[Request] Convert SMF 2.0 RC5 -> XenForo

Ryan Butters

OMG Member
May 23, 2011
Hi XenFans,

I am currently running a smallish SMF board (6151 posts, 1705 topics, 246 members). I have purchased a Xenforo license and am looking to have the SMF data converted over to the new Xenforo board.

I have not yet installed the Xenforo board, I would like to speak with you first about that. I could easily install the board, but am willing to pay for you to install it if it would in any way help or ease the conversion.

Please contact me via PM at your convenience.




I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Hello Ryan,

Thank you for your interest in the XenFans Convert Service and yes we support converting from SMF to XenForo 1.0.2 Stable via an in-house system.

We have a non-refundable $9 base price. The first 250,000 posts are $40, and $10 for every 250,000 posts thereafter. As a $25 bundle option you can request us to install or upgrade your board to the latest build of XenForo. If for some reason we can't do the import we will refund your money, minus the base price.

Total Posts: 6,151 / Board URL: unknown.

Base price: $ 9.
Convert Service: $ 40.
Install Bundle Option: $25

+Total: USD $ 74.

If you're still interested in this service please let us know, and we can get started. Please note that we desire 50% or 100% payment upfront over PayPal. This offer is valid until 30 days after 10/Jun/11.

Please note: If you already have XenForo up and running, customized or not, that we will need the .sql dump of both your source and target board in order to import your source data on top of it. And please do point this out to us, as we otherwise import your source data into a fresh install XenForo. We always strongly recommend to make a full backup of files and databases of your source and target database.
(target == your xenforo)

And please note that we can keep passwords when you convert from IP.Board or vBulletin - but Not when the source is from another software. Attachments are able to be converted in most cases, but without guarantee. We will also need access to the source attachments.

All the best,



I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
If you choose to install XenForo yourself, but it's a fresh setup - that you can upload the files, configure the database, etc, minus running the /install/ part .. that the price is $49, not $74.

Ryan Butters

OMG Member
May 23, 2011
I can easily do the XenForo upload and db config, leaving the conversion and /install/ part to you.

Once you have the .sql dump from the source, there is no need to keep the original forum? I'd be replacing it with the fresh XenForo upload.

As for payment, 100% up front would be fine.

And regarding inability to recover passwords, a simple password reset request by individual users will still work?


Staff member
Jan 26, 2008
Once you have the .sql dump from the source, there is no need to keep the original forum? I'd be replacing it with the fresh XenForo upload.

As for payment, 100% up front would be fine.

And regarding inability to recover passwords, a simple password reset request by individual users will still work?

Once we have the .sql file, we can do the conversion on our servers, but we do reccommend that you keep a copy of your data running live until you are absolutely 100% happy with the convert, otherwise in the unlikely case that you are not happy with the convert, you have nothing to revert to.

As for passwords, yes, your users will have to change them via the password reset form, XenForo makes this a breeze so this shouldn't be too hard for your users :)

Ryan Butters

OMG Member
May 23, 2011
No worries there, I have the forum backed up, it can be returned to at any time if something goes wrong.

I am interested in starting so please let me know where to send the sql dump, any addl info you'll need, and where to send payment. =)


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Apologies for waiting, I will give Mikey a poke - maybe the weekend slowed him down (not really an excuse).

Ryan Butters

OMG Member
May 23, 2011
Just a note that Xenfans accomplished a successful conversion of my board from SMF 2.0 RC5 to Xenforo. I highly recommend their services, they maintained a high level of contact throughout the process. Thanks guys. =)


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Glad to hear we were able to assist you - and that you're now enjoying a xenforo powered board. Have fun! And thank you for the kind words.