please don't laugh:caterer looking to move forum from Facebook to on line forum


OMG Member
May 25, 2011
Hi there experts - I am a culinary expert but by no means a forum expert although I have been active on catering forums for many many years (over 15) and have seen the progression from simple crude message boards to today's wizardry. Currently I run and moderate a forum on facebook - essentially a private fb group for caterers by caterers. It's social media at its best with shared discussions and photos (we currently have over 1800 photos posted by caterers from around the globe).
but let's face it, Facebook is not designed to be an effective forum. It was a great place to start but now it's time to grow up and grow into a "grownup" forum where you can *gasp* search, organize and moniter posts, among other things. Below is an outline of what we are looking to do. Being that I am a culinary fashionista and not a forum fashionista - I am offering to trade advice and real help (eg catering services) for your advice and help in guiding me to the right solution for our growing group. TIA for all responses - remember you were all newbies at one time too. and we all have to eat and my food is DELICIOUS... and yes, I will travel to you if necessary. Think of how cool it would be to have a NYC culinary fashionista come and cater your next event!
Forum community that would be housed under

caterbuzz is the global social media hub for catering and event professionals

the forum categories

**get the buzz hub: open view forum with general interest posts – simple log in, moderated posts until they reach the private level

the inner hive forum: private member view forum area – next level (after 10 posts) questionnaire with more information required to get into this area)

the beekeepers forum: private forum area for moderators only

the photo honeycomb hub – a private member only forum for uploading photos – with the ability to run a logged in members only comment thread below each photo. Photos should have the ability to be tagged with

i. key word(s) (categories – eg hors d’oeuvres, equipment, guests, décor, short plates, entrée, dessert, trend,
ii. members who may be in the photo or who you want to alert to the photo
iii. automatic tag of the member who posted the photo

**vendor buzz: a place for vendors to post or members to post vendor links – open view for now (same basic sign in as to join the buzz)

for sale or trade – (same basic sign in as to join the buzz)

**the caterbuzz store - link to

**link to the caterbuzz blog –

**The areas that would be viewable without logging in

The log in for the initial posting ability should be fairly simple and straightforward with a short questionnaire that needs to be approved by a moderator.

The next level of posting + viewing ability would require more information be filled out in the members profile and would be available after 10 posts or at the queen bee moderator’s discretion.

The final level(s) would be the moderator(s) who would have the ability to move and delete posts and queenbee who would have the ability to override membership, ban “drone” members, and see IP addresses and all information posted with full priviledges.

Membership Levels

One star = 10 posts * new- bee
After they attain newbie status they get to join the private section

Two stars = 50 posts ** worker bee
Three stars = 100 posts *** honey bee
Four stars = 200 posts buzzie **** general

Moderator ***** buzzie moderator
Forum leader queenbee

The military has it, resorts have it and now caterbuzz has it too - attain your four and five star status by working your way up the hive !!

Simple membership request

screen name + login name:
can be your real name or a pseudoname of choice

email address:
visible only to forum administrator will not be shown publically
and used to send notifications
will not be sold or shared outside of caterbuzz without your permission

date of birth ( to check they are older than 21 and for birthday notification - not visible to members)

number of years as event professional: must be higher than 1 (have drop down box of 1-60)

company website:

catering + event experience: (not mandatory at this level)

your position (possibley have a drop down box with categories including other which they can fill in)

company name

business phone number (not mandatory at this level)

company location

country + state

city/town, state, postal code (not mandatory at this level)

other features
once members are approved and start posting

on each post, see how many posts members have made to date and the member’s status
ability to search by member for all their posts
ability to search for posts and photos by keywords and/or post contents …listing most current first
most recently answered posts float back up to top.
When members log in the unread posts are bolded or highlighted in a different color
Notification of posting to a thread member started or posted to (??include ability for member to shut this off)
Ability to subscribe to post
Private messaging ability with notification to members own email to log back into caterbuzz site (is it possible for the moderator to be notified of private message activity not actual message but activity???)
pollen “karma” points for posts and photos
ability to upload photos in batches.
Ability to message all members by queenbee only
Some sort of connectivity to facebook – eg could the initial open forum be an open facebook group and post there (realizing that conflicts with some of the outlined criteria but just thinking about possibilities)

is it possible for a teaser search …kind of like the NYTimes
they see the results list but not the content unless they are logged in as a member? Either within the website or via google? Just asking

haven’t figured out how the photo gallery should be organized yet.

