's in your face or his mates are standing behind you - or both - you're pretty much screwed. Always a laugh when you see people walking past a line of folks against a wall or the like, that sort of stuff can go south quick and it doesn't matter what you've got if that happens. Someone walks along behind you, another lurks at the end of the street. Bad mojo. Someone comes up to you 'Can I have a light, can I have some money?' Waits for your hands to go into your pocket and strikes hard.

If he knows you've got it he can take steps to counteract it just as you can take steps to get out of those situations. If you notice them in time. People who go around showing off their guns and their paranoia to everyone in real life are idiots. If you were planning something who would you shoot first? Where would you stand? Yeah, thought so; them, preferably from behind. Hell at any point you care to pick you've got your back turned to more than half the world. That's one of the reasons friends are so important. Man without friends is blind and deaf.

You've got to know the moment to escalate, the point where it'll do the most good, and a lot of that's about knowing or guessing one extra fact. It's like playing cards with magicians who are cheating like hell. You don't twig things like that what're you going to do with it? 'If I ever get into trouble I'll pull my gun!...' Yeah, trouble'll that'll be defined for you by someone more aware. Go on, see what happens; maybe you'll get lucky.

Think I'd rather not have a weapon than have it in plain sight.


OMG Member
May 6, 2007
I don't want people to know that I'm armed until I pull it to shoot someone. There are too many nutbars walking the streets to have an exposed lethal weapon for them to grab.

A license to carry is not a license to shoot people for something an elbow, knee or thumb in the eye will handle. There must be a viable threat to life, severe bodily harm or property in order to legally use lethal force. Some states don't have the property thing, mine does.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
The first 33 years of my life I haven't had a moment where I felt that my life was in danger that I would have wanted to carry a gun for, let's hope it stays that way.
Just knowing it's illegal in this country to own firearms or to carry it on you is a reason for me not to feel the need to have a weapon on me.


OMG Member
May 6, 2007
There are a lot of armed bad people in this country and good people should have the option to protect themselves. The police can't protect you from an armed criminal. They just clean up the mess after it's over. If it happens to me, I intend to be standing over the mess the police will clean up.

To have a firearm or not is a personal choice. In this country, it is also a constitutional right. I was a soldier for many years, I really know what I'm doing when it comes to firearms. Besides, within the oath of enlistment is the following, I will support and defend this nation against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. I have a US Gov't Geneva Conventions ID in my pocket that under expiration date, has the word Indefinite. All I need is justification. I am supposed to kill the bad guys and by some twist of fate, I just don't mind doing it.


OMG Member
Oct 16, 2006
While you're never perfectly safe if you avoid pissing people off you're near enough. Of course it's entirely possible some random nutbar will take exception to your existence - but it's statistically improbable. 93% of the people shot in America in 1996 had a criminal conviction to their name. And you know, people who commit enough crime to get caught have generally committed a lot more crime for which they haven't been. When you narrow the stats down and start talking about decent people getting shot, rather than people in general, America is fairly safe for that sort of thing. Criminals shooting criminals; what a pity.


OMG Member
May 6, 2007
I don't look for trouble, it just has a habit of finding me. I live by a Don't Start Any, Won't Be Any philosophy. I just deal with what crosses my path. I won't turn away, step aside, or submit. No matter what.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
I want to do the same, but I am not tough enough ;(


OMG Member
Jun 27, 2010
I would carry a gun if the country I lived in allowed it. Here I can have, without licence, a "Defence Pistol" in my home which will not fire ball ammo but which will fire CS Gas / Pepper Spray from blank type ammo. Non lethal but quite discouraging. If ever I had to use it I wouldn't even be subject to questioning by the police as long as it was within my home.


OMG Member
Jan 6, 2009
Why am I not surprised this is a @Rick937 thread :P

(mods do we do mentions here? I couldnt get his name to come up)

I dont have a gun, since they're largely illegal here. I do carry capsicum spray with me though and never even had the opportunity to use it .