Social Anxiety, being shy, blah


I'm just me :) Hi.
Staff member
Jan 1, 2001
Meh, life sucks. It's not easy. People are rude, blunt, mean, inconsiderate, dishonest, etc.
And then there are a few that are pretty cool.

This is social anxiety for me. I don't see facial expressions that well. I see by hearing a lot. And in crowds I don't do well. And picking up on signs, or being teased vs someone meaning what they say. I can't do it. I hate traveling because of it, I hate parties, I hate going to events. I can be a meter away from a conference and turn around and convince myself I am better off alone.

I don't want to go into the details, but I am shy, on top of having social anxiety. I am not comfortable with myself, let alone be myself in front of others. And that's hard to imagine if you don't know how I experience this.

My eyes are so bad, it is the cause of 50% of it. My personality and being shy is the other 50%


Just a little crazy!!
Staff member
Mar 30, 2009
I can relate to a lot of that. Not the eyes/vision as I do not suffer in the way that you do. But being socially awkward in groups... yer that's me. I'm better one on one I think anyway. I hate feeling like I'm being judged and hate crowds these days so the school runs are an intense part of my daily life. I hate them with a passion for a few reasons from mental to physical. I can be shy too but it does depend on the mood at the time as other times I used to be the life and soul of the party (not so much anymore, well not at all).

So yer I can relate to this somewhat.

Azhria Lilu

OMG Member
Nov 16, 2003
The internet is a godsend for people with social anxiety. I don't get anxious, as such, but I'm very uncomfortable with groups of people, or people I don't know. Doing the school run is a nightmare in some ways as I have to listen to the godawful twittering of parents who have absolutely nothing in common with me. They all gather around talking about whatever soap opera or reality tv show they're obsessed with - Coronation Street, East Enders, Emmerdale, Big Brother, Britains Got Talent, X Factor - and I honestly cannot associate with any of it. I don't watch these things, I don't know why people watch these things :D

I can handle people in small doses, but for the most part I am not a people person. I'm too blunt, too outspoken, too likely to say what I think.

People I know on the internet, however, seem more inclined to accept who I am and I can pick and choose whether I want to socialise with them and for how long without them being offended when I say I'm done :D

I sound so mean lol


OMG Member
Apr 11, 2017
I used to suffer with depression and anxiety until a few years ago. I found a forum where I learned about the power of visualization to help you get past all those fears and I've never looked back since.


OMG Member
Apr 7, 2017
  • The internet is a godsend for people with social anxiety.
  • I don't get anxious, as such, but I'm very uncomfortable with groups of people, or people I don't know.
  • I can handle people in small doses, but for the most part I am not a people person. I'm too blunt, too outspoken, too likely to say what I think.
  • People I know on the internet, however, seem more inclined to accept who I am and I can pick and choose whether I want to socialise with them and for how long without them being offended when I say I'm done :D
  • I sound so mean lol
I put that in bullet form because that what it is to me.....a checklist of everything I too am about. The romantic in me says you're my soulmate, while the pragmatist in me says "She aint the only one":D

Everything you said was spot on, thank you for sharing that.