At this point because we are a facebook group there is only ONE giant photo album and of course it has each posters name and whatever tags they made as well as the title if they filled one out. Then there is a comments section below just like any other facebook photo.

We definitely want all those abilities within the photo gallery*
Such as name of poster and their status
Ability to title photo
Ability to have comment thread under each photo
Ability to tag other members
Ability to tag into a category – perhaps like IPHOTO where the member can choose existing tag catergories or make one up

Is there an issue about linking photos vs. uploading photos. I thnk we would prefer to have photos uploaded so we have control over the content. There probably needs to be a user agreement as well and a terms of posting (will be working on that but if you have anywhere to point me to would appreciate it)

Once the photos are in the gallery what are the choices in terms of “security” - can they be watermarked, or downloaded just by dragging or downloaded with a button or not downloadable at all. Suggestions – pros and cons.

These are the points I can remember – some of the level of detailing is more than you might need at this point to discuss and propose but it’s helping me to formulate what the criteria is.

Am sure we have forgotten some thing we wrote in the great deleted outline, but I also went further here too. We welcome your suggestions and thoughts and would love to know how to proceed in a very timely manner!!


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hi there :)

We're not laughing, we're enjoying to hear that you're online experience is considered to be converted to a xenforo powered board. Let's hope we as a community can help.

What xenfans can do for you is something we can look into if you're interested in our services.

We have no facebook data convert service. But we can help you set up xenforo (first time installation) and that comes with setting up the categories you want, facebook integration/connect, and the forums under the categories.

Surely we can do more, I will ask our team if they have the time :)

Welcome to xenfans, thank you for the introduction and looking forward working together with you - if you are interested in our services.


OMG Member
May 25, 2011
thanks for your reply FLORIS...I have been enjoying browsing your blog and "getting to know you" a bit. You can see more about me on my 3 business blogs via the links on the upper left hand side at which is my boutique NYC catering biz. We are a small bespoke catering and event company with BIG experience and big ideas. I am hoping to turn caerbuzz into a similar experience.

oh I DO realize there is no conversion from FB to an on line forum - and crazy as it sounds I am going to do that manually myself because this is important to me and I want to create a seamless transition experience for our members. and since we are relatively small and newish its "doable"

I have most of the discussions copied and stored offline. The photos are more of a challenge and are taking a ridiculous amount of time but yes, I really do need help with figuring out a great new home for our catering community.

Is this the right place to continue this discussion or what do you suggest?

And YES - I think we are interested in your service - but need to figure out what that would entail since right now the site is "privately funded" eg I am footing all the bills - and am the sole moderator - for the moment. Hence my offer of trade for catering - anyone getting married? check out my personal business blogs via the links on the upper left hand side of

Of course I realize I may have to spend a few $$ out of pocket but want to at least be able to talk about what might work best.

One quick question that I cann't seem to find the answer to - does this forum software offer photo gallery plug in?


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
One quick question that I cann't seem to find the answer to - does this forum software offer photo gallery plug in?

Hi there :) There are several gallery add ons for XenForo, but none of them are "official".


OMG Member
May 25, 2011
is this the right forum category for these questions
and who should I talk to about getting help to figure out a solution to my questions/challenges?


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hi there experts - I am a culinary expert but by no means a forum expert although I have been active on catering forums for many many years (over 15) and have seen the progression from simple crude message boards to today's wizardry. Currently I run and moderate a forum on facebook - essentially a private fb group for caterers by caterers. It's social media at its best with shared discussions and photos (we currently have over 1800 photos posted by caterers from around the globe).
but let's face it, Facebook is not designed to be an effective forum. It was a great place to start but now it's time to grow up and grow into a "grownup" forum where you can *gasp* search, organize and moniter posts, among other things. Below is an outline of what we are looking to do. Being that I am a culinary fashionista and not a forum fashionista - I am offering to trade advice and real help (eg catering services) for your advice and help in guiding me to the right solution for our growing group. TIA for all responses - remember you were all newbies at one time too. and we all have to eat and my food is DELICIOUS... and yes, I will travel to you if necessary. Think of how cool it would be to have a NYC culinary fashionista come and cater your next event!
Forum community that would be housed under

caterbuzz is the global social media hub for catering and event professionals

the forum categories

**get the buzz hub: open view forum with general interest posts – simple log in, moderated posts until they reach the private level

the inner hive forum: private member view forum area – next level (after 10 posts) questionnaire with more information required to get into this area)

the beekeepers forum: private forum area for moderators only

the photo honeycomb hub – a private member only forum for uploading photos – with the ability to run a logged in members only comment thread below each photo. Photos should have the ability to be tagged with

i.key word(s) (categories – eg hors d’oeuvres, equipment, guests, décor, short plates, entrée, dessert, trend,
ii.members who may be in the photo or who you want to alert to the photo
iii.automatic tag of the member who posted the photo

