Was your forum once very active but now very much dead as you have either lost interest in it or you have been busy with things in your life that caused you to not be able to spend time on your online community causing it loose its activity? Well its not that hard to bring your forum back to life with these quick and easy steps.
Written By: Kaiser of http://adminbb.org/
- One of the best things to do is change your forum's appearance as your members may have gotten bored of your forum, and may not come back although you have. So getting a new design is always a positive, and can make your members get interested all over again.
- The next thing you want to do is make sure you keep your forum up to date with its features such as mods, plugins, and the forum itself. This will keep your forum running smoothly, and not cause problems which may annoy your members.
- The most important part is to start posting on your forum. Reply to old threads, post new ones so that members wont get bored. Posting on your forum is a big deal as the main reason for a forum's death is its owner/admins not being active on the forum by posting.
- You also want to start advertising your forum on other sites that allow it so that you can increase your forum's activity by gaining traffic and new members.
Written By: Kaiser of http://adminbb.org/