**vendor buzz: a place for vendors to post or members to post vendor links – open view for now (same basic sign in as to join the buzz)

for sale or trade – (same basic sign in as to join the buzz)

**the caterbuzz store - link to

**link to the caterbuzz blog –

**The areas that would be viewable without logging in

The log in for the initial posting ability should be fairly simple and straightforward with a short questionnaire that needs to be approved by a moderator.

The next level of posting + viewing ability would require more information be filled out in the members profile and would be available after 10 posts or at the queen bee moderator’s discretion.

The final level(s) would be the moderator(s) who would have the ability to move and delete posts and queenbee who would have the ability to override membership, ban “drone” members, and see IP addresses and all information posted with full priviledges.

Membership Levels

One star = 10 posts * new- bee
After they attain newbie status they get to join the private section

Two stars = 50 posts ** worker bee
Three stars = 100 posts *** honey bee
Four stars = 200 posts buzzie **** general

Moderator ***** buzzie moderator
Forum leader queenbee

The military has it, resorts have it and now caterbuzz has it too - attain your four and five star status by working your way up the hive !!

Simple membership request

screen name + login name:
can be your real name or a pseudoname of choice

email address:
visible only to forum administrator will not be shown publically
and used to send notifications
will not be sold or shared outside of caterbuzz without your permission

date of birth ( to check they are older than 21 and for birthday notification - not visible to members)

number of years as event professional: must be higher than 1 (have drop down box of 1-60)

company website:

catering + event experience: (not mandatory at this level)

your position (possibley have a drop down box with categories including other which they can fill in)

company name

business phone number (not mandatory at this level)

company location

country + state

city/town, state, postal code (not mandatory at this level)

other features
once members are approved and start posting

on each post, see how many posts members have made to date and the member’s status
ability to search by member for all their posts
ability to search for posts and photos by keywords and/or post contents …listing most current first
most recently answered posts float back up to top.
When members log in the unread posts are bolded or highlighted in a different color
Notification of posting to a thread member started or posted to (??include ability for member to shut this off)
Ability to subscribe to post
Private messaging ability with notification to members own email to log back into caterbuzz site (is it possible for the moderator to be notified of private message activity not actual message but activity???)
pollen “karma” points for posts and photos
ability to upload photos in batches.
Ability to message all members by queenbee only
Some sort of connectivity to facebook – eg could the initial open forum be an open facebook group and post there (realizing that conflicts with some of the outlined criteria but just thinking about possibilities)

is it possible for a teaser search …kind of like the NYTimes
they see the results list but not the content unless they are logged in as a member? Either within the website or via google? Just asking

haven’t figured out how the photo gallery should be organized yet.

At this point because we are a facebook group there is only ONE giant photo album and of course it has each posters name and whatever tags they made as well as the title if they filled one out. Then there is a comments section below just like any other facebook photo.

We definitely want all those abilities within the photo gallery*
Such as name of poster and their status
Ability to title photo
Ability to have comment thread under each photo
Ability to tag other members
Ability to tag into a category – perhaps like IPHOTO where the member can choose existing tag catergories or make one up

Is there an issue about linking photos vs. uploading photos. I thnk we would prefer to have photos uploaded so we have control over the content. There probably needs to be a user agreement as well and a terms of posting (will be working on that but if you have anywhere to point me to would appreciate it)

Once the photos are in the gallery what are the choices in terms of “security” - can they be watermarked, or downloaded just by dragging or downloaded with a button or not downloadable at all. Suggestions – pros and cons.

These are the points I can remember – some of the level of detailing is more than you might need at this point to discuss and propose but it’s helping me to formulate what the criteria is.

Am sure we have forgotten some thing we wrote in the great deleted outline, but I also went further here too. We welcome your suggestions and thoughts and would love to know how to proceed in a very timely manner!!

Hello Caterbuzz,

It's cool to see you on our web site xenfans, and that you have an interest in the xenforo software from Hopefully we can help you answer a few questions, and perhaps even assist you getting started moving from a Facebook page to a XenForo powered community.

You mentioned pictures being posted on facebook, in xenforo you could do two things, a) attach a picture and it shows in the post, cycling through them will be possible through a inline lightbox. b) remote include an image hosted elsewhere.

XenForo by the way has Facebook integration, though limited, it simply allows users to quickly sign up or log in using their facebook account. And you can like/recommend pages, and there is a box somewhere with a list of your facebook friends. So social connections are somewhat respected.

Organizing posts and managing them, very much so possible with xenforo. - It has proper moderation tools and anti spam meassures. And usergroups / forum structure control, etc.

What could mean to you is simply giving free support on the forums while you have installation or operating questions. We have a public support forum and made starter documentation. Of course, private support via xenforo is also possible, and they have an official manual. Additionally we could offer you a first time installation service via - After you purchase a license we can help you by installing it on your host on your behalf. We usually offer it only as a bundled option for $25 with a convert service. But for $29 we can install it.

Despite that your food might be delicious, we unfortn. can't accept food for our services. But when I am in the US I will certainly come visit! (I am from the Netherlands). ;)

You can make a category for the registered usergroup, the default usergroup. And you can set posts in a forum to be moderated. So you require to review them prior to them becoming public. And then have another usergroup that you can upgrade members to, granting them access to view other category nodes and forums below them. And have those forums set to not moderate content. So they auto show. We can help you set this up - installing a forum and usergroup structure for you costs $29. Or, we can support you at no cost of course via our public forums, explaining where to find the tools to achieve this yourself.

Setting up a category for staff members only (admins, mods) is possible too, and can be included as part of the 'setting up forum structure job'.

There's no photo gallery feature in XenForo 1.0, but you can have members to simply publish pictures to a thread. And users can leave comments (and also upload attachments). Images attached are showing inline in a convinent manner.

Tagging is currently not possible in XenForo, but you can just leave the keywords inside the post - so it's searchable.

Please do note that it might be possible via third party plugins. I am personally unaware really if there is a photo addon that does what you want, and has these features. Someone from my team could look into this (and optionally install the plugin for you for a fee).

Having a sale/trade forum is possible too. You can just make a node (or we can do this) where users can publish content for this purpose.

A forum that is actually a link, to your third party urls, like blogspot or the store, very much so possible. We can set this up as part of the 'setting the forums up'.

Custom sign-up questions for registration is currently not supported by XenForo, but the login/registration process is fairly simple. And easily acceptable, including facebook integration.

Additional usergroups that require manual upgrades, or via an automated pay system, is possible too. You can create usergroups, and their permissions, including the forums and the access they should have access to, can be set up and the administrators can manage this, and the moderators can be controlling the content and members on the forums (banning them, seeing their IP, etc).

Profile details, as you mentioned them;
name: is the login name, how it shows in posts.
real name: not possible atm, it has no custom fields support
email: yes, possible
date of birth: yes, possible
number of years professional: not possible atm, no custom field support
company website: possible
experience: not possible, no custom field support
position: not possible, custom field ..
company name: not possible, custom field ..
business phone: not possible, custom field ..
country/state: possible, there's a location field
additional address details: not possible, custom field ..

That said, there is an "about me" section once signed up, where they can fill in these additional details. Of course, these details will then become public on their public social profile.

Perhaps it's possible through a plugin to add custom profile fields required during registration. Something I am not aware of.

There's a member card, and their public profile, where details such as registration date, post count, etc is visible.

Yes, you can search members for all their posts.

There are various ways to view unread content. They're marked under 'what is new', and a 'content feed from my friends/contacts'.

There are notifications in the top right when there are post replies, xenforo has alerts. This includes attaching files to content, replies, receiving a private message, or even getting quoted by others.

Notification preferences are avaiable.

Subscription to content is possible to be turned of, instant email, or without mail, but still subscribed.

Private msgs are possible via personal conversations. These are private, between 2 or more people. And come with an alert update when there's new stuff.

Karma points, no, but .. you can "like" posts. These are not facebook likes, but xenforo likes. These likes are tracked in the alert system.

Pictures can be attached per 1 or more, or in a batch, to posts. (not private msgs).

Teaser search, no I don't believe this is possible.

About remote picture inclusion via bbcode IMG, I am not sure you can turn this off. This is worth asking the pre-sales team.

Terms of services are presented to the user prior to registration. They can be linked to in the footer as well. You can include a section in here for uploading pictures ToS.

Watermarking, currently not possible by default.

It is humanly impossible to prevent users from downloading pictures. People might believe you can do right click prevention. I find that a poor policy, disabling javascript for example disables this. Plus, people can just take a screenshot of the page, or use their camera to take a picture of the picture.

Ok, I have answered your first post, and I hope to your liking. To summerize what we can do as xenfans:

For a fee we can help you with a first time installation of the XenForo for a fee. Bundled or not, with support to help set up a forum structure, usergroups, and their permissions for the yes/no moderated content, and yes/no access to these forums. If there are third party plugins you'd like to have us install, we can also do that. We ask $10 for the first one, and $2 for any additional style or plugin on top of that.

If our team fails to install xenforo, or the forum structure, or any plugin. We refund the money for that particular task, minus the base price of $9.

An example: Install a category/forum structure, with usergroups: $20. xenforo software installation bundle option $25 on top of that. And $10 for 1 plugin, and 3x$2 for 3 more plugins on top of that. And a one time base price of $9. Would make $70 total.

Of course, you're completely free to do it all yourself and use our forums or the forums to ask where can I find this, how do I start with that. Is there documentation on how to do this? Can you make a visual youtube video showing me how to set up a usergroup? .. Stuff like that.

You have a very interesting community idea and a great job. I am looking forward having a sneak peak at the site when it launches and hopefully come to visit your establishment for some fine foods if I go to the US. Yum!

For any more questions, do ask.


OMG Member
May 25, 2011
wow - alot to think about of course. The prices you mentioned are quite reasonable so that's not the issue, I am exploring multiple options to see what forum software would work best for us - given the criteria. Your thorough exploration is much appreciated.

One thing I've noticed with my "limited" experience here on this forum - is that I have not received any notification of reponses such as yours to this thread. I have had to think about coming back here to check periodically - and thus the engagement is ? slower? not sure of the right word. Maybe I need to click some button in my profile to facilitate the "reminders"? I am guessing that this forum is a "typical example" of how a xeno community might work. So by participating I am also "evaluating" .

Unfortunately I don't have a restaurant or storefront for you to visit, but would be happy to take you on one of my infamous "tale of the tiger" food safaris around NYC if you do come to visit - that offer is open to other members as well. It's a fun look at ethnic foods of NYC from the perspective of a native NYer, a chef, a foodie and a culinary fashionista... but we digress.

anyway, looking forward to further dialogue and direction. Can you point me to other forum communities that I can observe in action that might have some parallel to the one we have? Not necessarily the same industry just a similar concept and needs.


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
You can go through your account preferences and see if you have email notifications set for threads, or if it is just an alert, without email.

Any questions? Ask! :)

Well, I have been a vBulletin customer since 2.2.9 and was excited about 3.0 - joined their support team to help answer questions. We always worked towards version 4 and unfortn. took them over and went a different route (resulting in vb4 as you know it). I left the team when I saw it wasn't gonna go anywhere, and so did 6 others.. Including Kier their lead developer and Mike, another senior developer. Kier/Mike started, together with the ex-jelsoft business manager Ashley their own product from scratch called XenForo ..

Personally I rather use a product by people that know what they are doing, can make it from scratch, are engineering it and are innovating.

IPB just "gets inspired" (so I don't say Stealing) from their competitors, and vB is well .. not engineering anything.

At the moment for me personally I believe the stability that xenforo promises and that it will grow and become a big player on the market.


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
One thing I've noticed with my "limited" experience here on this forum - is that I have not received any notification of reponses such as yours to this thread. I have had to think about coming back here to check periodically - and thus the engagement is ? slower? not sure of the right word. Maybe I need to click some button in my profile to facilitate the "reminders"? I am guessing that this forum is a "typical example" of how a xeno community might work. So by participating I am also "evaluating" .

If you hover your name in the navbar, you'll see that there is a list of options.

You can edit what you recieve alerts for here:
Personal Details:
Contact Details:

Most importantly: Preferences:

Tick the box which says Automatically watch threads that you create or when you reply..


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
If you have any further questions about xenforo, or what xenfans can mean to you - please feel free to open a discussion with us, and Mikey will try his best to assist you.